Principle (Separate section)

    Quotations  from  the  writings  of  Ellen G. White  with  the  word  . . .

           p r i n c i p l e           ( 16  phrases   about   principle  )         

             The  word  'principle'  appears  3,456  times  in  the  writings  of  Ellen G. White         

             The word  'principles'  appears  9,613  times  in  the  writings  of  Ellen G. White  ( see below )

      +      active principle  (  )   >    the active principle in the heart  (  )

      +      great principle  ( 62 )    >   great principle of religious liberty  (  )   >   great principle of love  ( 6 )              +   one principle (  )   [ see favorites ]

      +      Men of principle  (  )

Whatever may be their profession, it is only those who are world servers at heart that act from policy rather than principle in religious things. We should choose the right because it is right, and leave consequences with God. To men of principle, faith, and daring, the world is indebted for its great reforms. By such men the work of reform for this time must be carried forward.  Great Controversy, page 460.2   Read entire chapter 26

      +      iota of principle  ( 8 )    >  

      +      strength of principle  ( see favorite quotes )

                                      true  to  principle                                      


     +++   adhere to principle  ( 1 )   > >   faithful to principle  ( 4 )

      +     true to principle    ( 146 )     >+++    true as steel to principle  ( 40 )

      ++   stand firm to principle  ( 6 )   >   stand firm for principle  ( 4 )   

             ++    stand firm as a rock to principle (  )

                                  compromise   principle                                                   


   +      Compromise principle  (  )   >

        Sacrifice principle  (  )   >

   +      Surrender principle  (  )

                                      p r i n c i p l e     o f . . .                  appears  598  times                      

   +      principle of brotherhood  (  )  >

   +      principle of kindness  (  )      [ see Favorites below ]

   +      principle of love  (  )  [ see favorite below ]

        principle of selfishness  ( 1 )

   +      fundamental principle of . . .           >   fundamental principle of love  ( 4 )


       p r i n c i p l e s               (   10  phrases   about   principles  )      

                The word  'principles'  appears  9,613  times  in  the  writings  of  Ellen G. White  

   Related phrases:  

      +     Divine principles  ( 71 )

      +     God's principles  (  )    ( see favorite below )

      +    Important principles  (  )

    ++    principles of piety  ( 3 )

      +    principles of the kingdom of God  ( 18 )   ++   principles of God's kingdom

                >>  principles of His kingdom  (  )     ( see favorites below )

      ++     principles of truth  ( 466 )

      ++    principles that govern . . .  ( 31 )   >  the principles that govern heaven  (  )

      +     fundamental principles    ( 65 )    >   fundamental principles of Christianity  (   )

  The enemy of souls has sought to bring in the supposition that a great reformation was to take place among Seventh-day Adventists, and that this reformation would consist in giving up the doctrines which stand as the pillars of our faith, and engaging in a process of reorganization. Were this reformation to take place, what would result? The principles of truth that God in His wisdom has given to the remnant church, would be discarded. Our religion would be changed. The fundamental principles that have sustained the work for the last fifty years would be accounted as error. A new organization would be established. Books of a new order would be written. A system of intellectual philosophy would be introduced. The founders of this system would go into the cities, and do a wonderful work. The Sabbath of course, would be lightly regarded, as also the God who created it. Nothing would be allowed to stand in the way of the new movement. The leaders would teach that virtue is better than vice, but God being removed, they would place their dependence on human power, which, without God, is worthless. Their foundation would be built on the sand, and storm and tempest would sweep away the structure. { 1SM 204.2}

     +     Right principles  (  )    >   departure from right principles  (  )  

Ezra’s motives were high and holy; in all that he did he was actuated by a deep love for souls. The compassion and tenderness that he revealed toward those who had sinned, either willfully or through ignorance, should be an object lesson to all who seek to bring about reforms. The servants of God are to be as firm as a rock where right principles are involved; and yet, withal, they are to manifest sympathy and forbearance. Like Ezra, they are to teach transgressors the way of life by calculating principles that are the foundation of all right doing.   Prophets and Kings, page 623.3  Read entire chapter 51

   +     principles of Christ  (  )

   +     principles of eternal truth  (  )

   And here, too, is the great cause of mental weakness and inefficiency. In turning from God's word to feed on the writings of uninspired men, the mind becomes dwarfed and cheapened. It is not brought in contact with deep, broad principles of eternal truth. The understanding adapts itself to the comprehension of the things with which it is familiar, and in this devotion to finite things it is weakened, its power is contracted, and after a time it becomes unable to expand.  {COL 41.3}   Read entire Chapter 2

   +     principles of evil   (  )

   ++   principles of heaven  ( 174 )

