Placed in responsible positions (28)

  Quotations from the writings of Ellen G. White with the phrase . . .

        p l a c e d    I N    r e s p o n s i b l e    P O S I T I O N S         (  4  RELATED  PHRASES  )       

            The  phrase  'placed in responsible positions'  appears  28  times in the published writings of EGW                   page not on Original site                       Related phrase:    men in responsible positions  (  )  +  in positions of trust  ( 69 )


 "Here is opened before me a Thus saith the Lord, which I present before you.  God is to be feared for He is a jealous God.  Those who in his providence are placed in responsible positions to do his work have the whole heavenly universe opened before them, from which they may draw. I have been shown of God that His work has been greatly marred because the spirit and  attributes of Satan  have been allowed to have a controlling power.  Silence gives consent, and when men who are engaged in the sacred work of God allow their own likes and dislikes to prevail, so that they themselves do, or allow another to do, the least act of injustice to the brethren of Jesus Christ, it is registered as done to himself in the person of his followers. These men may not be erring, they may make mistakes; but let those in positions of trust take heed how they treat all such; let them remember that they themselves are not free from errors and mistakes.”    1888, page 1298 par. 1    


    From the light God has been pleased to give me, I know that men whom He has placed in responsible positions come to feel after standing in the office for years, that they are to exercise more authority than their position requires. God will sanction no tyranny, no sharp dictation, for this naturally repels, and often it stirs up the worst passions of the human heart. But if men in responsible positions will exercise the patience and kindness of Jesus, it will be more effective than authority or exhortation or strong arguments. The silent influence of a Christian character will fall upon men like a sunbeam. May God help you to do right because it is right. { 1888 250.1 } 


  Let those who are placed in responsible positions beware lest, by defective characters and un-Christlike tempers, they work against God’s plan. The glory of God and the good of human beings should lead every man to strive to be an example of what man may become through the grace of Christ. He is to rely wholly on the merits of the One who gave Himself as an offering that He might stand between God and man. The efforts of every one in whose heart the work of grace is daily done, will be a savor of life unto life to all who are under his watchcare. He will be successful in laboring for the saving of souls ready to perish. He will bring them to the Chief Shepherd, who alone can save to the uttermost all who come to Him. { MM 181.1} 
  The message of present truth is to prepare a people for the coming of the Lord. Let us understand this, and let those placed in responsible positions come into such unity that the work shall go forward solidly. Do not allow any man to come in as an arbitrary ruler, and say, You must go here, and you must not go there; and you must do this, and you must not do that. We have a great and important work to do, and God would have us take hold of that work intelligently. The placing of men in positions of responsibility in the various conferences, does not make them gods. No one has sufficient wisdom to act without counsel. Men need to consult with their brethren, to counsel together, to pray together, and to plan together for the advancement of the work. Let laborers kneel down together and pray to God, asking Him to direct their course. There has been a great lack with us on this point. We have trusted too much to men’s devisings. We cannot afford to do this. Perilous times are upon us, and we must come to the place where we know that the Lord lives and rules, and that He dwells in the hearts of the children of men. We must have confidence in God. { FE 530.2 }  also appears in { GCB May 21, 1909, par. 5 } and  { RH July 1, 1909, par. 6 } and  { RH October 21, 1909, par. 5 }


  Those who are placed in responsible positions should feel it their duty to recognize talent. They should learn how to use men, and how to advise them. If mistakes are made, they should not withdraw themselves, thinking it easier to do the work themselves than to educate others. Those who are learning should be patiently instructed, precept upon precept, line upon line, here a little and there a little. Every effort should be made, by precept and example, to teach them right methods. { ChL 57.1


  The president and the business manager are to work unitedly together. The business manager is to see that the expenditure does not exceed the income. He is to know what there is to depend on, so that the work here shall not be burdened with debt as it is in Battle Creek. The condition of things there need never have existed. It is the result of men not being under God’s rule. When men are under God’s rule, the work moves harmoniously; but when men of strong temperament, who are not controlled by God, are placed in responsible positions in the work, the cause is imperiled; for their strong temperaments lead them to use money which is only in prospect.— Manuscript 106, 1899. { CS 275.3} 
Satan attends every committee meeting, trying to impress minds to make objections that will delay the work—The very thing that the Lord had impressed upon the minds of His servants that ought to be done has not been done at the right time, because these men advanced their own ideas under the suggestions the devil had put in their minds to hinder the work of God and to disgust those who would see the work of God move. There have been suggestions made by themselves which have carried, which God never put into their minds. Satan attends every board meeting, every business meeting, every committee meeting, and if he can impress anyone’s mind to make objections or to throw in suggestions that will delay the work hours and weary out those who are called upon to attend these meetings, he is wonderfully pleased. He has had his way in the matter. And the business which should be pushed through with dispatch, yet in an intelligent manner, is made tedious and to drag along because of the human, unsanctified elements in the character of some who are placed in responsible positions, who do not have knowledge when to speak and when to keep silent.—Manuscript Releases 12:23. { PaM 252.4} 


