
     Quotations from the writings of Ellen G. White with the word . . .

                 e v a n g e l i s m          (  6  RELATED  PHRASES )                             

         The word  "Evangelsim"  appears  470  times in the writings of Ellen White                 See the Original page

           +    Evangelism   ( 470 )   most of these refer to the Book Evangelism
           +    Bible evangelism  (  )
           +    Literature Evangelism  (  )
           +    Medical evangelism  (  )
           +    Personal evangelism (  )    >   Visitation evangelism  (  )
           +    Christ's method of evangelism  (  )
           +   Small group evangelism  (  )
           +   Youth evangelism  (  )
           +   Evangelists  (  )



                                                s o u l  -  w i n n i n g                                                     

       +++    Soul - winning     ( 72 )
       -|-    the work of soul - winning    (  )
       -|-    the science of soul-saving   (  )     >    Work of soul-saving



                                                   E v a n g e l i s m                                                                            

         Compilation of the writings of Ellen White in the book,  Evangelism  -- Published in 1946         
                                                 Table of Contents
Section I                      The Challenge to Evangelism

Proclaiming the Message ____________________________________________   15

Ever-Widening Influence of the Gospel    ______________________________       19

The Need of Evangelistic Workers ___________________________________       21

-  Section II                     The Metropolitan Masses

In the Shadow of Impending Doom _____ ____________________________       25

Increasing Difficulties   ___________________________________________       30

The Call for a Speedy Work   ______________________________________       33

Special Opportunities for Evangelism  _______________________________       35

Surveying the Needs of the Large Cities   ____________________________       36

Problems Peculiar to Metropolitan Evangelism  _______________________        38

The Promise of an Abundant Harvest  _______________________________       43

-  Section III                   Smaller Communities and Rural Areas

The Highways and Byways ________________________________________       45

Rural Workers  __________________________________________________      48

-  Section IV                  Planning for the Public Campaign

Patterning After the Master Evangelist    _____________________________       53

Planning an Expanding Evangelism  ________________________________       59

Moving Forward by Faith    ________________________________________       61

Evangelism of the Highest Type  ___________________________________       66

The Evangelist and His Team  _____________________________________       69

Advantages of Two and Two  ______________________________________       72

The Evangelistic Site  ____________________________________________       74

The Outpost Centers  ____________________________________________       76

Planning Sectional and Suburban Meetings   _________________________       78

Planning for a Permanent Work  ___________________________________       79

Finance and the Budget   _________________________________________       85

The Business Management of the Campaign   ________________________       91

-- Section V                Organizing for Evangelistic Meetings
Methods and Organization  ________________________________________       93

The Evangelistic Company  ________________________________________       96

Importance of Prayerful Counseling  _________________________________       97

Unity in Diversity  ________________________________________________       98

Allowing for More Than One Man's Method  __________________________      103

The City Field Training School  ____________________________________      107

Reviving and Organizing the Church for Service   ______________________      110

Relationship of Evangelist and Pastor  ______________________________      116

Guarding Against Overorganization  ________________________________      116

--  Section VI                     The Public Effort

Our Present Truth Message  ______________________________________      119

Arresting Public Attention   _______________________________________      122

Successful and Impressive Advertising Methods ______________________      128

The Evangelist in Publicity  _______________________________________      131

Avoiding Display and the Sensational  ______________________________      136

Guarding Proper Approaches  _____________________________________     139

Platform Decorum, Announcements, and Preliminaries  ________________      145

Interest-holding Features   ________________________________________     148

Inquiry and Question Meetings  ____________________________________     151

Getting Acquainted With the People  _______________________________      156

Printed Sermons and Literature  ___________________________________      159

The Debate   ___________________________________________________      162


--   Section VII           The Message and its Presentation


Spirit and Manner of Presenting the Message ________________________      168

The Evangelistic Sermon   ________________________________________      174

Christ the Center of the Message  __________________________________      184

Prophetic Preaching That Arrests Attention   _________________________      193

Restraining Without Obscuring Truth  _______________________________      199

Truth-Teaching Devices  __________________________________________      203

--  Section VIII         Distinctive Truth   


        This book will be added to this site - - until them visit the EGW Estate website


 My personal favorite

Those who have been most successful in soul-winning were men and women who did not pride themselves on their ability, but who in humility and faith sought to help those about them. Jesus did this very work. He came close to those whom He desired to reach. How often, with a few gathered about Him, He gave His lessons, and one by one the passers-by paused to listen, until a great multitude heard with wonder and awe the words of the heaven-sent Teacher.  {GW 194.1}




         Numbers shown in ( ) is the  ( number of texts )  containing this phrase


                                 Return  to  Selected Quotations by EGW  page

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