Digging For Truth
Inspirational Messages
Is it True that If We Do Not Follow Jesus, We Will be Deceived by Sorcery?
What's Lust have to do with it?
A League of His Own
Anger - What do we do with anger?
Babylon is fallen, Come Out of Her My People
Being Industrious in our Temporal Affairs
Diligance vs. Laziness
God Is Our Strength
How to Treat Fellow Humans - Aug. 2011
It's All About Love
Learning in the School of Christ
Question about the Celebration of Christmas
Showers of Blessing from Above
Ted Wilson - Preparation for Latter Rain - Aug. 2, 2011
Ted Wilson - Sermon at GC Session (July 3, 2010)
Ted Wilson Sermon to GYC - Jan. 1, 2011
Ted Wilson's Message to Annual Council - Oct. 13, 2012
The Parable of Lazarus and the Rich Man
Learning in the School of Christ
Topics for Future Sermons
Universalist vs Remnant
What Does the Bible Say about Diet
What is a Soul? How can we see one?
What is Christmas for?
What is Faith? And how can I get some?
Who is God?
Why Satan Hates Us
With Whom Do Mediums Speak ?
Digging Deeper
Article - Saved While Sinning
Article - Women's Ordination
Article -Signs that your church has become a club
Article-Regional Conferences-Segregation in USA
Church at Pergamos
Church of Ephesus
Church of Laodicea
Church of Philadelphia
Church of Sardis
Church at Smyrna
Fate of the Apostles and members of early church
Nurture, Retention, Reclaimation
Our Need for Improvement
Prophecies in 5th and 6th Trumpet
Shepherd's Rod Apostasy exposed
Three Angel's Message - Revelation 14
When was Jesus really Born - Study
Library Links
Adventist Broadcast Media Page
Adventist Colleges
Adventist Ministries
Adventist Periodicals
Adventist Pioneers
Adventist Publishing Organizations
Big Bang Theory
Church Websites
GC Executive Committee - members
GC Executive Committee members
GC Session - St. Louis (June 2022)
List of Adventists in Ohio
Official Church Ministries
On-Line Library - Books on the Internet
Reflections on Issues in Music and Worship
Statement on Human Sexuality - Nov. 2015
Unions and Conferences in NAD
Unity in Mission document - approved 10/11/2016
Videos on Three Angel's Tube
Church Manual
2022 Church Manual Changes
Chapter 1 - 18th Edition with changes shown
Church Manual Changes
Study in Reinstatement of Membership
Study of Church Governance and Unity - Sept. 2016
Working Policy L60 section 15
Writing of EGW in the Church Manual
Christian Education
ED-Chapter 35-School of Hereafter
Principles of True Education
Words and phrases related to Education
Health Section
Covid-19 Pandemic
Religious Liberty
Countdown to Sunday Laws
First Sunday Law - proposed by Senator Blair-1888
Words and phrases for RL
Words and phrases related to Religious Liberty
Bible Prophecy
Bible Prophecy Studies
New Testament
Old Testament
Spirit of Prophecy
1888 Chapter 102 - Uriah Smith
Abbreviation Key to EGW publications
Book - Acts of Apostles
Book - Desire of Ages
Book - Early Writings
Book - Last Day Events
Book - Patriarchs and Prophets
Book-Christ Object Lessons (Contents)
Celebrate Thanksgiving
EGW Prays before GC Session in 1903
EGW Quotes-A
EGW Quotes-Action
EGW Quotes-B (new)
EGW Quotes-Character
EGW Quotes-Christ
EGW Quotes-Eternal
EGW Quotes-GOD
EGW Quotes-Heaven
EGW Quotes-Heavenly
EGW Testimonies to the church (Vol. 1 to 9)
Newly Released Manuscripts - 2015
No Respect of Persons (Gospel Workers, 330)
People Section ( Quotes about people )
Pioneers of Advent Movement
Prayer Meeting - Pastoral Ministry, Chap.32
Preparation for Time of Trouble
RH 1884 - Importance of Education
RH, Dec. 16, 1890 - Duty of Confession
Selected EGW Quotations ( 7,000 phrases )
Selected Topics
Selected Messages
Signs of the Times
Visions of Ellen White
Sound Doctrine
1. The Word of God
10. Experience of Salvation
11. Growing in Christ
12. Doctrine of the Church
13. Remnant and Its Mission
14. Unity in the Body of Christ
1. The Godhead
3. God the Father
4. God the Son
5. God the Holy Spirit
6. Creation
7. Nature of Man
8. Great Controversy
9. Life, death, resurrection of Christ
Bible Studies
Books of Bible in Chronological order
Financial Tips from Solomon
Finding Jesus in Old Testament
Gifts when he accept Jesus
Parables of Jesus
Pillars of our Faith
Scriptures Used-OT
Writings of Paul - Hard to Understand
Our Ministries
Great Controversy (1911)
LINKEDin Network
Music Section
Prophecy Odyssey - NYC ( Sept. 20 to Oct. 5, 2024 )
Prophets and Kings
Thursday Conference Call
Tuesday Conference Call
Flaw in LINKEDin messaging - April 2024
Letter to EGW Estate - Question LDE 213.4
Reply to Steven s. - Jan. 2024
Template (SoP)
To Laurie S (110)
Contact Us
HP - Chapter 12
HP - Chapter 18
YI-June 1897-Preach the Gospel
Spirit of Prophecy
Selected EGW Quotations ( 7,000 phrases )
Blind (2,101)
Books of a new order
Books of Heaven (Separate page)
Book of death (14)
Book of Life (419)
Book of remembrance (84)
Books of remembrance
Registered in the books of heaven
Upon the books of heaven (17)
1833 ( faling stars )
Autumn 1844
Summer 1844
EGW Quotes - D
Danger (Separate page)
Danger of rejecting (21)
Danger Signal (79)
Greatest Danger
Most dangerous
Time of danger (34)
Dark Ages
Deal with equity
Dealing ( God deals with )
Dealing with the erring
In dealing with the erring
Dealings with others
His dealings with
How to deal with the erring
Death (Second Death)
State of the Dead
Deceptive (840)
Deceptive power (135)
Decision (wrong decision)
Deeds ( separate page )
Deeds of kindness (58)
Noble Deeds
Defense of Truth
Stand in Defense of Truth
Definition of . . .
