Injunction of Christ (28)

   Quotations from the writings of Ellen G. White with the phrase . . .

                I N j u n c t i o n    o f    c h r i s t        (  3  RELATED  PHRASES )                    

                   The  phrase  'injunction of Christ'  appears  28  times in the published writings of EGW                       page not on Original site                                Related Phrase:   obey the injunction of Christ ( below )  - -  injunctions of your Savior  (  )  - -  rules of Christ  - -  explicit directions (  )

  “Above all things,” the apostle writes, “have fervent charity among yourselves.” Do not listen to reports against a brother or a sister. Be very cautious how you take up a reproach against your neighbor. Ask the one who brings the accusation if he has obeyed the word of God in regard to this matter. Christ has left explicit directions as to what should be done. Go to your brother, and tell him his fault between him and you alone. Do not excuse yourself from this, saying, There is no personal grievance between the one who is accused and myself. The rules given by Christ are so definite, so explicit, that this excuse is not valid. Whether or not the grievance is between you and the one accused, the injunction of Christ is the same. Your brother needs help. Tell him, not someone else, that reports are being circulated about him. Give him opportunity to explain. It is possible that the reports are false, and that the difficulties may be adjusted by some simple explanation. This treatment is due everyone supposed to be in error. { 18MR 335.1 } 


  There is but one Scriptural way in which to deal with men when they introduce unsafe doctrines, and it has been enjoined upon the church by the Lord Jesus Christ. We are to strive by every power of our being to come into harmony with our brethren, because Christ has prayed that His disciples might be one as He and the Father are one. When we follow the injunction of Christ, cooperating with Him so as to bring about a condition among us that will answer the prayer of Christ, then we are doing the will of God; but when we disregard those rules that when followed will prevent discord and alienation, we scatter from Christ. { 1888 1044.1 } 
   The law of God should be loved and honored by His true people now more than ever before. There is the most imperative necessity of urging the injunction of Christ upon the minds and hearts of all believers, men and women, youth and children: “Search the Scriptures.” Study your Bible as you have never studied it before. Unless you arise to a higher, holier state in your religious life, you will not be ready for the appearing of our Lord. As great light has been given, God expects corresponding zeal, faithfulness, and devotion on the part of His people. There must be more spirituality, a deeper consecration to God, and a zeal in His work that has never yet been reached. Much time should be spent in prayer, that our garments of character may be washed and made white in the blood of the Lamb. { 5T 717.1}  Read entire Chapter 85


  Will the students of our schools study, and endeavor to copy the life and character of Him who came down from heaven to show them what they must be, if they would enter the kingdom of God? I have borne you a message of the near coming of the Son of God in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. I have not presented before you any definite time, but have repeated to you the injunction of Christ himself, to watch unto prayer, “For in such an hour as ye think not, the Son of man cometh.” [Matthew 24:44.] The warning has come echoing down the ages to our time, “Behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me to give every man according as his work shall be. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last. Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.” [Revelation 22:12-14.]—The Review and Herald, August 21, 1888. { CE 114.2 } 


  The word of God places the sin of gluttony in the same catalogue with drunkenness. So offensive was this sin in the sight of God that He gave directions to Moses that a child who would not be restrained on the point of appetite, but would gorge himself with anything his taste might crave, should be brought by his parents before the rulers of Israel, and should be stoned to death. The condition of the glutton was considered hopeless. He would be of no use to others, and was a curse to himself. No dependence could be placed upon him in anything. His influence would be ever contaminating others, and the world would be better without such a character; for his terrible defects would be perpetuated. None who have a sense of their accountability to God will allow the animal propensities to control reason. Those who do this are not Christians, whoever they may be, and however exalted their profession. The injunction of Christ is, “Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.” He here shows us that we may be as perfect in our sphere as God is in His sphere.— Testimonies for the Church 4:454, 455, 1880 { CD 133.2} 
  Will the students of our schools study, and endeavor to copy the life and character of Him who came down from heaven to show them what they must be, if they would enter the kingdom of God? I have borne you a message of the near coming of the Son of God in the clouds of heaven, with power and great glory. I have not presented before you any definite time, but have repeated to you the injunction of Christ himself, to watch unto prayer, “for in such an hour as ye think not, the Son of man cometh.” The warning has come echoing down the ages to our time, “Behold, I come quickly, and my reward is with me to give every man according as his work shall be. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last. Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.” { RH August 21, 1888, par. 18 }