  What a sermon was this to the Pharisees, clearing the way for the ministry of Christ. The same spirit that actuated Jesus, controlled the mind of John the Baptist. Their testimony corresponded; their lives were given to the same reformatory work. The prophet points to the Saviour as the Sun of Righteousness rising with splendor, and soon to eclipse his own light, then growing pale and dim in the glory of a greater light. John, by his unselfish joy in the successful ministry of Jesus, presents to the world the truest type of nobility ever exhibited by mortal man. It carries a lesson of submission and self-sacrifice to those whom God has placed in responsible positions. It teaches them never to appropriate to themselves undue honor, nor let the spirit of rivalry disgrace the cause of God. The true Christian should vindicate the right at the expense of all personal considerations. { 2SP 138.3 } and { 4Red 22.3 } 


  What other course could have been pursued toward you than has been taken? I have the tenderest feelings of pity and love for your soul, but false words of sympathy to sustain you in rebellion and in defiance of those whom God has placed in responsible positions in His work shall never be uttered by me. I have too much regard for you to tell you, as some will surely do, that it will be well with you when you are taking such a course, disgracing your manhood, defacing the moral image of God in your soul, deceiving your own heart, and dishonoring Him who redeemed you with the price of His own blood. { 5T 511.1} 
  Many have educated themselves to write or ask for counsel and advice when brought into difficult places. But it is a mistake for those who are placed in responsible positions in our different institutions to depend upon the men who have all too many burdens and responsibilities to bear. A weak, sickly experience will be the lot of those who are educated to depend wholly upon others. Those upon whom they depend may have less of the fear of God than they themselves have; and not more mental power and talent than it is their privilege to possess if they will but realize that they are not to be children, but firm, brave men, seeking to gain more ability by exercising that which they already have, by trading upon the talent God has lent them. We are individually responsible for the use of the talents God has given us. Our intellect must be cultivated. Close, hard thinking must be given to the solution of difficulties. { TM 374.2}  also appears { SpTA09 38.1 } 


  The lesson Christ gave at the feast was to show that pretensions, ambitious display, and strife for supremacy, will have a tendency to create envy and jealousy, and will lead those who cherish these desires to pull down others in order to exalt self. God has endowed some of his servants with special talents and gifts, and no one is called upon to disparage their excellence. These qualifications are to be appreciated, to be cultivated by their possessors, and to be employed in the Master’s service. But let none use their precious attributes in exalting themselves. Let them not regard themselves as favored above their fellow-men, and vaunt themselves above those who are sincere and earnest workers. The Lord looks upon the heart. He who is most devoted to the service of God is most highly esteemed by the heavenly universe. Those who occupy positions of influence are responsible to God and to their fellow-men. But their position does not constitute them more pious and holy than their fellow men. The greater their influence, the larger is their responsibility, and the greater the necessity to comfort themselves as God’s stewards, that they may deal with Christlike tenderness and consideration, and reveal the fine feelings which should control men who occupy positions of trust. Those who are placed in responsible positions should be as fathers,—just, tender, and true. They should represent the character of Christ. They should unite themselves with their brethren in the closest bonds of union and fellowship, appreciating the fact that the sympathies and prayers of their brethren will be great aids to them in assisting them to deal with justice and equity. { RH October 8, 1895, par. 7 }


  Those who consider themselves capable and efficient know little of their own poor selves. The explanation has been given me why there is so little safety for men placed in responsible positions. They want to do some great thing in proportion with their supposed great position. In the place of considering themselves as less than nothing unless worked by the Holy Spirit, they themselves want to work the Holy Spirit. The prayer of each should be: “Who can understand his errors? Cleanse Thou me from secret faults. Keep back Thy servant also from presumptuous sins; let them not have dominion over him; then shall I be upright, and I shall be innocent from the great transgression. Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Thy sight, O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer.” { 4MR 153.4 } 
  Let not those who have been placed in responsible positions think that God has given them light to controvert the work of the faithful ones who have died in the faith. God wrought through these old pioneers of the cause, and no voice or pen should be brought into action to demerit their labor, which was full of self-denial and self-sacrifice. Their works were wrought in God. { 9MR 132.3 } 


  Those who are placed in responsible positions should feel it their duty to recognize talent. They should learn how to use men, and how to advise them. If mistakes are made, they should not withdraw themselves, thinking it easier to do the work themselves than to educate others. Those who are learning should be patiently instructed, precept upon precept, line upon line, here a little and there a little. Every effort should be made, by precept and example, to teach them right methods. { 9MR 151.1 } 