Definition of an idol
Delay (There must be no delay)
Deliverance from Sin
Deliverance of His servants
Great Deliverance
Last Great Delusion
Satanic delusions
Delusions of Satan
Demon worship
Depend on God
Depend on self
Depend upon Him
Dependence on divine power
Dependence upon God
Our dependence on God
Destiny of Souls
Destiny of the wicked
Destroy (Separate Page)
Destruction of the wicked (14)
Determination (802)
Difference (making a difference)
Digging for truth
Dignity (1,560)
Search diligently (44)
Directions - Explicit directions (25)
Disadvantage of
Bitter Disappointment
Clear Discernment
Discern the motives
Discipline (Separate page)
Deal with the erring (27)
Disfellowshipped (9)
Separate from the Church
Spirit of Discontent
Discourage ( Separate page )
Discourage (655)
Discourage our brethren
Spirit of Discouragement
Discussion of . . .
Dishonor God (384)
Dishonor God by Transgression
Disloyalty to God
Displease God (64)
Displeasing to God (131)
Christlike disposition (7)
Christlike manner (34)
Disregard of the Law
Divine (separate page) new
Divine authority (202)
Divine Compassion (84)
Divine help (205)
Divine aid (212)
Divine likeness (95)
Divine patience (41)
Divine protection (35)
Divine rebuke (8) reproof
Do right because
Spirit of Domination
Done ( It is done )
Done to Christ Himself (9)
It is gone in heaven
Doom (approaching doom)
Impending Doom
Be afraid to doubt
Doubt the existence of God
Seeds of doubt
There is no need to doubt
Word of Doubt
Draw near to God
Draw nigh to God
Draw them to Himself (20)
He draws nigh
Dumb dogs
EGW quotes - E-F
Earthly things (346)
Emboldened in sin
In every emergency
End justifies the means
In the end (350)
See the end from the beginning (33)
Power of endurance
Dangerous enemy
Enemy of God and man
Enrich the mind
Enter the strait gate (15)
Entering wedge
Envy is . . .
Filled with envy
Error (Separate page)
Correct their errors (60)
Expose their errors (15)
Mistake (this is a mistake)
Great Mistake
Make a great mistake (42)
Never a greater mistake
Correct their mistakes (8)
Mistakes of . . .(131)
Similar mistake (14)
Terrible Mistake
Able to escape
Escape punishment
Escape the wrath of God
Way of escape
Essence (160)
Essential ( is essential )
Essential for man
Essential is the
Essential preparation (25)
Essential to salvation
Essential for salvation (12)
More essential (115)
Soul-winning (72)
Every (separate page)
Every controversy (13)
Every person we contact
Accept evidence (8)
Conclusive evidence
Evidence of experience
Evidence that . . .
Evil (Separate page)
Evil tongues
Tide of evil (105)
Example of what God does
Set a right example
Excuse (2,291)
Legal excuse (8)
Exercise the right
Bitter experience
Personal experience (201)
Experimental religion
Necessity of experimental religion
Eye salve
Heavenly eye salve
Could their eyes be opened
Eyes have been opened (23)
See eye to eye
Fact - Facts (Separate page)
Deplorable fact
Learn the facts
No failure (51)
Fair chance
Given a fair chance
Faith (Separate page)
Faith of Noah
Faithful (Separate page)
Faithfulness to God (40)
Genuine faith
Intelligent faith (56)
Living faith (930)
Penitence and faith (65)
Persevering faith (81)
False (Separate page)
False Doctrines of human origin (5)
False report (27)
False reports (111)
Familiarity (238)
Familiarity with sin
Undue familiarity (32)
Repress fanaticism
Fasting (418) -
True fasting (11)
Fear (Separate page)
Feast of Pentecost
Feast of Tabernacles
Fidelity (separate page) 989
Fighting against God (36)
Fire (separate page)
Balls of fire (16)
Flatter ourselves (49)
Flatter themselves
Follow Jesus
Followers of Christ
Every follower of Christ should
Professed followers of Christ
Those who follow Christ
To follow Jesus requires
Follow their own (359)
Follow their own way
Foolish talk (22)
Forbearance of God
Forbearance toward (33)
His Forbearance
Forbidden ground
Exercise of force
Forced obedience
Resort to force (12)
Form of Godliness
Formation of small companies
Forward (Go Forward)
Go out from us
France ( French Revolution )
Free - Freedom ( Separate section )
Free gift (132)
Freedom of will
Freedom of choice
Fruits of the Spirit (Separate page)
Fulness (Separate page)
Fulness of God (58)
Fulness of joy (28)
Fundamental principle
fundamental principle of love
Future (Separate page)
In the future life
EGW Quotes - G-H-I
Give yourself to (67)
Give himself to God (8)
Glory to God (283)
Glory of His name (87)
Glory to His name (17)
God (Separate page)
Children of God
Connection with God
Gift of God
GOD given (1,411)
God given duty (19)
God given talents (86)
God loves (301)
What God loves
God requires (separate page)
God's (Separate page)
God's Plan (550)
God's servants (697)
God's Way (Separate page)
Walk in God's way (10)
Walk in My ways (63)
People (Chosen People of God)
Reverse God's order
Image of God (795)
Oppose God
Spirit of God
Spirit of God is being withdrawn
withdrawing from the world
The Father and the Son
Going to law (4)
Gold ( pure gold )
Burnished Gold
Gold tried in the fire
Golden rule
Good (Separate page)
Good deeds
Good impulse
Great good (243)
Gospel (Separate page)
Gospel message (338)
Government (Separate page)
Grace (Separate page)
Grace of Christ (1,911)
Power of the grace of Christ (75)
through the grace of Christ
Great (Separate page)
Greatest miracle
Real greatness
True greatness
Great Anxiety
Great Controversy
Great harm (136)
Grieved Christ by
Personal grievance
When aggrieved
Guide - Guidance (separate page)
Guidance of the Holy Spirit
Speak no guile
Guilt (Their guilt is . . .)
