Minute men

        Quotations from the writings of Ellen G. White with the phrase . . .

                  m i n u t e     m e N                  (  2  RELATED  PHRASES )             

              The  phrase  'Minute Men'  appears  50  times in the published writings of EGW             See page on Original site                Related phrase:  minutemen  ( below )  - -  minute man  ( 2 )

   When men connected with the work of God allow themselves to be bought and sold, when they violate truth in order to gain the favor and approval of men, God records them as betrayers of sacred trust. Let every man stand in moral independence, resolved that his mind shall be molded only by the Holy Spirit. God calls for minute-men,  who are not ready to echo the words of unconverted men. In an emergency such men are sure to lead into false paths. The Lord desires us to follow on step by step to know him.  {RH, May 9, 1899 par. 12}


  God wants minute-men. He will have men who, when important decisions are to be made, are as true as the needle to the pole; men whose special and personal interests are swallowed up, as were our Saviour's, in the one great general interest for the salvation of souls. Satan plays upon the human mind wherever a chance has been left for him to do so; and he seizes upon the very time and place where he can do the most service to himself, and the greatest injury to the cause of God. A neglect to do what we might do, and what God requires us to do in his cause, is a sin which cannot be palliated with excuses of circumstances or conditions; for Jesus has made provision for all in every emergency. -- Vol. 3, p. 505. - {GW92 377.2} 
  Minute-men are needed in this school,--men who have vitality and power, men who are prepared to use the capabilities of the whole being in active service, that everything about this school may be of a character to recommend it to angels and to men. Teachers and students will then have the satisfaction of knowing that the work is acceptable to the Lord.  {GH, June 1, 1904 par. 15}


  We want missionaries who are missionaries in the fullest sense of the word; who will put aside selfish considerations and let the cause of God come first; and who, working with an eye single to His glory, will keep themselves as minute men to go where He shall bid and to work in any capacity to spread the knowledge of the truth. Men who have wives that love and fear God and that can help them in the work are needed in the missionary field. Many who have families go out to labor, but they do not give themselves entirely to the work. Their minds are divided. Wife and children draw them from their labor and often keep them out of fields that they might enter were it not that they think they must be near their home.  {AH 166.1}
  I address you who reside at the great center of the work. You cannot be careless, irreverent formalists all to yourselves. Many witnesses are looking upon you, and many pattern after your course. An irreligious life not only seals your own condemnation, but ruins others also. You who live where such weighty interests are to be maintained, should be minute men, faithful sentinels, never off guard. One incautious moment spent in selfish ease or in self-gratification may give the enemy an advantage which years of hard labor may not recover. Those who choose Battle Creek for their home should be men and women of faith and prayer, true to the interests of those around them. There is no safety only as they walk with God.  {FE 52.2}
  You should never be surprised, you should never be without your armor on. Be prepared for any emergency, for any call of duty. Act promptly. God would have you minute men.  Many times workers are too precise, too calculating. While they are getting ready to do a great work, the opportunity for doing a good work passes unimproved. The worker moves on as though the whole burden rested upon himself, a poor, finite man, when Jesus is ready to carry him and his burden too. Brethren, trust self less, and Jesus more. He is willing to save the souls for whom we labor. Because he lives to intercede for us, we shall see of his great power. He "is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think." [EPH. 3:20.] Jesus wants us to ask for help; he wants us to cast our helpless souls on him; and he will give us according to our faith.  {GW92 458.2}
  This is the course that God would have us pursue under all circumstances. He wants us to be minute men and women. He wants us to be ready always to give to every man that asketh us a reason of the hope that is within us with meekness and fear.  Why with fear? It is with a fear lest we shall not make a right impression upon the mind of the inquirer; with a fear lest self shall not be out of sight, and the truth not be made to appear as it is in Jesus.  {HS 144.2}  {ST, October 20, 1887 par. 9}
  God calls for minute men, praying men, practical men. Expensive outward show does not elevate men and women in the eyes of sensible people. It is not right for a physician to make an extravagant outlay of means, and then charge exorbitant prices for performing small operations. God looks at all these matters in their true light. -- Manuscript 34, 1904.  {2SM 202.1}
  Act promptly. God would have you minute men, as were the men who composed Gideon's army. Many times ministers are too precise, too calculating. While they are getting ready to do a great work, the opportunity for doing a good work passes unimproved. The minister moves as though the whole burden rested on himself, a poor finite man, when Jesus is carrying him and his burden too. Brethren, trust self less, and Jesus more  (RH July 1, 1884).  {2BC 1004.1}
  The Lord is willing to do great things for us. We shall not gain the victory through numbers, but through the full surrender of the soul to Jesus. We are to go forward in His strength, trusting in the mighty God of Israel. . . . It is essential to have an intelligent knowledge of the truth; for how else could we meet its wily opponents? The Bible must be studied, not alone for the doctrines it teaches, but for its practical lessons. You should never be surprised, you should never be without your armor on. Be prepared for any emergency, for any call of duty. Be waiting, watching for every opportunity to present the truth, familiar with the prophecies, familiar with the lessons of Christ. But do not trust in well-prepared arguments. Argument alone is not enough. God must be sought on your knees; you must go forth to meet the people through the power and influence of His Spirit. . . . God would have you minute men, as were the men who composed Gideon's army.  {SD 279.2}


