Special need (43)

    Quotations from the writings of Ellen G. White with the phrase . . .

                S p e c i a l     n e e d                (  3  RELATED  PHRASES )                     

             The  phrase  'special need'  appears  43  times in the published writings of EGW                        page NOT on Original site                                  Related Phrase:   special needs  ( 12 )  ( below )

   The angels of God are sent forth as ministering spirits to watch the interests of the churches, and to guard and help those souls who are in special need of help and strength. In this work of ministry, God desires to use all who are humble in spirit. But unless we are fitted for service by sanctification through the truth, we shall spoil the pattern that is to reveal to men and women about us the design of heaven. The Spirit must bear witness with our spirit that we are coworkers with Christ, and that we are acting as his messengers. Only as we become partakers of the divine nature can we show that we are bound for a better country, and are only pilgrims and strangers here. If we will take hold of the work of God intelligently, angels of God will be with us to teach us, to lead us, to bless us. Then our hearts will be filled with a satisfaction that we do not dream of while we are careless and indifferent. { YI April 27, 1909, par. 6 }


  Church members cannot honor God till they arise and shine because the glory of the Lord has risen upon them. I appeal to every church member to inquire, “Is my name written in the books of heaven?” There are those who, unless they are thoroughly converted, will crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh and put Him to open shame. This age is one of peculiar temptation, especially to the self-sufficient ones, who feel no special need of guarding the avenues of the soul. Unless they heed the warnings God has given, they will most surely be drawn away from the principles of the truth. They will stand among those who dishonor the faith and give heed to seducing spirits. They plead for indulgence of appetite. They enjoy those things which animalize the nature. They do not know what it means to be meek and lowly in heart. They take no delight in contemplating the character of the Saviour. The rebuke of Christ is upon them because in thought and action they are corrupt. { 21MR 405.3 } 


   “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.” Psalm 111:10. Professional men, whatever their calling, need divine wisdom. But the physician is in special need of this wisdom in dealing with all classes of minds and diseases. He occupies a position even more responsible than that of the minister of the gospel. He is called to be a colaborer with Christ, and he needs stanch religious principles and a firm connection with the God of wisdom. If he takes counsel of God, he will have the Great Healer to work with his efforts and he will move with the greatest caution, lest by his mismanagement he injure one of God’s creatures. He will be firm as a rock to principle, yet kind and courteous to all. He will feel the responsibility of his position, and his practice will show that he is actuated by pure, unselfish motives and a desire to adorn the doctrine of Christ in all things. Such a physician will possess a heaven-born dignity and will be a powerful agent for good in the world. Although he may not be appreciated by those who have no connection with God, yet he will be honored of Heaven. In God’s sight he will be more precious than gold, even the gold of Ophir. { CH 321.1} 
  God’s cause at this time is in special need of men and women who possess Christlike qualifications for service, executive ability, and a large capacity for work, who have kind, warm, sympathetic hearts, sound common sense, and unbiased judgment; who will carefully weigh matters before they approve or condemn, and who can fearlessly say No, or Yea and Amen; who, because they are sanctified by the Spirit of God, practice the words “All ye are brethren,” striving constantly to uplift and restore fallen humanity.—Manuscript Releases 2:88


  In the social meeting there is special need of clear, distinct utterance, that all may hear the testimonies borne and be benefited by them. Difficulties are removed and help is given as in social meeting God’s people relate their experiences. But too often the testimonies are borne with faulty, indistinct utterance, and it is impossible to gain a correct idea of what is said. Thus the blessing is often lost. { GW 87.5}  also  { 6T 382.1} 
Inaudible Prayers a Joy to Satan — In the social meeting there is special need of clear, distinct utterance, that all may hear the testimonies borne and be benefited by them. Difficulties are removed and help is given as in social meeting God’s people relate their experiences. But too often the testimonies are borne with faulty, indistinct utterance, and it is impossible to gain a correct idea of what is said. Thus the blessing is often lost. { VSS 265.1} 


  To this request the monarch acceded. “Then Daniel went to his house, and made the thing known to Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah, his companions.” Together they sought for wisdom from the Source of light and knowledge. Their faith was strong in the consciousness that God had placed them where they were, that they were doing His work and meeting the demands of duty. In times of perplexity and danger they had always turned to Him for guidance and protection, and He had proved an ever-present help. Now with contrition of heart they submitted themselves anew to the Judge of the earth, pleading that He would grant them deliverance in this their time of special need. And they did not plead in vain. The God whom they had honored, now honored them. The Spirit of the Lord rested upon them, and to Daniel, “in a night vision,” was revealed the king’s dream and its meaning. { PK 493.3}  Read entire Chapter 40


  There is a work to be done for some who feel no special need of help. It is because they do not feel their needy condition, that they do not reform. They carry the mold of a spoiled character. Unless these souls experience the new birth, they will never see the kingdom of heaven. Unless evil is put away from the life, they cannot be welcomed to the presence of holy angels. God will never again permit to enter the courts of heaven that which will harm and destroy. { UL 269.3} 
  Jesus did not oppose education. The highest culture, if sanctified by the love and fear of God, receives his approbation. An objection is sometimes brought against education because Jesus chose ignorant fishermen for his disciples. But these men were subject to his refining influence for three years, and the Saviour was the most perfect educator the world has ever known. The Prince of Life did not choose the learned lawyers, the scribes and elders, for his disciples, because they would not follow him. Therefore he chose the humble peasants for his helpers. The rich and educated among the Jews were exalted by their own worldly wisdom and self-righteousness, and felt all-sufficient in themselves, realizing no special need of a Redeemer. Their characters were fixed, and they would not receive the teachings of Christ. But the humble fishermen were rejoiced to be connected with the Saviour, and become co-laborers with him. { 2SP 186.1 } 