Clear the guilty
Conceal his guilt
Guilty of a great sin
Habits (Separate page)
Right physical habits
Happiness of the redeemed (17)
Happiness (Source of Happiness)
Know happiness (8)
Harmony with God
Harmony with the laws
Harmony with the spirit (73)
Work in harmony (309)
Work in harmony with (226)
Harsh treatment
Harshness of speech
Harshness toward (4)
Manifest harshness
Harvest (Last great harvest)
Hate (Separate page)
Heart ( separate page )
Divided heart (60)
Hardness of Heart (178)
Heart is prepared (6)
Heart to heart (170)
Sanctified heart (51)
Search our hearts (24)
Soil of the heart (78)
Subdue the heart (27)
Tender heart (40)
Heaven (Separate page)
Heavenly treasure (250)
Help from God
Heresy (Damnable Heresy)
Heresy of . . .
High-handed (15)
Hindrances to strength
History (Separate page)
lessons of Bible History
Holiness (Separate page)
True Holiness (194)
Holy Place
Most Holy Place
Holy Spirit (Separate page)
Honest Heart
Honest inquirer (9)
Path of honesty
An Honor to suffer
Honor of God
Honor (Highest honor)
Hope (Seperate page)
Find Hope (17)
Hope of Glory (389)
Hope of immortality
Hope of reward (16)
Hopeless condition
Words of hope
Human (Separate page)
Human agencies (534)
Human agency (99)
Human moralists (5)
Human race (873)
Human standard (38)
Human Tradition
Humanity (5,516)
humiliation (2,001)
humility of heart
True Humility
God haes hypocrisy
Form of idolatry
Illustration of the Love of Christ
Illustration of the way
Illustration of what
Image of Jesus
In His image
image to the beast
Image of the beast
Imagination (Separate page)
Immortal minds
Hope of immortality
Immortality of the soul
In the sight of . . .(Separate page)
Contemptible in the sight of God
Influence (Separate page)
Influence of . . .(Separate page)
Men of influence (54)
Sphere of influence (19)
sphere of our influence (44)
Israel (Separate page)
Ancient Israel, a warning for us
History of Ancient Israel
In Ancient Times
EGW Quotes - I - J
Days of Jeremiah
I am instructed to speak (10)
I have been instructed by the Lord ( )
Ignorance (Separate page) Ignorant
Willful ignorance (10)
Impart to others
Important (separate page) Importance
How important (310)
How important then (78)
Importance of this (76)
It is important (210)
Most Important (638)
Most important issues (3)
Importunate (107)
Importunity (56)
Impossible (2,711) new
It is impossible (1,143)
It will be impossible (83)
Impression of (123)
In the . . . (117,471)
In the name of (1,831)
In the records of heaven (7)
In the world (4,231)
In the world to come (140)
Inclination (1,008)
Follow inclination (48)
Follow their own inclination (14)
Human inclination (3)
Natural inclination ( 53 )
Indifference (1,315)
Coldness and indifference (24)
Indifferent (1,008)
To be indifferent (42)
Spell of indifference (10)
individual (Separate page)
Individual effort (91)
Personal effort (364)
Individual labor
Individual work (196)
Indolence (503)
Indulgence (3,715)
Doctrine of indulgences (19)
Hurtful indulgences (55)
Pernicious indulgences (5)
Self-indulgence (619)
Sinful indulgences (90)
Infidelity (567)
Infinite (4474)
Infinite power (291)
Hand of infinite power (38)
Ingratitude (291)
Injunction of Christ (28)
Injury (1,217)
Great injury (169)
Greater Injury (15)
Injury done to . . .
Injustice (555) (Separate page)
Every taint of injustice (8)
Inspiration (1,653)
Pen of inspiration (80)
Instruction (Plain instruction)
Integrity (new page)
Habits of integrity
Man of integrity (20)
Unwavering integrity (6) new
Intolerance --
Religious intolerance --
Spirit of intolerance --
investigative judgment
In the investigative judgment
Invincible (105)
Invisible world (51)
Invitation (1,457)
It is the purpose of God to
It is written
New Jerusalem
Jesuit (5) - Jesuits (10)
Jesus ( Separate page )
Co-laborers with Jesus Christ
Presence of Jesus (231)
Jesus ( Separate page )
Joy of . . .
