Reproved by God (8)

   Quotations from the writings of Ellen G. White with the phrase . . .

            R E P R O v e d    b y    g o d           (  2  RELATED  PHRASES  )          

          The  phrase  'reproved by God'  appears  8  times in the writings of EGW         page not on Original site           Related phrase:   manner of giving reproof  - -  giving reproof  ( 19 )  - -  reproved by Spirit of God  ( below)

  Those who, when reproved by God, stop to reason in regard to the possible humiliation to result from confession and repentance, will never, never travel the narrow path or enter the strait gate. These words were spoken by the messenger of God. Every human agency, man, woman, and child, must be in that spiritual condition that will enable him fully and unreservedly to acknowledge the power and authority of the truth of the words of God, which all must eat and drink in order to have eternal life. The words of God are the bread of heaven. If we would be saved, we must make them a part of the daily life. { SpTB07 26.3 } 


   Those who, when reproved by God, stop to reason in regard to the possible humiliation to result from confession and repentance, will never, never travel the narrow path or enter the strait gate. These words were spoken by the messenger of God. Every human agency, man, woman, and child, must be in that spiritual condition that will enable him fully and unreservedly to acknowledge the power and authority of the truth of the words of God, which all must eat and drink in order to have eternal life. The words of God are the bread of heaven. If we would be saved, we must make them a part of the daily life. { SpTA12 4.2 } 
   He knew that he had gone contrary to God’s express command; yet when reproved by God through Samuel, he would not humbly acknowledge his sin, but in a determined manner uttered a falsehood in self-justification. If he had humbly repented, and received the reproof, the Lord would have had mercy and forgiven Saul of his great sin. But the Lord left Saul for his stubbornly refusing to be corrected, and for uttering falsehoods to Samuel, his messenger. Samuel told Saul that, as he had rejected the word of the Lord, God had rejected him from being king. { 1SP 366.2 } 
  He knew that he had gone contrary to God’s express command, yet when reproved by God through Samuel, he would not humbly acknowledge his sin, but in a determined manner uttered a falsehood in self-justification. If he had humbly repented, and received the reproof, the Lord would have had mercy, and forgiven Saul of his great sin. But the Lord left Saul for his stubbornly refusing to be corrected, and uttering falsehoods to Samuel, his messenger. Samuel told Saul that, as he had rejected the word of the Lord, God had rejected him from being king. { 4aSG 76.3 } 


  As a people, we have been reproved by God for doing so little. How important, then, that we guard carefully against everything that might dishearten or weaken the influence of one soul who is doing a work that God would have done. There are victories to be gained if we present a united front and individually seek the Lord for strength and guidance. { TM 505.2} 
   As a people, we have been reproved by God for doing so little. How important, then, that we guard carefully against everything that might dishearten or weaken the influence of one soul who is doing a work that God would have done. There are victories to be gained if we present a united front and individually seek the Lord for strength and guidance. { SpTB09 36.1 } 

  The whole experience was one in which Ellen White herself was reproved by God, and we will let her explain it, as she does in a letter to Elder Daniells, written December 7: { 5BIO 195.5 } 

  When you were here, you laid before me the condition of things in the publishing house at Nashville. You spoke of the terrible financial embarrassment resting on the work there, and gave me the impression that the brethren did not think that anything could be done to set things in order, because Sister White would exert her influence to prevent them from doing what they thought necessary to put matters on a proper basis. { 5BIO 195.6 } 


     R E P R O v e d    by    the    s p i r i t   of   g o d         


  Those who are reproved by the Spirit of God should not rise up against the humble instrument. It is God, and not an erring mortal, who has spoken to save them from ruin. Those who despise the warning will be left in blindness to become self-deceived. But those who heed it, and zealously go about the work of separating their sins from them in order to have the needed graces, will be opening the door of their hearts that the dear Saviour may come in and dwell with them. This class you will ever find in perfect harmony with the testimony of the Spirit of God. { 3T 257.1}    Read related quotes




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Reproof ( Rebuke ) Giving reproof (19) Reproof (1,577) Reprove sin (32)