Great Controversy  (1911)

                 T H E    G R E A T    C O N T R O V E R S Y                     
                                                   - 1911  Edition -                         


     The results of the circulation of this book [The Great Controversy] are not to be judged by what now appears. By reading it, some souls will be aroused, and will have courage to unite themselves at once with those who keep the commandments of God. But a much larger number who read it will not take their position until they see the very events taking place that are foretold in it. The fulfillment of some of the predictions will inspire faith that others also will come to pass, and when the earth is lightened with the glory of the Lord, in the closing work, many souls will take their position on the commandments of God as the result of this agency....  {PM 356.4}

            Circulation of the Great Controversy  --  MS - 31 - 1890

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    other audio books

New Edition of 'The Great Controversy' with color illustrations
Video of President of Pacific Press announcing release of a color edition of The Great Controversy.  Click here to See video  

.                                                         Table   of   Contents

                                                                                  ( 1911  edition )

                        Introduction   Page v - xii
  Chapter  1 -  The Destruction of Jerusalem   Audio )   Page 17 - 38 
  Chapter  2 -  Persecution in the First Centuries  ( Audio )   Page 39 - 48

  Chapter  3 -  Era of Spiritual Darkness (Apostasy)  Audio )

  Page 49 - 60 Appendix

  Chapter  4 -  The Waldenses                           ( Audio )

  Page 61 - 78
  Chapter  5 -  John Wycliffe   ( 1323 - 1387 )   Audio )   Page 79 -  96 Study Guide ]      

  Chapter  6 -  Huss and Jerome                       ( Audio )

  Page 97 - 119 Appendix 
  Chapter  7 -  Luther's Separation From Rome  Audio )   Page 120 - 144
  Chapter  8 -  Luther Before the Diet             Audio )   Page 145 - 169

  Chapter  9 -  The Swiss Reformer  ( Ulric Zwingli )    ( Audio )

  Page 171 - 184
  Chapter 10 -  Progress of Reform in Germany   Audio )   page 185 - 196

  Chapter 11 -  Protest of the Princes     Audio )   

  page 197 - 210

  Chapter 12 -  French Reformation  ( 1500's )   ( Audio ) 

  page 211 - 236
  Chapter 13 -  The Netherlands and Scandinavia  Audio )     page 237 - 244
  Chapter 14 -  Later English Reformers  ( 1500's )  Audio )     = = = = =   page 245 - 264
  Chapter 15 -  The Bible and the French Revolution  ( Audio )   page 265 - 288 Appendix
  Chapter 16 -  The Pilgrim Fathers      ( 1600's )   ( Audio )   page 289 - 298
          Quote on Union of Church and State       Page 297 
  Chapter 17 -  Heralds of the Morning      Audio )   page 299 - 316
  Chapter 18 -  An American Reformer  (William Miller)  Audio )              page 317 - 342 Appendix
  Chapter 19 -  Light Through Darkness      ( Audio )   page 343 - 354
  Chapter 20 -  A Great Religious Awakening   Audio )     page 355 - 374
 Chapter 21 -  A Warning Rejected  ( 1844 )   Audio )   Page 375 - 389
 Chapter 22 -  Prophecies Fulfilled       Audio )   Page 390 - 409
 Chapter 23 -  What is the Sanctuary    ( Audio )   Page 409 - 430
 Chapter 24 -  In the Holy or Holies      Audio )   Page 423 - 431   [ Study Guide ]     
 Chapter 25 -  God's Immutable Law    Audio )   Page 432 - 450    [ Appendix ]
 Chapter 26 -  A Work of Reform          Audio )  Page 451 - 460   [ Study Guide ]
 Chapter 27 -  Modern Revivals            Audio )  Page 461 - 478   [ Study Guide ]
 Chapter 28 -  Facing Life's Record     Audio )  Page 479 - 491   [ Study Guide ]
 Chapter 29 -  The Origin of Sin           ( Audio )  Page 492 - 504    [ Study Guide ]
 Chapter 30 -  Enmity Between Man and Satan  Audio )  Page 505 - 510   [ Study Guide ]
= = = Chapter 31 -  Agency of Evil Spirits     ( Audio )  Page 511 - 517   [ Study Guide ]
= = = Chapter 32 -  Snares of Satan                 ( Audio )  Page 518 - 530 [ Study Guide ]
= = = Chapter 33 -  The First Great Deception  ( Audio )  Page 531 - 550 Study Guide ]
= = = Chapter 34 -  Can our Dead Speak to Us?  ( Audio )   Page 551 - 562 Study Guide ]
= = = Chapter 35 -  Liberty of Conscience Threatened  ( Audio )  Page 563 - 581 Study Guide ]
= = = Chapter 36 -  The Impending Conflict     ( Audio )  Page 582 - 592 Study Guide ]
                     - Summary for Chapter 36    Developing a Time Line
= = =  Chapter 37 -  Scriptures a Safeguard    Audio )  Page 593 - 602  Study Guide ]
= = = Chapter 38 -  The Final Warning            ( Audio )  Page 603 - 612 Study Guide ]
= = = Chapter 39 -  The Time of Trouble         ( Audio )  Page 613 - 633   Study Guide]
= = = Chapter 40 -  God's People Delivered   Audio )  Page 635 - 652 Study Guide]
= = = Chapter 41 -  Desolation of the Earth    Audio )  Page 653 - 661 Study Guide ]
= = = Chapter 42 -  The Controversy Ended   Audio )   Page 662 - 678 Study Guide ]
                    Appendix  -   Chapter 3  -  Chapter 18  -  Chapter 25  -     Page 679  -  end
     Is The Great Controversy missing a chapter?


God gave me the light contained in The Great Controversy and Patriarchs and Prophets and this light was needed to arouse the people to prepare for the great day of God, which is just before us. These books contain God's direct appeal to the people. Thus He is speaking to the people in stirring words, urging them to make ready for His coming. The light God has given in these books should not be concealed.-- CM 128, 129.  {PM 357.1}

   New Edition of 'The Great Controversy' with color illustrations

        Video with President of Pacific Press announcing publication of a color edition of
        The Great  Controversy. Click here to see video

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Biography of Ellen G. White contains interesting information about the writing and publishing of this edition
    BIO Volume 6 - The later Elmshaven Years - written by Arthur White
    Chapter 24 - Inspiration and the 1911 Edition of 'The Great Controversy'

                                 Return to Spirit of Prophecy page

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