Joy of beholding
Joy of Christ
Joy of communion
Joy of giving
Joy of seeing
Joy of service
Joy of the Lord
Joy of the redeemed
Joy of the believers
Joy of victory
Greatest Joy (55)
Leap with joy - Leaps with joy
Judgment (Separate page) Judge
In the Judgment (544)
Judgment Seat (157)
Common Justice
Justice of God
God's Justice
Justice was perverted
Work of the investigative judgment
EGW Quotes - J-K-L
Keep (13,174)
Keep evil out of our churches
Kindness (2,361)
Acts of kindness (35)
Disinterested kindness (20)
Full of kindness (15)
Spirit of kindness (53)
Unkind (302)
Unkind to others (4)
Unkindness (105)
Kingdom (8,032)
Kingdom of glory (176)
Kingdom of God (1,695)
Kingdom of grace (17)
Knock at the door (14)
Know the truth
Desire to know the truth
Knowledge (Separate page)
Experimental Knowledge (294)
Knowledge of ourselves (11)
Labor Unions (43)
Lame be turned out of the way
Lamp (474)
Lamps trimmed and burning
Laodicean church
Laodicean message (67)
Message to the Laodiceans
Last Day Events (Separate page)
Last Days (2,319)
Perils of the last days (289)
Last generation
For this last generation
In these last days
In the last days (494)
Latter rain (276)
Value of the Latter Rain
Law of God (Separate page)
Oppose the Law of God
Law of the Mind
Lawsuit (12)
Lay aside (408)
Leaders (Separate page)
Blind Leader
In positions of responsibility (194)
Leaders in rebellion (5)
Men in positions of trust (69)
Placed in responsible positions (28)
President of a conference (46)
Conference president (128)
Presidents of conferences (109)
standards of leadership
Lesson - Lessons (Separate page)
Lesson book (223)
Object Lesson (229)
Liability of . . .
Liberty (Separate page)
Liberty is . . . (26)
Liberty of conscience
Licentiousness (235)
Life (Separate page)
Law of Life (27)
Life to come (257)
Life unto Life (494)
Object of Life (54)
Channel of Light (188)
Flood of Light (112)
More light
New Light (section)
New Revelation
Ray of Light (415)
Receive the light (277)
Rejection of light (45)
No limit to the usefulness of
Living water
Longevity (14)
Lose sight of Gods way
Lose sight of eternal interests
Lost (Utterly lost)
Lost sheep (419)
Loud Cry
Love (Separate page)
Love of the world (403)
Love one another (653)
True Love (211)
Without love (16)
Loyal (1,149)
To be loyal (59)
Loyalty to God (190)
Test of loyalty
Lukewarm state (20)
The Lord (Separate page)
Army of the Lord (60)
The Lord permits trials
The Lords Supper (92)
EGW Quotes - R
Rapid (330)
Rearward (128)
Rebellion (Separate page) 2,215
Father of rebellion
Redemption (separate page)
Science of redemption (18)
Reform (Separate page) Reformation
Spirit of reform (7)
Remedy (761)
Remission of sin (21)
Remission of sins (136)
Represents the sinner (8)
Reproach (1,733)
Reproach against your neighbor (8)
Reproof ( Rebuke )
Giving reproof (19)
Reprove sin (32)
Reproved by God (8)
Repudiate (34)
Responsible (Just as responsible)
Resurrection of damnation (12)
Resurrection of life
Reveal (4,420)
Reveal - God will reveal Himself ( 32 )
Revive - Revival (Separate page)
Need of Revival
Reward (2,889)
Right - Rights (Separate page)
Do what is right (12)
God given right (6)
No right to (375)
Proving his right (1)
Right of appeal (2)
Right to expect (58)
Rights of others (25)
Others have rights
Their rights (93)
the rights of all (6)
Turn the stranger from his right
Righteousness (separate new)
Unrighteousness (925)
Risk (the risk) 151
At the risk of (73)
At the Risk of his (25)
Robbery (485)
Royal family (407)
Members of the royal family (269)
Ruin (separate page)
Bring ruin upon . . . ( )
Bring ruin upon himself
EGW Quotes - S-T
Sabbath (Separate page)
Saint (Separate page) Saints
Salvation (Separate page)
Plan of Salvation (970)
Sanctification (Separate page)
Sanctuary (Separate page)
Satan (Separate page)
Attributes of Satan (95)
Bulwarks of Satan
Instruments of Satan (7)
Partnership with Satan (11)
Power of Satan (486)
Satan has control of
Satan is leading
Satan says
Satan's (Separate page)
Satanic (Separate page)
Spirit of Satan (101)
Satan works (210)
Satan works to destroy
Worker for Satan (workers)
Scruptures (Separate page)
Scriptures teach us (4)
Search out wrongs (2)
Self (Separate page)
Battle with self (25)
Live for Self (71)
Self-esteem (332)
Self-examination (133)
Self-serving (117)
Selfishness ( 3,294 )
Shaking (Separate page)
Silence (1,301)
Keep Silent (172)
Remain silent (79)
Remained silent (30)
Sin (Separate page) Sins
Call sin by its right name
Cherished Sin (37)
Conflict with sin (18)
Greater sin (44)
Grievous Sin (65)
Sin is sin (17)
Skepticism (340)
Skeptical world (12)
Snare (Separate page) Snares
Most dangerous snares
Soul - Souls (Separate page)
Loss of souls (35)
Loss of other souls (9)
Soul searching (9)
Speech (Separate page)
Power of speech (68)
Spiritual ( Separate page )
Spiritual condition (156)
Spiritual death
Spiritually dead (22)
Spiritual perception (41)
Spiritual perceptions (40)
Spiritual things (732)
