GOD given (1,411)

    Quotations from the writings of Ellen G. White with the phrase . . .

                G o d     g i v e n  .  .  .            (  11  RELATED  PHRASES  )                     

       The  phrase  'God given . . .'  appears  1,411  times in the published writings of EGW       page not on Original site         Related phrase:    God given abilities  (  )  - -  God given authority  (  )   - -  God given right  ( 6 )   - -   God given powers  (  )  - -  God given duty  ( 19 )  - - The Lord has endowed  ( below )

   Our only security against falling into sin is to keep ourselves continually under the molding influence of the Holy Spirit, at the same time engaging actively in the cause of truth and holiness, discharging every God-given duty, but taking no burden which God has not laid upon us. Physicians must stand firmly under the banner of the third angel’s message, fighting the good fight of faith perseveringly and successfully, relying on a heavenly armor, the equipment of God’s word, never forgetting that they have a leader who never has been and never can be overcome by evil. { CH 594.2} 



         God  given  talents

  We are all members of God’s family, all in a greater or less degree entrusted with God-given talents, for the use of which we are held responsible. Whether our talent be great or small, we are to use it in God’s service, and we are to recognize the right of everyone else to use the gifts entrusted to them. Never should we disparage the smallest physical, intellectual, or spiritual capital. Some may trade in pennies and farthings, and by God’s blessing, and unwearied diligence, these humble ones may make successful investments, and make a gain proportionate to the capital entrusted to them. No one should make light of any humble worker, who is filling his place, and is doing a work that someone must do, however small that work may seem. { TDG 345.4} 




        God  given  duty

   The Lord presented the matter before me, that we must make haste. Let the light come to the people in warnings, right here. But those who were seeing only gain, who saw no necessity of urging and making special efforts to get this word from the Lord before the people, were neglecting their God-given duty. I felt intensely, but what could I do? Strong-minded, stubborn men, unworked by the Spirit of God, priding themselves in their wisdom, would follow a course of their own devising, let the result be as it would. The men will have to answer in the day of God for their neglect of this place. Light must shine forth. { 1888 772.2 } 




        God  given  right   --   God  given  rights

   I am now preparing the private testimonies, for they contain so many warnings in regard to the very dangers we are passing through. No man has a right to be judge over his fellow man as his God-given right. What Christ was in His life, we are to strive to be. Christ is our model, not only in His spotless holiness, but in compassion and patience and forbearance and love. “Learn of me,” saith the perfect Teacher, “for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For My yoke is easy, and My burden is light.” We are to learn of Christ true courtesy and excellent judgment, and we are never to place ourselves as a God to tell any man his duty, for that is not given us of God. { 16MR 127.1 } 










       The    l o r d    h a s     e n d o w e d                     


   After relating the parable, Christ said, “The children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light.” That is, worldly-wise men display more wisdom and earnestness in serving themselves than do the professed children of God in their service to Him. So it was in Christ’s day. So it is now. Look at the life of many who claim to be Christians. The Lord has endowed them with capabilities, and power, and influence; He has entrusted them with money, that they may be co-workers with Him in the great redemption. All His gifts are to be used in blessing humanity, in relieving the suffering and the needy. We are to feed the hungry, to clothe the naked, to care for the widow and the fatherless, to minister to the distressed and downtrodden. God never meant that the widespread misery in the world should exist. He never meant that one man should have an abundance of the luxuries of life, while the children of others should cry for bread. The means over and above the actual necessities of life are entrusted to man to do good, to bless humanity. The Lord says, “Sell that ye have, and give alms.” Luke 12:33.  Be “ready to distribute, willing to communicate.” 1 Timothy 6:18.  “When thou makest a feast, call the poor, the maimed, the lame, the blind.” Luke 14:13.  “Loose the bands of wickedness,” “undo the heavy burdens,” “let the oppressed go free,” “break every yoke.” “Deal thy bread to the hungry,” “bring the poor that are cast out to thy house.” “When thou seest the naked, ... cover him.” “Satisfy the afflicted soul.” Isaiah 58:6, 7, 10.  “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” Mark 16:15.  These are the Lord’s commands. Are the great body of professed Christians doing this work? { COL 370.1}  Read entire Chapter 26






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