  Many of the people of God are stupefied by the spirit of the world, and are denying their faith by their works. They cultivate a love for money, for houses and lands, until it absorbs the powers of mind and being, and shuts out love for the Creator and for souls for whom Christ died. The God of this world has blinded their eyes; their eternal interests are made secondary; and brain, bone, and muscle are taxed to the utmost to increase their worldly possessions. And all this accumulation of cares and burdens is borne in direct violation of the injunction of Christ, who said, “Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal.” { CS 209.1} also appears { BLJ 200.2} 


  Will the students of our schools study, and endeavor to copy the life and character of Him who came down from heaven to show them what they must be, if they would enter the kingdom of God? I have borne you a message of the near coming of the Son of God in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. I have not presented before you any definite time, but have repeated to you the injunction of Christ himself, to watch unto prayer, “For in such an hour as ye think not, the Son of man cometh.” The warning has come echoing down the ages to our time, “Behold, I come quickly; and My reward is with Me, to give every man according as his work shall be. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last. Blessed are they that do His commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.”—The Review and Herald, August 21, 1888. { FE 137.1 } 
   Again, losses occur from lack of thoughtful care in the use of material and machinery. There is a failure to look after all the larger and smaller matters, that nothing be wasted or damaged through neglect. A little squandered here and there amounts to a large sum in the course of a year. Some have never learned to exercise their faculties to save the remnants, notwithstanding the injunction of Christ: “Gather up the fragments that remain, that nothing be lost.” Material should not be slashed into to obtain a small piece. A little thoughtful care would lead to the gathering up and using of the little pieces that are now thrown aside and wasted. Attention should be given to saving even so trifling a matter as wastepaper, for it can be turned into money. { 4T 451.2} 
  “Again, losses occur from lack of thoughtful care in the use of material and machinery. There is a failure to look after all the larger and smaller matters, that nothing be wasted or damaged through neglect. A little squandered here and there amounts to a large sum in the course of a year. Some have never learned to exercise their faculties to save the remnants, notwithstanding the injunction of Christ, ‘Gather up the fragments that remain, that nothing be lost.’ Material should not be slashed into, to obtain a small piece. A little thoughtful care would lead to the gathering up and using of the little pieces that are now thrown aside and wasted. Attention should be given to saving even so trifling a matter as waste paper, for it can be turned into money. { PH150 36.2 } 


  Whether or not the grievance is between you and the one accused, the injunction of Christ is the same. Your brother needs help. Tell him, not someone else, that reports are being circulated about him. Give him opportunity to explain. It is possible that the reports are false and that the difficulties may be adjusted by some simple explanation. This treatment is due every one supposed to be in error. { HP 292.3} 


  There is danger among us of shirking our God-given responsibilities, and drifting into a state of indifference regarding the cause of God in all its various branches and departments. Many do not give the pecuniary support they are amply able to furnish to the home and foreign mission field. They have had warnings from God, but have neglected to profit by them. They made some impression upon them at first; but that influence soon wore away, and they bore little fruit to God’s glory. They have cherished the love of money till it has become an all-absorbing passion, and Heaven does not seem as valuable to them as their present earthly treasure. How can they keep the commandments as God requires them to be kept, yet place two-thirds of their affections upon the world? Such a life dishonors our holy faith, and is contrary to the injunction of Christ, who said, “Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in Heaven.” { RH March 21, 1878, par. 4 }


                         injunctions  of  your  Saviour

   Ministers and lay members of the church displease God when they allow individuals to tell them the errors and faults of their brethren. They should not listen to these reports, but should inquire: “Have you strictly followed the injunctions of your Saviour? Have you gone to the offender and told him his faults between you and him alone? And has he refused to hear you? Have you carefully and prayerfully taken two or three others, and labored with him in tenderness, humility, and meekness, your heart throbbing with love for his soul?” If the Captain’s orders, in the rules given for the erring, have been strictly followed, then an advance step is to be taken - tell it to the church, and let action be taken in the case according to the Scriptures. Then it is that heaven will ratify the decision made by the church in cutting off the offending member if he does not repent. If these steps have not been taken, close the ear to complaints, and thus refuse to take up a reproach against your neighbor. If there were no brethren and sisters to do this, evil tongues would soon cease; for they would not find so favorable a field in which to work in biting and devouring one another. { 5T 616.4}    Read entire section


