
      Quotations from the writings of Ellen G. White with the phrase . . .

                           D o m i n a t i o n                      (  3  RELATED  PHRASES )                      

                  The  word  'Domination"  appears  xxx  times in the published writings of EGW                See page on Original site                                                       Related Phrase:   Dominion  (  )  - -  Dictatorial  (  )  - -    Spirit of Domination

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Some of the most popular amusements, such as football and boxing, have become schools of brutality. They are developing the same characteristics as did the games of ancient Rome. The love of domination, the pride in mere brute force, the reckless disregard of life, are exerting upon the youth a power to demoralize that is appalling.  {AH 500.3} {Ed 210.3}


Love of domination
Some of the most popular amusements, such as football and boxing, have become schools of brutality. They are developing the same characteristics as did the games of ancient Rome. The love of domination, the pride in mere brute force, the reckless disregard of life, are exerting upon the youth a power to demoralize that is appalling.  {CH 189.3}
In the theological schools of Judea the word of God had been set aside for human speculations; it was robbed of its power by the interpretations and traditions of the rabbis. Self-aggrandizement, love of domination, jealous exclusiveness, bigotry and contemptuous pride, were the ruling principles and motives of these teachers.  {Ed 64.4}



                                  Results  of  Domination  -  Quote from  Christian Leadership,  page 31                                    
The Results of Domination -- The holy principles that God has given are represented by the sacred fire; but common fire has been used in place of the sacred.  Plans, contrary to truth and righteousness, are introduced in a subtle manner on the plea that this must be done, and that must be done, because it is for the advancement of the cause of God.  But it is the devising of men that leads to oppression, injustice and wickedness.  The cause of God is to be free from every taint of injustice.  It can gain no advantage by robbing the members of the family of God of their individuality or of their rights.  All such practices are abhorrent to God . . . . {ChL 31.1}


The high-handed power that has been developed, as though positions had made men gods, makes me afraid, and ought to cause fear.  It is a curse wherever, and by whomsoever it is exercised.  This lording it over God's heritage will create such a disgust of man's jurisdiction that a state of insubordination will result.  The people are learning that men in high positions of responsibility cannot be trusted to mold and fashion other men's minds and characters.  The result will be a loss of confidence even in the management of faithful men . . . .  {ChL 31.2}

The spirit of domination is extending to the presidents of our conferences.  If a man is sanguine of his own powers and seeks to exercise dominion over his brethren, feeling that he is invested with authority to make his will the ruling power, the best and only safe course is to remove him, lest great harm be done, and he lose his own soul, and imperil the souls of others.  "All ye are brethren." {ChL 31.3}
This disposition to lord it over God's heritage will cause a reaction unless these men change their course.  Those in authority should manifest the spirit of Christ.  They should deal as he would deal with every case that requires attention.  They should go weighted with the Holy Spirit.  A man's position does not make him one jot or tittle greater in the sight of God; it is character alone that God values.-- Letter 55, 1895 (Sept. 19, 1895 to O. A. Olsen). Christian Leadership, page 31.4


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