Spiritualism (Separate page)
Stand ( power to stand )
Called to stand (36)
Stand aside (23)
Stand out of the way (29)
Standard (Separate page)
Keep the standard (13)
Standard of character (186)
Standard of Piety
Steward (Separate page) Stewards
Faithful stewards (242)
Unfaithful steward (47)
Unfaithful stewards (89)
Strength (Separate page)
Success (Separate page)
Secret of success (25)
Supernatural (251)
Supernatural help (5)
Supernatural power (56)
Supernatural powers
surface (670)
Surprise (Soon to break)
Suspicion (Separate page)
Symbol (636)
Symbols (383)
Sympathy (4,167)
Talent of reason
Use your talents (22)
Tares (Separate page)
Temptation (Separate page)
Test (Separate page)
Testimony (Separate page)
Pointed testimony (70)
Things (28,820)
Disagreeable things (31)
Third Angels Message (Separate page)
Thought (separate page)
Thoughts (Separate page)
Time (Separate page)
Time has come when (197)
Time of Trouble (Separate page)
Verge of the time of trouble
Time to labor (16)
Translation (278)
Treachery (87)
Treasure (Separate page)
Earthly treasure (252)
Tree of Life
Right to the Tree of Life (200)
True (Separate page)
True as steel (94)
Trust in God (Separate page)
Trust in Human (Separate page)
Truth (Separate page)
Advancement of Truth
Against the truth (354)
Gems of truth (140)
Leaven of truth (62)
Old truth (17)
Present truth (2,018)
Principles of truth (466)
Seeking for Truth (65)
Earnest seeker (90)
Earnestly seeking for truth
Special truth (14)
Special truths (166)
Teach the Truth
EGW Quotes - U-V-W-X-Y-Z
Unapproachable (78)
Light unapproachable (40)
Unbelief (Separate page)
Unction of the Holy Spirit (18)
Understand (8,730)
Unfallen (311)
Unfallen beings (45)
Unity (Separate page)
Unlikeness to Christ (40)
Unchristlike (165)
Unmasked (56)
Unpopular (188)
Unselfish (Separate page)
Unwavering firmness
Uproot the tares
Value of . . .(Separate page)
Highest value (286)
Variance ( )
victory (separate page)
Gain a victory (26)
Obtain the victory (112)
Turn defeat into victory (5)
Vision (Separate page)
Vital force (127)
Voice (Lift up their voice)
Warning (Separate page)
Last warning message
Watchman (Separate page)
Way of the Lord (Separate page)
Will of God (Separate page)
Wisdom (Separate page)
Wisdom from above (133)
Wisdom that is from above (101)
Withdraw His Spirit
Word of God (Separate page)
Work (Separate page)
Appointed work (483)
Great work to do (103)
Work at cross purposes
Work in New York
Work of Atonement
Work of Preparation
World (Separate page)
Conformed to this world
Worldly (Separate page)
worldliness (442)
Worship (Separate page)
EGW Quotes - W
Give ourselves wholly (18)
Welcome (909)
Bid them welcome (7)
What it means (625)
What does it mean (33)
Willpower (30)
Wonder (847)
Lying wonders (172)
Word (Separate page) Words
Kind Word (19) - Kind words (163)
Work (Separate) new
Head of the work (103)
Our work (2,614)
Special work (891)
Work of Satan (200)
Workers for Christ (71)
Co-workers with Him
Wounded (995)
heal the wounded (7)
Wrath of God (523)
God's wrath
Wrong (Separate page) Wrongs
Between right and wrong (178)
Correct wrongs (16)
Discern right from wrong (6)
Every wrong (141)
Right every wrong (17)
Excuse wrongs (5)
Great wrong (75)
In the wrong (292)
EGW Quotes -P-Q-R
Great question (76)
Pain (1,645)
Parable of . . .(Separate page)
Parable of Rich Man and Lazarus
Partake (559) Partaker (719)
Passover (326)
Peace (separate page)
Counsel of peace (18)
Pentecost ( Day of Pentecost )
The Pentecost (9)
People (Separate page)
In the eyes of the people
People of God (2,460)
People of god shall (16)
people who feel no need of his help
Special People
State of perfection
Peril - Perils
Day of Peril
Perils of the Last Days are upon us (51)
Signs of approaching peril
Perish (Separate page)
Perish in their sins (37)
Perplexities (802)
Perplexed (658)
Perplexes the mind (11)
Perplexity (1,157)
Persecution (Separate page)
Personal (4,505)
Pharisees (2,023)
Pharisees and Sadducees (91)
Pharisees of old (22)
Philosophy (617)
Philosophy of Health (15)
Piety (1,872)
Men of piety (13)
Pillars of Truth
Pillars of the Christian Faith
Plan (Separate page)
Plan and execute (61)
Plan of Redemption (617)
Pleasure (4,008)
pursuit of pleasure (13)
Pollution (241)
poor in spirit (80)
Pope (Separate page) Papacy
Popular (866)
Power (3,676) Separate page
He will give power (15)
Mighty power (338)
Power of God (2,825)
Power of godliness (31)
Power to discern (32)
Power to do good (41)
Practice (3,561)
Practice self-denial
Praise (5,096)
Praise to God (273)
Word of praise
Prayer (Separate page)
Importunate Prayer (34)
Preaching (2,085)
Preaching the gospel (197)
Prejudice (1,709)
Preparation for (Separate page)
Prepared to stand
Preparing for the Mark of the Beast
Presence of (1,211)
Presumption (402)
Presumptuous (357)
Sin of presumption
Pride (Separate page)
Pride of opinion (58)
Pride of position (7)
Principle ( Separate section )
Adhere to principle
Departure from right principles