  From the light God has been pleased to give me, I know that men whom He has placed in responsible positions come to feel after standing in the office for years, that they are to exercise more authority than their position requires. God will sanction no tyranny, no sharp dictation, for this naturally repels, and often it stirs up the worst passions of the human heart. { 9MR 155.1 } 
  The very thing that the Lord had impressed upon the minds of His servants that ought to be done has not been done at the right time, because these men advanced their own ideas under the suggestions the devil had put in their minds to hinder the work of God and to disgust those who would see the work of God move. There have been suggestions made by themselves which have carried, which God never put into their minds. Satan attends every board meeting, every business meeting, every committee meeting, and if he can impress anyone’s mind to make objections or to throw in suggestions that will delay the work hours and weary out those who are called upon to attend these meetings, he is wonderfully pleased. He has had his way in the matter. And the business which should be pushed through with dispatch, yet in an intelligent manner, is made tedious and to drag along because of the human, unsanctified elements in the character of some who are placed in responsible positions, who do not have knowledge when to speak and when to keep silent. { 12MR 23.1 } 


  If those who are placed in responsible positions are faithful, living in daily communion with Christ, they will learn to place the same estimate upon man that God does. Personal preferences manifested for a few will give way to a true spirit of charity toward all. You know not whom God may have chosen to be heirs of His kingdom. They may be the very ones you would not think at all qualified for the work. The great Shepherd will call His own sheep by name, [and] one by one will lead them out. The men upon whom you place so low an estimate may be those whom God will choose to do a special work for Him, notwithstanding your judgment to the contrary. { 12MR 374.1 } 


  Those who consider themselves capable and efficient know little of their own poor selves. The explanation has been given me why there is so little safety for men placed in responsible positions. They want to do some great thing in proportion with their supposed great position. In the place of considering themselves as less than nothing unless worked by the Holy Spirit, they themselves want to work the Holy Spirit. The prayer of each should be: “Who can understand his errors? cleanse Thou me from secret faults. Keep back Thy servant also from presumptuous sins; let them not have dominion over me: then shall I be upright, and I shall be innocent from the great transgression. Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in Thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer.” { 20MR 200.2 } 
  If those who are placed in responsible positions are faithful, living in daily communion with Christ, they will learn to place the same estimate upon man that God does. Personal preferences manifested for a few will give way to a true spirit of charity toward all. You know not whom God may have chosen to be heirs of His kingdom. They may be the very ones you would not think at all qualified for the work. The great Shepherd will call His own sheep by name, [and] one by one will lead them out. The men upon whom you place so low an estimate may be those whom God will choose to do a special work for Him, notwithstanding your judgment to the contrary. { 1888 96.1 }


  The very thing that the Lord had impressed upon the minds of His servants that ought to be done has not been done at the right time, because these men advanced their own ideas under the suggestions the devil had put in their minds to hinder the work of God and to disgust those who would see the work of God move. There have been suggestions made by themselves which have carried, which God never put into their minds. Satan attends every board meeting, every business meeting, every committee meeting, and if he can impress anyone’s mind to make objections or to throw in suggestions that will delay the work hours and weary out those who are called upon to attend these meetings, he is wonderfully pleased. He has had his way in the matter. And the business which should be pushed through with dispatch, yet in an intelligent manner, is made tedious and to drag along because of the human, unsanctified elements in the character of some who are placed in responsible positions, who do not have knowledge when to speak and when to keep silent. { 1888 318.2 } 


  Attended early morning meeting and my heart was melted by the Spirit of God. I was moved upon to pray most earnestly for our president, Elder Olsen, and Elder Dan Jones, who is his helper, that God would help them to overcome their bodily infirmities, and give them physical strength and mental clearness and spiritual power. I believe that the Lord has rich blessings for these men who have been placed in responsible positions if they will only come into the channel of clear light, and that He will work mightily in their behalf if they will walk intelligently and humbly before Him. But a work is being done that neither of them comprehends fully. I thank God that we have a balm in Gilead and a Physician there who can heal our maladies. We are too much inclined to be influenced by words of men, and not depend wholly upon God and have faith in God. Unless these men will walk with God as did Enoch, they will fall. { 1888 465.3 } 
  But what can you expect of men who have no depth of religious experience? I want these men to do as God would have, for their souls sake to others, leaving me entirely out of the question. Spiritual things are spiritually discerned. If men are not self-denying, self-sacrificing, if their hearts are not touched with human sympathy or divine sympathy, what can you expect of them. I want these men to have the mind of Christ to act with all that tenderness and consideration for me in my widowhood that should have been given me. They have treated me as a stranger. True they have allowed me to be in debt to their publishing house, and have not pressed me for the means, but have we not invested means above thirty thousand dollars in this cause? It is God’s cause, it is God’s work, and not theirs. They do not know how to handle God’s work. They do not know how much it has cost my husband, and myself to stand at our post of duty when things went hard. We have suffered anger, we have suffered for suitable clothing, but we would not allow the work to stop. Now men are placed in responsible positions who knew not Joseph. Straight testimonies have been borne to head off their ambitious projects again and again, it has hurt their pride. They have but little faith in me or the messages the Lord has given me. It would not take a very strong movement to have a state of things created as in the days of old, and Korah, Dathan, and Abiram would come to the point. { 1888 988.4 } 


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