Quotations from the writings of Ellen G. White with the word . . .
C O N s c i e n c e ( 14 RELATED PHRASES ) |
This word appears 2,475 times in the writings of Ellen G. White See page from original website
+ our conscience ( )
+ clear conscience ( )
+ Conscience of the wrongdoer ( 8 ) see favorite below
+ Guilty conscience ( )
t h e C O N s c i e n c e . . . |
The words the Conscience appears x x x times in the writings of Ellen G. White
+ awaken the conscience ( see favorite below )
+ Confuse the conscience ( )
+ Compel the conscience ( ) ► Dominate the conscience ( ) > enslave the conscience ( see favorites)
+ control the conscience ( 19 ) > can not control the conscience
+ Force the conscience ( 10 ) ► God does not force the conscience ( )
+ Rule the conscience ( )
+ violate the conscience ( ) >
Frederick of Saxony maintained a studied reserve, carefully concealing his real feelings toward the Reformer, while at the same time he guarded him with tireless vigilance, watching all his movements and all those of his enemies. But there were many who made no attempt to conceal their sympathy with Luther. He was visited by princes, counts, barons, and other persons of distinction, both lay and ecclesiastical. "The doctor's little room," wrote Spalatin, "could not contain all the visitors who presented themselves."-- Martyn, vol. 1, p. 404. The people gazed upon him as if he were more than human. Even those who had no faith in his doctrines could not but admire that lofty integrity which led him to brave death rather than violate his conscience. Great Controversy, page 165.1 Entire Chapter 8 |
. . . o f C O N s c i e n c e |
The phrase ". . . of Conscience" appears 388 times in the writings of EGW
+ Dictates of conscience ( 20 ) > according to the dictates of conscience ( )
++ Freedom of conscience ( 26 ) ► stand for freedom of conscience ( 11 )
+++ Liberty of Conscience ( 74 )
+ Matter of conscience ( ) > matters of conscience ( )
+ Rights of conscience ( 8 )
+ Voice of conscience ( )
My personal favorites
"The Constitution of the United States guarantees liberty of conscience. Nothing is dearer or more fundamental. Pope Pius IX, in his Encyclical Letter of August 15, 1854, said: `The absurd and erroneous doctrines or ravings in defense of liberty of conscience are a most pestilential error -- a pest, of all others, most to be dreaded in a state.' The same pope, in his Encyclical Letter of December 8, 1864, anathematized `those who assert the liberty of conscience and of religious worship,' also 'all such as maintain that the church may not employ force.' Great Controversy, page 564.5 |
Our people have been regarded as too insignificant to be worthy of notice, but a change will come; the movements are now being made. The Christian world is now making movements which will necessarily bring the commandment-keeping people to notice. There is a daily suppression of God’s truth for the theories and false doctrines of human origin. There are plans and movements being set on foot to enslave the consciences of those who would be loyal to God. The law-making powers will be against God’s people. Every soul will be tested. O that we would as a people be wise for ourselves and by precept and example impart that wisdom to our children! Every position of our faith will be searched into, and if we are not thorough Bible students, established, strengthened, settled, the wisdom of the world’s great men will be too much for us.—Letter 12, 1886. { 2SM 386.2} |
God’s plan is not to send messengers who will please and flatter sinners; He delivers no messages of peace to lull the unsanctified into carnal security. Instead, He lays heavy burdens upon the conscience of the wrongdoer and pierces his soul with sharp arrows of conviction. Ministering angels present to him the fearful judgments of God, to deepen the sense of need and to prompt the agonizing cry, “What must I do to be saved?” Acts 16:30. But the Hand that humbles to the dust, rebukes sin, and puts pride and ambition to shame, is the Hand that lifts up the penitent, stricken one. With deepest sympathy He who permits the chastisement to fall, inquires, “What wilt thou that I shall do unto thee?” Prophets and Kings, page 435.2 Read entire chapter 35 |
Belshazzar was the most terrified of them all. He it was who above all others had been responsible for the rebellion against God which that night had reached its height in the Babylonian realm. In the presence of the unseen Watcher, the representative of Him whose power had been challenged and whose name had been blasphemed, the king was paralyzed with fear. Conscience was awakened. “The joints of his loins were loosed, and his knees smote one against another.” Belshazzar had impiously lifted himself up against the God of heaven and had trusted in his own might, not supposing that any would dare say, “Why doest thou thus?” but now he realized that he must render an account of the stewardship entrusted him, and that for his wasted opportunities and his defiant attitude he could offer no excuse. Prophets and Kings, page 525.1 Read entire chapter 43 |
Christians should be preparing for what is soon to break upon the world as an overwhelming surprise, and this preparation they should make by diligently studying the word of God and striving to conform their lives to its precepts. The tremendous issues of eternity demand of us something besides an imaginary religion, a religion of words and forms, where truth is kept in the outer court. God calls for a revival and a reformation. The words of the Bible and the Bible alone, should be heard from the pulpit. But the Bible has been robbed of its power, and the result is seen in a lowering of the tone of spiritual life. In many sermons of today there is not that divine manifestation which awakens the conscience and brings life to the soul. The hearers cannot say, “Did not our heart burn within us, while He talked with us by the way, and while He opened to us the Scriptures?”Luke 24:32. There are many who are crying out for the living God, longing for the divine presence. Let the word of God speak to the heart. Let those who have heard only tradition and human theories and maxims, hear the voice of Him who can renew the soul unto eternal life. Prophets and Kings, page 626.1 Read entire chapter 51 |
As religious aggression subverts the liberties of our nation, those who would stand for freedom of conscience will be placed in unfavorable positions. For their own sake, they should, while they have opportunity, become intelligent in regard to disease, its causes, prevention, and cure. And those who do this will find a field of labor anywhere. There will be suffering ones, plenty of them, who will need help, not only among those of our own faith, but largely among those who know not the truth. {CH 506.1} |
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