Fundamental principles ( 65 )
Great principle (62)
Principles of His kingdom
Principles of justice (33)
Principles of piety
Principles of Righteousness
Principles that govern (31)
Stand firm to principle
Privilege of being (101)
What a privilege
Probation (Separate page)
Time of Probation (42)
Proclaim (1,764)
Proclaimed with a loud voice
Progress (1,627)
Ladder of progress (79)
Promised Land
Borders of the promised land (23)
Promises of God (Separate page)
Prophecy (Separate page)
Propitiation (284)
Proportionate (510)
Proportional (8)
Proportionate to the light
Proportionate to the value
Condition of prosperity (12)
Prosperity of the church (74)
Protection from (70)
Protestant America (15)
Protestant churches
Protestant world (93)
Providence (Separate page)
Pulpit (580)
From the pulpit (125)
From the pulpits (27)
Pulpits (99)
Stand in the pulpit (15)
Punish (586)
Escape punishment
Purpose of life
Purpose of the Sabbath (4)
Former rain
Receive the former rain
Repentance (Separate page)
Revival (Separate page)
Righteousness (Separate page)
Imparted righteousness
EGW Quotes-B
EGW Quotes-C-D
Calamity (Scenes of Calamity)
Terrible Calamities
Calvary (Scenes of Calvary)
Cross of Calvary
Mystery of the Cross
Shuns the cross
Cancel (to make of no effect)
Candles (Golden Candlesticks)
Cast out (950)
Cause (Without cause)
Cause of the oppressed
Worsted his own cause
Caution (be very cautious)
Character (Separate Page)
Child of God (788)
Choose the right
Pick and choose
Christ (Separate page)
Christ's (Separate section)
Connection with Christ
Close connection with Christ
Death of Christ
At the Death of Christ
Fall on the Rock
Love of Christ (1,785)
Suffer for Christ
Christian (Separate page)
Claiming to be . . . ( )
Church (Separate page)
Church member (281)
Church members (1,260)
Unconverted church members
Church of England
Corruption of the church
Gathered into one church (5)
Seventh-day Adventist Church
Cities (leave the cities)
Close their eyes to
Coldness by those
Coldness and hardhearted
Coldness and indifference
commune with us
Communicate (Willing to Communicate)
Communicate to others (93)
Communion Service
Feet washing
The Last Supper
The Lord's Supper
Table of the Lord
Company after company (16)
Compassion (Full of compassion)
Compassion toward (54)
Compliance (strict compliance)
Comprehension (Separate page)
Compromise with sin
Compromise between
compromise of truth
Compromise with evil
Condemn others (58)
Conditions (Separate page)
Real Condition (25)
Confession and forsaking of sin
Confession of guilt
Confession of his sin
Confession of sin
Confess his sin (28)
Confess their sins (116)
Confidence (Separate page)
Confidence in the flesh (7)
Conflict (In the final conflict)
Conflict between truth and
Conform - Conformity section
Conformity to the will of God
Conform to worldly customs
Conscience (Separate page)
Consecrated to God
Holy consecration
Contaminated with guilt
Contrition (522)
Control (separate page)
Control of the enemy
Control of the Holy Spirit (99)
Control over minds
Control the minds (59)
Receive correction
Refuse to be Corrected
Counsel of peace
This counsel is for us
Counterwork the work of God (26)
Courage (Lose courage)
Courage to condemn wrong
Courage to reprove wrong
Courtesy (Separate page)
Christ was Courteous
Christian courtesy
Courts (Appeal to courts)
Courts of Justice
Covenant (Everlasting Covenant)
Covenant with God
Beware of covetousness
Sin of Covetousness
Coward (28)
Cowardice (109)
Creation (Separate page)
Crisis (Last crisis)
Come to a Crisis (17)
Great Crisis
Great Crisis is just before us
Time of Crisis
Criticize and condemn
Cross (4,904)
Triumphs of the cross (93)
Crown of glory
Marks of the crucifixion
Curses (159)
Cursed be he . . . (13)
Darkness (Separate page)
Great Darkness
Perish in Darkness (11)
Day of Atonement
Deception (Separate page)
Desire (Separate page)
Disasters (Separate page)
Divine (Separate page)
Doctrines (Separate page)
Duty (Separate page)
Ten Commandments (Separate page)
Commandments of Men
EGW quotes-M-N
Malice (560)
Malice of Satan
Mammon (440)
Mankind (604)
Manner in which we should treat
Mansions of the blessed
Glorious mansions (7)
Heavenly mansions (93)
Mark of the Beast
Mark of the Beast (Warning)
Receive the Mark of the Beast
Marriage Covenant (25)
Marriage is a blessing
Marriage vows (40)
Martyrs (268)
Martyred for their faith
Maxims (334)
Meekness (Separate page)
Meet the Lord
Mercy (7,380)
Invitations of Mercy (32)
Message of Mercy (525)
Reject His mercy (8)
Message (Separate page)
Messiah (651)
Method (523)
His Method
Midnight Cry (76)
Mind (22,619)
Defile the mind (5)
Enrich the mind (11)
Force the mind
Fortify the mind
Mind of Christ (300)
Open the mind
Renew the Mind (26)
Train the mind (23)
Minister (5,022)
Minister in sacred things (20)
Ministers of evil
Ministers of the gospel (275)
Unconsecrated ministers
Unfaithful minister(s)
Minute men
Miracles (Separate page)
Misrepresent (342)
Misrepresent God (21)
