Right - Rights (Separate page)

    Quotations from the writings of Ellen G. White with the word . . .

                R i g h t     |     r i g h t s                 (  6  RELATED  PHRASES )          

             The  word  'Right'  appears  3xx  times in the published writings of EGW                                           page NOT on Original site                     The word 'Rights' appears  xxx times  ( below )                                            

   Related phrases:      

                              +   Do what is right  (  )

                                     >  do right because  ( 34 )

                              +   right to expect  ( 58 )

                              +   right of appeal  ( 2 )   

                              +   no right to  ( 375 )

                              +   God given right  ( 6 )

                              +   turn the stranger from his right  ( 4 )

                                    >   turn aside the stranger from his right  (  favorite below )

    Men are guilty of robbery toward God. Their selfish use of means robs the Lord of the glory that should be reflected back to Him in the relief of suffering humanity and the salvation of souls. They are embezzling His entrusted goods. The Lord declares, “I will come near to you to judgment; and I will be a swift witness against ... those that oppress the hireling in his wages, the widow, and the fatherless, and that turn aside the stranger from his right.” “Will a man rob God? Yet ye have robbed Me. But ye say, Wherein have we robbed Thee? In tithes and offerings. Ye are cursed with a curse; for ye have robbed Me, even this whole nation.” Malachi 3:5, 8, 9. “Go to now, ye rich men, ... your riches are corrupted, and your garments are motheaten. Your gold and silver is cankered, and the rust of them shall be a witness against you.... Ye have heaped treasure together for the last days.” “Ye have lived in pleasure on the earth, and been wanton.” “Behold, the hire of the laborers who have reaped down your fields, which is of you kept back by fraud, crieth: and the cries of them which have reaped are entered into the ears of the Lord of sabaoth.” James 5:1-3, 5, 4. { COL 371.2} 


Original site:   +   Choose the Right   ( 39 )   +   stand for the right  (114)   

                         +   Do right because . . .  ( 34 )   >   Do right because it is right (  )




  There is one thing that we have no right to do, and that is to judge another man’s heart or impugn his motives. But when a person presents himself as a candidate for church membership, we are to examine the fruit of his life, and leave the responsibility of his motive with himself. But great care should be exercised in accepting members into the church; for Satan has his specious devices through which he purposes to crowd false brethren into the church, through whom he can work more successfully to weaken the cause of God.—  Review and Herald, January 10, 1893. { Ev 313.3}





            r i g h t s                 (  4  RELATED  PHRASES )                 

                       The  word  'Rights'  appears  3xx  times in the published writings of EGW                                               page NOT on Original site   

     +    the rights of all  ( 6 )   >   guard the rights of all  ( 3 )   >   respect the rights of all  ( 3 )

   ++    the rights of others  ( 25 )   >   disregard the rights of others  (  )  >  trample on the rights of others  ( )

   ++    others have rights  ( 4 )    >    rights of every man  ( 8 )

   ++    their rights  ( 93 )    >   of their rights  (  )  

    +    the rights of members  ( zero )

    +    God given rights  ( 8 )


    New Right given to Members  ( Church Manual )


    My  favorites

   We know that great wrongs have existed, which has been displeasing to God, and those who have in the name of Christ borne the burden of patiently and kindly investigating these errors and mistakes have been trying to correct them. They deserve at least the help of all those of like precious faith. From a Bible standpoint they have a right to expect the support of all those who are light bearers in the cause of God. They have a right to expect of all the true believers solid help in their efforts to set things in order. All who are laborers together with God should be of one mind, of one judgment.  {18MR 323.3}


  There are those who would think it lowering to their dignity to minister to suffering humanity. Many look with indifference and contempt upon those who have laid the temple of the soul in ruins. Others neglect the poor from a different motive. They are working, as they believe, in the cause of Christ, seeking to build up some worthy enterprise. They feel that they are doing a great work, and they cannot stop to notice the wants of the needy and distressed. In advancing their supposedly great work they may even oppress the poor. They may place them in hard and trying circumstances, deprive them of their rights, or neglect their needs. Yet they feel that all this is justifiable because they are, as they think, advancing the cause of Christ. { COL 382.3}  Read entire Chapter 27





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