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Vision in a Sailboat | Summer of 1846 |
Description also found in Christian Early Writings (Page 23, 24)
Vision in a Sailboat |
On another visit to Massachusetts in the summer of 1846, at a time when some insisted that the visions could be accounted for by mesmeric power, a vision was given to Ellen under very unusual circumstances. We have her account of the experience and that of H. S. Gurney, a blacksmith and close friend of Joseph Bates. {1BIO 108.4} |
Ellen was impressed that she should visit an Adventist family--the Halls--on West Island, around the point from Fairhaven and to the north by sea. She requested Gurney to take her to the island. Accompanied by her sister Sarah and a Sister A., they started on what should have been a pleasant trip. In the introduction to her first book Ellen recounted the experience. {1BIO 109.1} |
It was almost night when we got started. We had gone but a short distance when a storm suddenly arose. It thundered and lightened, and the rain came in torrents upon us. It seemed plain that we must be lost, unless God should deliver. {1BIO 109.2} |
I knelt down in the boat and began to cry to God to deliver us. And there upon the tossing billows, while the water washed over the top of the boat upon us, the rain descended as I never saw it before, the lightnings flashed and the thunders rolled, I was taken off in vision and saw that sooner would every drop of water in the ocean be dried up than we should perish, for I saw that my work had . . . just begun. After I came out of the vision all my fears were gone, and we sang and praised God, and our little boat was a floating Bethel. . . . {1BIO 109.3} |
Brother Gurney had more than he could well do, to manage the boat. He tried to anchor, but the anchor dragged. Our little boat was tossed upon the waves, and driven by the wind, while it was so dark that we could not see from one end of the boat to the other. -- Experience and Views, pp. 8, 9 (see also EW, pp. 23, 24). {1BIO 109.4} |
Ellen White recounted the incident of the vision, a refutation that the visions were brought about by the influence of others. She asked: "What opportunity was there for mesmeric operations in such a time as that?"-- EW, p. 23. {1BIO 109.5} |
As the storm subsided, the little craft drifted near land. Seeing a light, they called loudly for assistance. The keel of the sailboat prevented a close approach to the shore, but they were soon rescued by one of the residents of West Island. They rejoiced that, although lost in the storm, they had arrived safely at their destination. {1BIO 109.6} |
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