  Ministers and lay members of the church displease God when they allow individuals to tell them the errors and faults of their brethren. They should not listen to these reports, but should inquire, “Have you strictly followed the injunction of your Saviour? Have you gone to the offender and told him his faults between you and him alone, and has he refused to hear you? Have you carefully and prayerfully taken two or three others, and labored with him in tenderness, humility, and meekness, your heart throbbing in love for his soul? If the Captain’s orders, in the rules given for the erring, have been strictly followed, then an advance step is to be taken. Tell it to the church, and let action be taken in the case according to the Scriptures. Then it is that heaven will ratify the decision made by the church in cutting off the offending member if he does not repent. { 15MR 138.1 } 




          o b e y    t h e    I N j u n c t i o n    o f    c h r i s t                                


    No man, woman, or youth can attain to Christian perfection and neglect the study of the word of God. By carefully and closely searching His word we shall obey the injunction of Christ, “Search the Scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of Me.” This search enables the student to observe closely the divine Model, for they testify of Christ. The Pattern must be inspected often and closely in order to imitate it. As one becomes acquainted with the history of the Redeemer, he discovers in himself defects of character; his unlikeness to Christ is so great that he sees he cannot be a follower without a very great change in his life. Still he studies, with a desire to be like his great Exemplar; he catches the looks, the spirit, of his beloved Master; by beholding he becomes changed. “Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith.” ... { CSW 17.1} 


   No man, woman, or youth can attain to Christian perfection and neglect the study of the word of God. By carefully and closely searching his word we shall obey the injunction of Christ, “Search the Scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.” This search enables the student to closely observe the divine Model, for they testify of Christ. The Pattern must be inspected often and closely in order to imitate it. As one becomes acquainted with the history of the Redeemer, he discovers in himself defects of character; his unlikeness to Christ is so great that he sees he cannot be a follower without a very great change in his life. Still he studies, with a desire to be like his great Exemplar; he catches the looks, the spirit, of his beloved Master; by beholding he becomes changed. “Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith.” It is not in looking away from him, and in losing sight of him, that we imitate the life of Jesus; but in dwelling upon and talking of him, and seeking to refine the taste and elevate the character; seeking to approach through earnest, persevering effort, through faith and love, the perfect Pattern. The attention being fixed upon Christ, his image, pure and spotless, becomes enshrined in the heart as “the chief among ten thousand and the one altogether lovely.” Even unconsciously we imitate that with which we are familiar. By having a knowledge of Christ, his words, his habits, his lessons of instruction, and by borrowing the virtues of the character which we have so closely studied, we become imbued with the spirit of the Master which we have so much admired. { RH November 28, 1878, par. 3 }


   No man, woman, or youth can attain to Christian perfection and neglect the study of the Word of God. By carefully and closely searching His Word we shall obey the injunction of Christ, “Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.” John 5:39. This search enables the student to observe closely the divine Model.... The Pattern must be inspected often and closely in order to imitate it. As one becomes acquainted with the history of the Redeemer, he discovers in himself defects of character; his unlikeness to Christ is so great that he sees he cannot be a follower without a very great change in his life. Still he studies, with a desire to be like his great Exemplar; he catches the looks, the spirit, of his beloved Master; by beholding he becomes changed. { FLB 223.2} 


  I have a message to bear to the people. Come out from the world and be ye separate. How then shall we become, as Christ has declared, a light unto the world? In the customs and ambitious practices of the world, we have no part. In their selfish ideas, we take no part. But in this very coming out, in separating from their idolatrous practices, we are witnessing to the truth. In the world, and yet not of the world. It is our work as Christians to manifest to the world a power of true godliness. We are to obey the injunction of Christ to deny ourselves, to take up the cross, and follow Him. { 21MR 422.2 } 


  There is but one Scriptural way in which to deal with men when they introduce unsafe doctrines, and it has been enjoined upon the church by the Lord Jesus Christ. We are to strive by every power of our being to come into harmony with our brethren, because Christ has prayed that His disciples might be one as He and the Father are one. When we follow the injunction of Christ, cooperating with Him so as to bring about a condition among us that will answer the prayer of Christ, then we are doing the will of God; but when we disregard those rules that when followed will prevent discord and alienation, we scatter from Christ. { 15MR 84.1 } 


   The fluctuating, changeable, mournful experience of many who profess Christ, is anything but rest and peace; it is continual labor, pain, and sorrow. They have placed a yoke upon their own necks exceedingly galling, and accumulated a burden for themselves, which Christ has not bidden them to lift. Love of the world is eating out of many hearts all love for Christ and for heavenly things. May these heed the injunction of Christ, “Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth.” Jesus knew what he was talking about; for earthly treasures become a snare. { RH December 11, 1883, par. 12 }



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