Model ( as a model )
Moment by Moment (66)
Money is . . . (453)
Moral (Separate page)
Moral courage (326)
Moral image of God (249)
Moral nature (89)
Moral powers (469)
Moral standard (150)
Moral transformation (9)
Most Holy Place ( 229 )
Motives (Separate page)
Judged by the motives
New motives (31)
Mountian - Mount
Mount of Olives (136)
Murmuring against God
Music (Separate page)
Must be done now (18)
Must be met (135)
Must be met and overcome
Must press together (22)
Must draw together (18)
We must follow (61)
Mystery (1,265)
Mystery of iniquity (78)
Mystery of Redemption (36)
Mystery of the Cross (11)
Narrow path (153)
Neglect (Separate page)
By their neglect (28)
Neglect to correct (9)
Neglect to hear (32)
New Light (Separate page)
Obedience (Separate page)
Opposition (Separate page)
Opposition to God
EGW Quotes-N-O
Name (Separate page)
In His Name (513)
Name of Christ (572)
Nature (Separate page)
Beauty of Nature (34)
Divine Nature (1,568)
Partaker of the Divine Nature (417)
Laws of nature (214)
Nature speaks (15)
Selfish nature (36)
Sinful nature (28)
Near the close of Earth's history
Need (21,117)
Necessity for . . . (493)
Necessity for another coming out
Need of a Saviour (68)
Need of strength from God
Needs to be studied
Real need of . . . (8)
Neighbor (1,490)
Deceive our neighbor
Our neighbor (246)
Stranger that sojourneth
Thy neighbor (367)
Never (17,548)
God Never (312)
God never contradicts himself (8)
New Covenant (78)
Sanctuary of the New Covenant
New Year
Beginning of the new year
New York City
Noble (Separate page)
Noble ship (8)
None (5,421)
Make of none effect (115)
Not one in Twenty (22)
Now is the time
Must be done now (16)
Now is the time to Heed (Obey)
Now is the time to prepare
Obedience (Separate
Obedience to . . . (
Obey the call (38)
Willing Obedience (242)
Offensive to God (120)
Offering / Offerings (page)
Sacrificial offerings
Old fashioned
His Omnipotence (20)
Open the door (561)
Opening the door to your heart
Open the eyes (83)
Opinion (897)
Difference of opinion (69)
Disagreement of opinions
Preconceived opinions (72)
Ordained (1,172)
Ordination (105)
Order in the church (34)
Order in heaven (18)
setting things in order (20)
Origin (622)
Other worlds (93)
Inhabitants of other worlds
Outcast (106)
Outcasts (154)
Outpouring of the Holy Spirit
Overcome as Christ overcame (104)
Overcome by temptation (40)
We must overcome
Overreach (37)
Overreaching (82)
Overrule (36)
Overruled (99)
Overruled Events (18)
Overruling (92)
Men of ability (93)
Noble (2,840)
Nominal Adventists
2SM - Chap.5 - Miracles
Selected Topics
Loud Cry - EW, 277
Reward of Service - Chapter 27
2SM - Chap.3 - Holy Flesh Doctrine
End of 2300 Days - EW, 54-56
Education, Chap. 15 - Business Principles
Elements of Good Leadership - PM, Chapter 23
Domination - Christian Leadership, p. 31
Agressiveness - Christian Service, p. 228
Selected Messages
SM1-Relation of Faith and Works, p.377
Time of Trouble - EW, 282
Evangelism, Chap 8 - Distinctive Truth
Gospel Workers, p 330 - No respect of persons
How to Celebrate Thanksgiving
Last Deceptions of Satan - Ms 16, 1884
Ministry of Healing - Chap 35 - Knowledge of God
Ministry of Healing - Chapter 40 - Help in Daily Living
Prayer Meeting - Pastoral Ministry, page 183
Promptness in Work of God - GW p. 96
Right or Wrong - Upward Look, p. 140
Peace of Christ - Upward Look, p. 220
Sanctuary Doctrine - Upward Look, p. 199
Testimonies for the Church ( CCh - Chapter 14 )
Testimony to Ministers, p. 45 - A Living Church
Snares of Satan - TM, p. 472
Testimony to Ministers, p. 359 - Abuse of Power
Treatment of the Erring - 15MR, 172
What Shall We Play - Adventist Home, Chapter 80
Cooperative games ( suggestions )
Signs of the Times
Beatitudes - ST, May 9, 1892
Sin of Achan - ST, April 21, 1881
ST - 1882 - Sons of Samuel
ST - 1885 - Address to the workers
ST - 1892 - the living vine
ST - 1899 - Our country (USA) dangers - July 4
Visions of Ellen White
First Vision - Dec. 1844
Randolph Vision (Large Bible) - Jan. 1846
Vision - Feb. 1846 - Day Star
Vision in a Sailboat - Summer 1846
Vision of Heavenly Sanctuary - April 1847
Vision of New Earth - 1845
Vision of the Shaking - Nov. 1857
Sound Doctrine
1. The Word of God
10. Experience of Salvation
11. Growing in Christ
12. Doctrine of the Church
13. Remnant and Its Mission
14. Unity in the Body of Christ
1. The Godhead
Godhead - GC Session 1980
Transcript - GC Session 1980
3. God the Father
4. God the Son
5. God the Holy Spirit
6. Creation
7. Nature of Man
8. Great Controversy
9. Life, death, resurrection of Christ
Bible Studies
Books of Bible in Chronological order
Financial Tips from Solomon
Finding Jesus in Old Testament
Jesus Fulfills OT Prophecies
Gifts when he accept Jesus
Parables of Jesus
Pillars of our Faith
Investigative Judgment
State of the Dead
Scriptures Used-OT
Book of Isaiah (Scriptures)
Isaiah 27, 5 - Make peace with God
Isaiah 33 verse 14-17
Book of Psalms
Psalm 90
Psalm 91
Psalm 92
Scriptures used-NT
