Quotations from the writings of Ellen G. White with the word . . .
n e e d ( 18 RELATED PHRASES ) |
The word 'Need' appears 21,117 times in the published writings of Ellen White page NOT on Original site
The word 'needs' see below
++ Need ( 21,117 ) + need of . . . ( 4,873 )
+ Need be . . . ( ) > no one need be lost ( see favorites )
++ our great need ( 104 ) > Our greatest need ( 17 ) + great need of . . . ( ) Key thought
+ real need ( ) ++ real need of . . . ( 6 ) >> no real need of ( 2 )
++ special need ( 43 ) >> time of special need ( ) > special needs ( 12 ) under construction
+ need for . . . ( 478 ) >> need for improvement ( commentary)
+ need now more than ever ( )
+ need to ( ) > need to doubt >> there is no need to doubt ( )
++ need to improve ( 13 ) >
Our greatest need is faith in God. When we look on the dark side we lose our hold on the Lord God of Israel. As the heart is opened to fears and conjectures, the path of progress is hedged up by unbelief. Let us never feel that God has forsaken His work. { 7T 211.3} |
Need of . . . + need of . . . ( 4,873 ) + real need of . . . ( 7 ) + great need of . . . ( ) >> real need of order ( 6 ) + need of Christ ( ) ++ need of a Saviour ( 68 ) + need of great wisdom ( ) ++ need of revival ( 10 ) ++ need of prayer ( 75 ) ++ need of strength from God ( 24 ) > need of strength from above ( 3 ) |
+ Need ( )
+ Need
n e e d s |
+ Needs ( 4,650 )
+ [fix needs to study ] ( 9 ) > needs to be studied ( 5 )
Needs of . . . |
> (quote below)
Sa |
+ key
+ ( see prayer meeting )
+ ( )
Personal favorites
A revival of true godliness among us is the greatest and most urgent of all our needs. To seek this should be our first work. There must be earnest effort to obtain the blessing of the Lord, not because God is not willing to bestow His blessing upon us, but because we are unprepared to receive it. Our heavenly Father is more willing to give His Holy Spirit to them that ask Him, than are earthly parents to give good gifts to their children. But it is our work, by confession, humiliation, repentance, and earnest prayer, to fulfill the conditions upon which God has promised to grant us His blessing. A revival need be expected only in answer to prayer. While the people are so destitute of God's Holy spirit, they cannot appreciate the preaching of the Word; but when the Spirit's power touches their hearts, then the discourses given will not be without effect. Guided by the teachings of God's Word, with the manifestation of His Spirit, in the exercise of sound discretion, those who attend our meetings will gain a precious experience, and returning home, will be prepared to exert a healthful influence. {1SM 121.1} |
Every soul has a heaven to win, and a hell to shun. And the angelic agencies are all ready to come to the help of the tried and tempted soul. He, the Son of the infinite God, endured the test and trial in our behalf. The cross of Calvary stands vividly before every soul. When the cases of all are judged, and they [the lost] are delivered to suffer for their contempt for God and their disregard of His honor in their disobedience, not one will have an excuse, not one will need to have perished. It was left to their own choice who should be their prince, Christ or Satan. All the help Christ received, every man may receive in the great trial. The cross stands as a pledge that not one need be lost, that abundant help is provided for every soul. We can conquer the satanic agencies, or we can join ourselves with the powers that seek to counterwork the work of God in our world.... {1SM 96.1} |
In order to be a blessing to your people, you need to improve in many things. You should cultivate courtesy and cherish a tender sympathy for all. You should have the crowning grace of God, which is love. You criticize too much and are not so forbearing as you must be if you would win souls. You could have much more influence if you were less formal and rigid, and were actuated more by the Holy Spirit. Your fear of being led by men is too great. God uses men as His instruments and will use them as long as the world shall stand. { 3T 418.3} |
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Numbers shown in ( ) is the ( number of texts ) containing this phrase
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