                                                  m i n u t e m e n                                                                      


  And so it is in the army of Prince Immanuel. Our General, who has never lost a battle, expects willing, faithful service from everyone who has enlisted under His banner. In the closing controversy now waging between the forces for good and the hosts of evil He expects all, laymen as well as ministers, to take part. All who have enlisted as His soldiers are to render faithful service as minutemen, with a keen sense of the responsibility resting upon them individually. { 9T 116.2} 
  And so it is in the army of Prince Emmanuel. Our General, who has never lost a battle, expects willing, faithful service from every one who has enlisted under His banner. In the closing controversy now waging between the forces for good and the hosts of evil, He expects all, laymen as well as ministers, to take part. All who have enlisted as His soldiers are to render faithful service as minutemen, with a keen sense of the responsibility resting upon them individually. { GW 351.2} 



                                       we  are  to  stand  as  minute  men                                                                              


   Every moment is freighted with eternal consequences. We are to stand as minute men, ready for service at a moment's notice. The opportunity that is now ours to speak to some needy soul the word of life may never offer again. God may say to that one, "This night thy soul shall be required of thee," and through our neglect he may not be ready. (Luke 12:20.) In the great judgment day, how shall we render our account to God?  Christ's Object Lessons, page 343.2


  Our restaurant managers are to work for the salvation of the employees. They are not to overwork, placing themselves where they have neither strength nor inclination to help the workers spiritually. They are to devote their best powers to instructing their employees in spiritual lines, explaining the Scriptures to them, and praying with them and for them. They are to guard the religious interests of their children. Patiently and tenderly they are to watch over them, doing all in their power to help them to perfect Christian characters. Their words are to be like apples of gold in pictures of silver; their actions are to be free from every trace of selfishness and harshness. They are to stand as minute men, watching for souls as they that must give an account. They are to strive to keep their helpers standing on vantage ground, where their courage will constantly grow stronger and their faith in God constantly increase.  {4MR 285.1}
  The managers of our restaurants are to work for the salvation of the employees. They must not overwork, because by so doing they will place themselves where they have neither strength nor inclination to help the workers spiritually. They are to devote their best powers to instructing their employees in spiritual lines, explaining the Scriptures to them, and praying with them and for them. They are to guard the religious interests of the helpers as carefully as parents are to guard the religious interests of their children. Patiently and tenderly they are to watch over them, doing all in their power to help them in the perfection of Christian characters. Their words are to be like apples of gold in pictures of silver; their actions are to be free from every trace of selfishness and harshness. They are to stand as minute-men, watching for souls as they that must give an account. They are to strive to keep their helpers standing on vantage-ground, where their courage will constantly grow stronger, and their faith in God constantly increase.  {TSDF 109.4}


  Every moment is freighted with eternal consequences. We are to stand as minute-men, ready for service at a moment's notice. The opportunity that is now ours to speak to some needy soul the word of life may never offer again. God may say to that one, "This night thy soul shall be required of thee," and through our neglect he may not be ready. In the great judgment-day, how shall we render our account to God?  {ST, July 2, 1902 par. 14}
Every moment is freighted with eternal consequences. We are to stand as minute men, ready for service at a moment's notice. The opportunity that is now ours to speak to some needy soul the word of life may never offer again. God may say to that one, "This night thy soul shall be required of thee," and through our neglect he may not be ready. (Luke 12:20.) In the great judgment day, how shall we render our account to God?  {FLB 158.5}
  I have been called to behold things nigh and afar off, and and at the sight my head is dizzy, and my heart sick. God has not ordered things as they now stand. Are we not too fond of doing, when God would have us stand as minute men, watching and praying, prepared to do what He commanded through consecrated agencies? Men who want to do something for God say, "We will do this or that," and so a line is marked out for all to follow. Thus selfishness is growing all the time. Man is grasping all the advantages possible, bringing in all the material he can obtain for the work he wants to do, while he deprives his fellow workers of that which they need. Let not the men in responsible positions grow selfish and ambitious to accumulate buildings in one locality. The command is given, "Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others" (Philippians 2:4). If men would work in Christ's lines, they must yoke up with Him in meekness and lowliness of heart, pleading earnestly, "Lord, teach me Thy way. What is Thy purpose and will?" and asking at every step, "Am I trying to live for God or for myself?"  {1MR 237.3}
  The future of society will be determined by the youth of today. Satan is making earnest, persevering efforts to corrupt the mind and debase the character of every young person; and shall we who have more experience stand as mere spectators, and see him accomplish his purpose without hindrance? Let us stand at our post as minute men, to work for these youth, and through the help of God hold them back from the pit of destruction. In the parable, while men slept, the enemy sowed tares; and while you, my brethren and sisters, are unconscious of his work, he is gathering an army of youth under his banner; and he exults, for through them he carries on his warfare against God.  {FE 90.1}  also  { CT 47.1} 


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