Book of Acts
Book of Hebrews ( NT )
Hebrews 8 verse 1 to 5
Book of John
Book of Luke
Luke 16: 9
Luke 18: 1-8 (Parable)
Book of Mark
Book of Matthew
Matthew 13:24-43 > Wheat and Tares
Matthew 22, 1 to 14
Matthew 25: 1 to 13 Ten Virgins
Matthew 25: 13 - 30 Parable of Talents
Epistles of John
Letters by Paul
Epistles to Corinth ( Corinthians )
Writings of Paul - Hard to Understand
Our Ministries
Great Controversy (1911)
Chapter 1 - Destruction of Jerusalem
Chapter 10 - Progress of Reform in Germany
Chapter 11 - Protest of the Princes
Chapter 12 - French Reformation
Chapter 13 - Netherlands & Scandinavia
Chapter 14 - Later English Reformers
Chapter 15 - French Revolution
GC Appendix - Chapter 15
Chapter 16 - Pilgrim Fathers
Chapter 17 - Heralds of the Morning
Chapter 18 - An American Reformer
Appendix -GC- Chapter 18
Chapter 19 - Light Through Darkness
Chapter 2 - Persecution in the First Centuries
Chapter 20 - Religious Awakening
Chapter 21 - A Warning Rejected
Chapter 22 - Prophecies Fulfilled
Chapter 23 - The Sanctuary
Chapter 24 - In the Holy of Holies
Chapter 25 - God's Immutable Law
GC - Appendix - Chapter 25
Chapter 26 - Work of Reform
Chapter 27 - Modern Revivals
Chapter 28 - Facing Lifes Record
Chapter 29 - Origin of Sin
Chapter 3 - An Era of Spiritual Darkness
GC - Chapter 3 - Appendix
Chapter 30 - Enmity Between Man & Satan
Chapter 31 - Agency of Evil Spirits
Chapter 32 - Snares of Satan
Chapter 33 - First Great Deception
Chapter 34 - Spiritualism
Chapter 35 - Liberty of Conscience Threatened
GC 578.3
Chapter 36 - Impending Conflict
Chapter 37 - Scriptures a Safeguard
Key Paragraph - GC 593.2
Chapter 38 - Final Warning
GC 607 par. 1
Chapter 39 - The Time of Trouble
Must reflect the image of Jesus
GC - Chapter 4 - The Waldenses
Chapter 40 - God's People Delivered
Chapter 41 - Desolation of the Earth
Chapter 42 - Controversy Ended
Chapter 5 - John Wycliff
Chapter 6 - Huss and Jerome
Chapter 7 -- Luther's Separation From Rome
Chapter 8 - Luther before the Diet
Audio - Chapter 8 Discussion
Chapter 9 - The Swiss Reformer
GC Appendix - Chapter
Introduction to GC
LINKEDin Network
Adventists in Education group
Group for Covid-19 Survivors
Groups (location)
Adventists in New York
Churches in New York
Groups for Adventists in Indiana
Group for Adventists in Missouri
LINKEDin groups for Texas
Music Section
Adventist Hymnal
Song - Give me that old time religion
Prophecy Odyssey - NYC ( Sept. 20 to Oct. 5, 2024 )
Prophets and Kings
Introduction - Vineyard of the Lord
Chapter 1 - Solomon
Chapter 2 - Temple and its Dedication
Chapter 3 - Pride of Prosperity
Chapter 4 - Results of Transgression
Chapter 5 - Solomon's Repentance
Chapter 6 - Rending of the Kingdom
Chapter 7 - Jeroboam
Chapter 8 - National Apostasy
Chapter 9 - Elijah
Chapter 10 - Voice of Strong Rebuke
Chapter 11 - Carmel
Chapter 12 - From Jezreel to Horeb
Chapter 13 - What Doest Thou Here
Chapter 14 - In the Spirit of Elias
Chapter 15 - Jehoshaphat
Chapter 16 - Fall of the House of Ahab
Chapter 17 - Call of Elisha
Chapter 18 - Healing of the Waters
Chapter 19 - Prophet of Peace
Chapter 20 - Naaman
Chapter 21 - Elisha's Closing Ministry
Chapter 22 - Nineveh
Chapter 23 - The Assyrian Captivity
Chapter 24 - Destroyed for Lack of Knowledge
Chapter 25 - The Call of Isaiah .
Chapter 26 - Behold your God
Chapter 27 - Ahaz
Chapter 28 - Hezekiah
Chapter 29 - Ambassadors from Babylon
Chapter 30 - Deliverance from Assyria
Chapter 31 - Hope for the Heathen
Chapter 32 - Manasseh and Josiah
Chapter 33 - Book of the Law
Chapter 34 - Jeremiah
Chapter 35: Approaching Doom
Chapter 36 - The Last King of Judah
Chapter 37: Carried Captive Into Babylon
Chapter 38: Light through Darkness
Chapter 39: In the Court of Babylon
Chapter 40: Nebuchadnezzar's Dream
Chapter 41: The Fiery Furnace
Chapter 42: True Greatness
Chapter 43 - Unseen Watcher
Chapter 44: In the Lion's Den
Chapter 45: Return of the Exiles
Chapter 46: The Prophets of God Helping Them
Chapter 47: Joshua and the Angel
Chapter 48 - Not by Might nor by Power
Chapter 49 - In the Days of Queen Esther
Chapter 50 - Ezra, the Priest and Scribe
Chapter 51 - Spiritual Revival
Chapter 52 - A Man of Opportunity
Chapter 53 - The Builders on the Wall
Chapter 54 — A Rebuke Against Extortion
Chapter 55: Heathen Plots
Chapter 56-Instructed in Law of God
PK - Chapter 57 - Reformation
Chapter 58 - Coming of a Deliverer
Chapter 59: House of Israel
Chapter 60 - Vision
Thursday Conference Call
Last Day Events - Study
Tuesday Conference Call
Flaw in LINKEDin messaging - April 2024
Letter to EGW Estate - Question LDE 213.4
Reply to Steven s. - Jan. 2024
Template (SoP)
To Laurie S (110)
Contact Us
HP - Chapter 12
HP - Chapter 18
YI-June 1897-Preach the Gospel
cleanse the camp
Apart from Christ
Conviction (Separate page)
Communion with the dead
Conversion (True Conversion)
Conversion of the heart
Control the minds
Blessing (Separate page)
Blessing (Separate page)
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