   ++   principles of His kingdom  (  )

   In setting aside the law of God, men know not what they are doing. God's law is the transcript of His character. It embodies the principles of His kingdom. He who refuses to accept these principles is placing himself outside the channel where God's blessings flow.  { COL 305.3 }  Read entire Chapter 23

   +     principles of His law  (  )

  “If thou wilt enter into life,” He added, “keep the commandments.” The character of God is expressed in His law; and in order for you to be in harmony with God, the principles of His law must be the spring of your every action. { COL 391.1


  ++    principles of righteousness  ( 186 )   >   great principles of righteousness  (  )

  ++    principles of justice   ( 33 )   >>   the principles of justice require   (  )

       principles of selfishness  ( 15 )

   ++   principles of truth  ( 466 )

   The principles which God has enjoined, would prevent the terrible evils that in all ages have resulted from the oppression of the rich toward the poor and the suspicion and hatred of the poor toward the rich. While they might hinder the amassing of great wealth and the indulgence of unbounded luxury, they would prevent the consequent ignorance and degradation of tens of thousands whose ill-paid servitude is required to build up these colossal fortunes. They would bring a peaceful solution of those problems that now threaten to fill the world with anarchy and bloodshed.  Patriarchs and Prophets, page 536.2


  The Bible is a book which discloses the principles of right and truth. It contains whatever is needful for the saving of the soul, and at the same time, it is adapted to strengthen and discipline the mind. If used as a text book in our schools, it will be found far more effective than any other book in the world, in guiding wisely in the affairs of this life, as well as in aiding the soul up the ladder of progress which reaches to heaven. God cares for us as intellectual beings, and he has given us his word as a lamp to our feet and a light to our pathway. "The entrance of thy words giveth light; it giveth understanding unto the simple." [PS. 119:130.] It is not the mere reading of the word that will accomplish the result that is designed by Heaven, but the truth revealed in the word of God must find an entrance into the heart, if the good intended is obtained.  {CE 108.1}  {FE 131.2}


  Ezra became a mouthpiece for God, educating those about him in the principles that govern heaven. During the remaining years of his life, whether near the court of the king of Medo-Persia or at Jerusalem, his principal work was that of a teacher. As he communicated to others the truths he learned, his capacity for labor increased. He became a man of piety and zeal. He was the Lord’s witness to the world of the power of Bible truth to ennoble the daily life.  Prophets and Kings, page 609.2   Read entire chapter 50




            My  personal  favorites

   Those who love Jesus and the souls for whom he had died will follow after the things which make for peace.  But they must take care lest in their efforts to prevent discord, they surrender truth; lest in warding off division, they sacrifice principle. True brotherhood can never be maintained by compromising principle. As Christians approach the Christlike model, and become pure in spirit and action, they will feel the venom of the serpent. The opposition of the children of disobedience is excited by a Christianity that is spiritual. At this crisis is the time to decide who are God's faithful servants, who will be true to principle, who will bear in mind that truth is too dearly purchased for its least principle to be surrendered. That peace and harmony which are secured by mutual concessions to avoid all differences of opinion are not worthy of the name. On points of feeling between man and man, concessions should sometimes be made; but never should one iota of principle be sacrificed to obtain harmony. All our words and actions pass in review before God; and if we wish to stand in the Judgment as having done all that we could do to exert a correct influence over our fellow men, we must return kind acts for acts of mischief and malice. Christ is our pattern; we must follow him.  {RH, January 16, 1900 par. 6}


     Our heavenly Father has a thousand ways to provide for us of which we know nothing. Those who accept the one principle of making the service of God supreme, will find perplexities vanish and a plain path before their feet. { MH 481.2} 


  The principles of kindness, mercy, and love, taught and exemplified by our Saviour, are a transcript of the will and character of God. Christ declared that He taught nothing except that which He had received from His Father. The principles of the divine government are in perfect harmony with the Saviour's precept, "Love your enemies." God executes justice upon the wicked, for the good of the universe, and even for the good of those upon whom His judgments are visited. He would make them happy if He could do so in accordance with the laws of His government and the justice of His character. He surrounds them with the tokens of His love, He grants them a knowledge of His law, and follows them with the offers of His mercy; but they despise His love, make void His law, and reject His mercy. While constantly receiving His gifts, they dishonor the Giver; they hate God because they know that He abhors their sins. The Lord bears long with their perversity; but the decisive hour will come at last, when their destiny is to be decided. Will He then chain these rebels to His side? Will He force them to do His will?  Great Controversy, page 541.4   Read entire chapter 33


