
    Quotations from the writings of Ellen G. White with the word . . .

            H u s b a n d m a n          (  3  RELATED  PHRASES )                  

                The  word  'husbandman'  appears  4xx  times in the published writings of EGW                          page not on Original site                                     Related Phrase:  Husbandmen  ( below )

   The husbandman chooses a piece of land from the wilderness; he fences, clears, and tills it, and plants it with choice vines, expecting a rich harvest. This plot of ground, in its superiority to the uncultivated waste, he expects to do him honor by showing the results of his care and toil in its cultivation. So God had chosen a people from the world to be trained and educated by Christ. The prophet says, “The vineyard of the Lord of hosts is the house of Israel, and the men of Judah His pleasant plant.” Isaiah 5:7. Upon this people God had bestowed great privileges, blessing them richly from His abundant goodness. He looked for them to honor Him by yielding fruit. They were to reveal the principles of His kingdom. In the midst of a fallen, wicked world they were to represent the character of God. { COL 285.1}  Read entire Chapter 23






          H u s b a n d m e n          (  x  RELATED  PHRASES )                  

                   The  word  'husbandmen'  appears  4xx  times in the published writings of EGW                page not on Original site                                                    Related Phrase:  Husbandmen (  )

  With a father’s heart, God bore with His people. He pleaded with them by mercies given and mercies withdrawn. Patiently He set their sins before them, and in forbearance waited for  their acknowledgment.  Prophets and messengers were sent to urge God’s claim upon the husbandmen; but instead of being welcomed, they were treated as enemies. The husbandmen persecuted and killed them. God sent still other messengers, but they received the same treatment as the first, only that the husbandmen showed still more determined hatred. { COL 293.1}  Read entire Chapter 23


  The husbandmen who had been placed in charge of the Lord’s vineyard were untrue to their trust. The priests and teachers were not faithful instructors of the people. They did not keep before them the goodness and mercy of God and His claim to their love and service. These  husbandmen sought their own glory. They desired to appropriate the fruits of the vineyard. It was their study to attract attention and homage to themselves. { COL 292.1}  Read entire Chapter 23






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