
   Quotations from the writings of Ellen G. White with the word . . .

                C o m m o n               (  3  RELATED  PHRASES )                      

           The  word  'common'  appears  1xx  times in the writings of EGW                      page NOT on Original site                       Related Phrase:   common justice  (  )   - -   common fire  ( below )   - -   common sense  (  )

    Here is displayed the true spirit of popery. Not a trace of Christian principle, or even of common justice, is to be seen in the whole document. Luther was at a great distance from Rome; he had had no opportunity to explain or defend his position; yet before his case had been investigated, he was summarily pronounced a heretic, and in the same day, exhorted, accused, judged, and condemned; and all this by the self-styled holy father, the only supreme, infallible authority in church or state!  Great Controversy, page 134.1   Read entire Chapter 7








               C o m m o n     f i r e           

                     Related Phrase:   strange fire  ( original site ) 

    These are not the words of Sister White, but the words of the Lord, and His messenger has given them to me to give to you. God calls upon you to no longer work at cross purposes with Him. Much instruction was given in regard to men claiming to be Christian when they are revealing the attributes of Satan, counteracting in spirit, word, and action the advancement of truth, and are surely following the path where Satan is leading them. In their hardness of heart they have grasped authority which in no way belongs to them, and which they should not exercise. Saith the great Teacher, "I will overturn, overturn, overturn." Men say in Battle Creek, "The temple of the Lord, the temple of the Lord are we"' but they are using common fire. Their hearts are not softened and subdued by the grace of God.   {13MR 222.2}

   See  Ezekiel 21: 27





   I am urged by the Spirit of God to say to you who have a connection with the Lord’s work, Never forget that you are wholly dependent upon God; and if you pass one hour or one moment without relying upon His grace, without keeping the heart open to receive the wisdom that is not earthborn, being sure that without Christ ye can do nothing, you will be unable to distinguish between the common and the sacred fire. Words of a very forbidden character will flash from your lips to destroy hope and courage and faith. Thus it is written in the books of heaven: Your words were not inspired of God, but of the enemy that wounded and bruised Christ in the person of His purchased possession. Souls of infinite value were treated indifferently, turned from, left to struggle under temptation, and forced on Satan’s battleground. { TM 350.1} 


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