Discern the motives

     Quotations from the writings of Ellen G. White with the phrase . . .

                           D i s c e r n    t h e    m o t i v e s                    (  3  RELATED  PHRASES )                      

                  The  phrase  'Discern the motives"  appears  6  times in the published writings of EGW                See page on Original site                                                         Related Phrase:    Discerns the motives  (  )  - -   Discern our own motives

   The world has no part with the believers in this work. They cannot discern the motives and principles by which God's people are bound in their relations and dealings with one another. We must be true, loyal soldiers in the army of Jesus Christ. All His followers are to keep step with their Leader. They should never introduce their secrets to, or make confidants of, the enemies of Jesus Christ in regard to their movements or what they purpose to do in their line of action; for it is a betrayal of sacred trusts, and is giving the enemy every advantage. Let the counsel of the people of God be within their own company. The enemies of Christ should not be made familiar with their secrets, while the children of God are kept in ignorance of the very things they ought to know. The secrets of the Lord are with them that fear Him.  {TM 269.2}


Opponents to the truth will show skill in misstating the positions of its defenders. They will make the most solemn, sacred truths the subject of ridicule. They will generally sport and deride precious, sacred truth, and place it in so false a light before the people that minds that are darkened by error and polluted by sin, do not discern the motives and objects of these designing men in thus covering up and falsifying precious and important truth. Because of the men who engage in them, there are but few discussions that it is possible to conduct upon right principles. Sharp thrusts are too frequently given by both parties, personalities are indulged in, and frequently both parties descend to sarcasm and witticism. The love of souls is lost in the greater desire for the mastery. Prejudice, deep and bitter, is often the result of discussions.  {GW92 190.3}
Opponents of the truth will show skill in misstating the positions of its defenders. . . . They will generally deride sacred truth, and place it in so false a light before the people that minds that are darkened by error and polluted by sin, do not discern the motives and objects of these designing men in thus covering up and falsifying important truth. Because of the men who engage in them, there are few discussions that it is possible to conduct upon right principles. Sharp thrusts are too frequently given, personalities are indulged in, and often both parties descend to sarcasm and witticism. The love of souls is lost in the greater desire for the mastery. Prejudice, deep and bitter, is often the result. . . .  {GW 378.2}


  Opponents to the truth will show skill in misstating their opponent. They will make the most solemn, sacred truths the subject of ridicule. They will generally sport and deride precious, sacred truth, and place it in so false a light before the people that minds that are darkened by error and polluted by sin do not discern the motives and objects of these designing men in thus covering up and falsifying precious and important truth. Because of the men who engage in them, there are but few discussions that it is possible to conduct upon right principles. Sharp thrusts are too frequently given by both parties, personalities are indulged in, and frequently both parties descend to sarcasm and witticism. The love of souls is lost in the greater desire for the mastery. Prejudice, deep and bitter, is often the result of discussions.  {3T 424.4}
  The world is not a friend to truth, and the servants of God must not allow themselves to be affected by the accusations of worldlings against those who love the truth. Let all the believers study the lessons that Christ has given. If complaints are made against a brother or a sister, let those who hear the report follow the Saviour's instruction, and go to the accused alone, and see if the matter cannot be explained. If there is real wrong existing, and he will not hear you, then take two or three others, and in the spirit of love and meekness, seeking God for wisdom, try to restore such a one. If this method does not succeed in winning him from his evil ways, bring his case before the church. Unbelievers have no part to act in any of these dealings. They could not discern the motives or principles that believers are to follow in caring for their brethren, nor understand the relation that exists between those of like faith. As soldiers of Jesus Christ, we are under obligation to be true to one another. The followers of Christ are to keep step with their Leader, and never utter a complaint against a brother to an enemy of truth. Let there be no betrayal of sacred trusts. Give not the enemies of Christ cause to triumph or to take advantage of God's servants. Let the counsel of the people of God be with their own company. "The secret of the Lord is with them that fear him."  - {RH, February 26, 1895 par. 8}


The words given me were of that character that I knew the people needed, and which would benefit them if they would hear. One discourse was upon how to treat those united with us in church capacity, if they erred. They were not to permit their minds to be affected to action by the words of the Lord's enemies against his children. If complaints or murmurings or charges are made, they must study in Christ's school as to the course to be pursued toward the ones of whom complaints are made. Tell the matter between him and thee alone, and if he will not hear, then take two or three others; if he will not hear these, tell it to the church. The world has no part with the believers in this work. They cannot discern the motives and principles by which God's people are bound in their relations and dealings with one another. We must be true, loyal soldiers in the army of Jesus Christ. All his followers are to keep step with their Leader. They should never introduce their secrets to, or make confidants of, the enemies of Jesus Christ in regard to their movements or what they purpose to do in their line of action; for it is a betrayal of sacred trusts, and is giving the enemy every advantage. Let the counsel of the people of God be within their own company. The enemies of Christ should not be made familiar with their secrets, while the children of God are kept in ignorance of the very things they ought to know. The secrets of the Lord are with them that fear him.  {SpTA06 7.1}


                                                               God  discerns  the  motives
  There are some in the church who profess to be keeping the law of Jehovah, but who are transgressors of that law. There are men who do not discern their own defects. They possess a selfish, penurious spirit and blind their own eyes to their sin of covetousness, which the Bible defines as idolatry. Men of this character may have been esteemed by their brethren as most exemplary Christians; but the eye of God reads the heart and discerns the motives. He sees that which man cannot see in the thoughts and character. In His providence He brings these persons into positions which will in time reveal the defects in their character, that if they wish to see and correct them they can do so. There are some who have all their lives studied their own interest and been swallowed up in their own selfish plans and who have been anxious to advantage themselves without much thought whether others would be distressed or perplexed by any plans or actions of theirs. Selfish interest overbears mercy and the love of God. The Lord sometimes permits this class to go on in their selfish course in spiritual blindness until their defects are apparent to all who have spiritual discernment and they evidence by their works that they are not genuine Christians.  {3T 513.2}



                                                            discern  our  own  motives                                                                         


  Amid the cares of active life it is sometimes difficult to discern our own motives, but progress is made daily either for good or evil. Likes or dislikes, an uprising of personal feelings, will come in to control our actions; the things of sense will blind our vision. I have been shown that Jesus loves us; but He is grieved to see such a want of wise discrimination, of adaptability to the work, and of wisdom to reach human hearts and enter into the feelings of others. While we are to guard against the constant danger of forming an alliance with the enemies of Christ and being corrupted by them, we must guard against holding ourselves aloof from those whom our Lord claims as His. "Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these My brethren," He says, "ye have done it unto Me." Matthew 25:40  If with an earnest, loving purpose we improve every opportunity to help to their feet those who have stumbled and fallen, we shall not have lived in vain. Our manners will not be harsh, overbearing, and dictatorial, but our lives will be fragrant with the hidden grace of Christ.  {5T 420.1}


Sometimes Difficult to Discern Motives -- Amid the cares of active life it is sometimes difficult to discern our own motives, but progress is made daily either for good or evil.-- 5T 420 (1889).  {1MCP 349.1}




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