  If the young would choose the company of those whose lives are an honor to their profession, they would escape many serious dangers. Satan is constantly seeking the ruin of those who are ignorant concerning his devices, yet feel no special need of the prayers and counsel of experienced and godly friends. Many of the youth who come to-----with good resolutions to live Christian lives fall in with a class of young people who take them by the hand and, under the guise of friendship, lead them directly into Satan’s snare. The enemy does not always come as a roaring lion; he frequently appears as an angel of light, assuming friendly airs, presenting peculiar temptations which it is difficult for the inexperienced to withstand. Sometimes he accomplishes his purpose of deluding the unwary by exciting the pity of their sympathetic natures, and presenting himself before them as a righteous being who has been persecuted without a cause. { 4T 207.1} 


  We have been doing all in our power to advance the work, and we have rejoiced to see it go forward. Its demands are now beyond our ability to supply. We are in debt, and yet there is special need of pushing the work just now. We are not discouraged at the outlook. The word of God strengthens and sustains us. But we must have financial help to do that which is essential to be done. We appeal to you, our brethren and sisters in Australasia, to come to our assistance. { AUCR January 1, 1900, par. 28 }


  This age is one of peculiar temptation, especially to the self-sufficient ones, who feel no special need of guarding the avenues of the soul. Unless they heed the warnings God has given, they will most surely be drawn away from the principles of the truth. They will stand among those who dishonor the faith by giving heed to seducing spirits. They plead for the indulgence of appetite. They take no delight in contemplating the character of the Saviour. The rebuke of Christ is upon them, because in thought and action they are corrupt. { RH December 4, 1900, par. 9 }
  There is special need of faithful watchmen in Battle Creek,— watchmen who will keep guard resolutely, determinedly; who will not be found sleeping at their post of duty. There is need that the managers of the Sanitarium, realizing the difficulties and dangers of the situation, shall bring into the institution men and women of mature years, who have a good Christian experience, and who will make an earnest, faithful effort to be a help to the youth and a blessing to all in the institution. { SpTB06 17.4 } 


  God’s cause at this time is in special need of men and women who possess Christlike qualifications for service, executive ability, and a large capacity for work, who have kind, warm, sympathetic hearts, sound common sense, and unbiased judgment; who will carefully weigh matters before they approve or condemn, and who can fearlessly say No, or Yea and Amen; who, because they are sanctified by the Spirit of God, practice the words, “All ye are brethren,” striving constantly to uplift and restore fallen humanity.— Manuscript 156a, 1901, p. 9. (“Unheeded Warnings,” November 27, 1901.) { 2MR 88.2 } 



             t i m e    o f    S p e c i a l     n e e d                                     

                            Related Phrase:   special needs  ( 12 )  

   But unless the members of God’s church today have a living connection with the Source of all spiritual growth, they will not be ready for the time of reaping. Unless they keep their lamps trimmed and burning, they will fail of receiving added grace in times of special need. { AA 55.2}   Read entire Chapter 5


   The head of one of our publishing houses in a distant foreign land, upon hearing from others recently that I was in need of means, sent me a bill of exchange for five hundred dollars; and in the letter accompanying the money, he said that in return for the thousands upon thousands of dollars royalty that I had turned over to their mission field for the translation and distribution of new books and for the support of new missionary enterprises, they regarded the enclosed five hundred dollars as a very small token of their appreciation. They sent this because of their desire to help me in my time of special need; but heretofore I have given, for the support of the Lord’s cause in foreign lands, all the royalties that come from the sale of my foreign books in Europe; and I intend to return this five hundred dollars as soon as I can free myself from debt. { 1SM 103.3} 


  But unless the members of God’s church today have a living connection with the Source of all spiritual growth, they will not be ready for the time of reaping. Unless they keep their lamps trimmed and burning, they will fail of receiving added grace in times of special need. { AG 220.5}  also  { OFC 212.6} 
  But unless the members of God’s church today have a living connection with the Source of all spiritual growth, they will not be ready for the time of reaping. Unless they keep their lamps trimmed and burning, they will fail of receiving added grace in times of special need. — Acts of the Apostles, 54, 55. { YRP 317.4} 


  Since God sees fit to delegate angels to minister unto all who are in need of help, we know that if we do our part, these heavenly representatives of omnipotent power will be commissioned to help in this time of special need. I hope and pray that everything which can be done may be done. If all will now do what they can, the difficulty will soon be in the past, no more to harass the cause of God. { RH March 19, 1901, par. 16 }


  God desires his people to labor in perfect harmony in an effort to carry the truth into the cities. I am bidden to keep this matter before the attention of the believers, until they shall be aroused to a realization of its importance. Let not ill-advised lips utter words of discouragement, but let every one in responsibility unite in planning for the accomplishment of this work, knowing that he who has led his servants hitherto will not fail them in this time of special need. Angels of God will go before the workers, and will be their sufficiency. Angels will be in the assemblies to make an impression upon the hearts of the hearers. { RH April 7, 1910, par. 10 }


  As there is a decided sympathy between heaven and earth, and as God sees fit to delegate angels to minister unto all who are in need of help, we know that when we do our part, these heavenly representatives of omnipotent power will be commissioned to help in this time of special need. God will impress men to whom he has entrusted capabilities and talents of means, to take on the burden of responsibility, and at this time help our Scandinavian brethren, that they may save property which otherwise must be sacrificed. { PH008 7.2 } 






                  S p e c i a l     n e e d s                                    

             The  phrase  'special need'  appears  12  times in the published writings of EGW                











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