   The Bible is its own expositor. Scripture is to be compared with scripture. The student should learn to view the word as a whole, and to see the relation of its parts. He should gain a knowledge of its grand central theme, of God’s original purpose for the world, of the rise of the great controversy, and of the work of redemption.  He should understand the nature of the two principles that are contending for supremacy, and should learn to trace their working through the records of history and prophecy, to the great consummation. He should see how this controversy enters into every phase of human experience; how in every act of life he himself reveals the one or the other of the two antagonistic motives; and how, whether he will or not, he is even now deciding upon which side of the controversy he will be found.  Education, page 190.2   Read entire Chapter 20


   It is these great truths that old and young need to learn. We need to study the working out of God’s purpose in the history of nations and in the revelation of things to come, that we may estimate at their true value things seen and things unseen; that we may learn what is the true aim of life; that, viewing the things of time in the light of eternity, we may put them to their truest and noblest use. Thus, learning here the principles of His kingdom and becoming its subjects and citizens, we may be prepared at His coming to enter with Him into its possession.  Education, page 184.1    Read Entire Chapter 19


    He who places himself unreservedly under the guidance of the Spirit of God, will find that his mind expands and develops. He obtains an education in the service of God which is not one-sided and deficient, developing a one-sided character, but one which results in symmetry and completeness. Weaknesses that have been manifested in a vacillating will and powerless character, are overcome, for continual devotion and piety bring the man in such close relation to Christ that he has the mind of Christ. He is one with Christ, having soundness and strength of principle. His perception is clear, and he manifests that wisdom which comes from God. Says James, “Who is a wise man and endued with knowledge among you? let him shew out of a good conversation his works with meekness of wisdom” ( James 3:13).  “The wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy. And the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace of them that make peace” ( James 3:17, 18). This will be the wisdom manifested by him who takes the cup of salvation and calls upon the name of the Lord. This salvation, which offers pardon to the transgressor, presents to him the righteousness that will bear the scrutiny of the Omniscient One, gives victory over the powerful enemy of God and man, provides eternal life and joy for its receiver, and may well be a theme of rejoicing to the humble, who hear thereof and are glad. { 1SM 338.2}  Read entire article


 While nations have rejected God’s principles, and in this rejection have wrought their own ruin, yet a divine, overruling purpose has manifestly been at work throughout the ages. It was this that the prophet Ezekiel saw in the wonderful representation given him during his exile in the land of the Chaldeans, when before his astonished gaze were portrayed the symbols that revealed an overruling Power that has to do with the affairs of earthly rulers.  Prophets and Kings, page 535.2   Read entire chapter 43


    It is when the vital principles of the kingdom of God are lost sight of, that ceremonies become multitudinous and extravagant. It is when the character building is neglected, when the adornment of the soul is lacking, when the simplicity of godliness is despised, that pride and love of display demand magnificent church edifices, splendid adornings, and imposing ceremonials. But in all this God is not honored. He values His church, not for its external advantages, but for the sincere piety which distinguishes it from the world. He estimates it according to the growth of its members in the knowledge of Christ, according to their progress in spiritual experience. He looks for the principles of love and goodness. Not all the beauty of art can bear comparison with the beauty of temper and character to be revealed in those who are Christ’s representatives.  Prophets and Kings, page 565.3   Read entire chapter 45


   In view of all these influences which are at work in the world to instill infidel sentiments into the minds of the rising generation, shall those parents who have the light of truth aid in this work? Shall they, by their example, their influence, give the impression to their own children and to the world that it makes little difference whether they obey God in every particular? We all need both sound Bible doctrine and pure heart religion in order that we may represent the truth as it is in Jesus. We need continually to breathe the vitalizing atmosphere of heaven that we may have spiritual health and strength. The law of God must be an abiding, active principle in the heart, if we would exert a correct influence over others. It must have a controlling influence upon the conscience and the understanding, and upon the thoughts, and words, and deeds. { RH May 4, 1886, par. 5 }


  The home in which the members are polite, courteous Christians exerts a far-reaching influence for good.  Other families will mark the results attained by such a home, and will follow the example set, in their turn guarding the home against Satanic influences. The angels of God will often visit the home in which the will of God bears sway. Under the power of divine grace such a home becomes a place of refreshing to worn, weary pilgrims. By watchful guarding, self is kept from asserting itself. Correct habits are formed. There is a careful recognition of the rights of others. The faith that works by love and purifies the soul stands at the helm, presiding over the whole household. Under the hallowed influence of such a home, the principle of brotherhood laid down in the word of God is more widely recognized and obeyed.  {AH 31.2}




                              Numbers shown in ( ) is the  ( number of texts )  containing this phrase

                                        Return to Selected Quotations by EGW page


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