Disadvantage of

    Quotations from the writings of Ellen G. White with the phrase . . .

                   t o    t h e    D i s a d v a n t a g e    o f                    (  3  RELATED  PHRASES )                    

                  The  phrase  'to the disadvantage of . . .'  appears  22  times in the published writings of EGW                See page on Original site                                                         Related Phrase:      to the disadvantage of others  ( below )  - -  to the disadvantage of the truth

If a professing Christian is unchristlike; if he cherishes unholy traits of character, studying how he may get the best of a bargain to the disadvantage of some one else, if, forgetting that it is his duty to help others, he cares little whether he destroys his neighbor’s prospects, he is as salt that has lost its savor—fit only to be cast out. He may gain some advantage himself, but what help is he to the world? If the character is not under the moulding influence of the Spirit of God, if the life is not free from selfishness, what does the profession avail?  { ST February 12, 1902, par. 4 }


“Love as brethren, be pitiful, be courteous.” Cherish a supreme reverence for justice and truth, and a hatred for all cruelty and oppression. Do unto others as you would wish them to do to you. God forbids you to favor self, to the disadvantage of another. { RH April 13, 1905, par. 8 }
Every sharp transaction in deal, every bargain made to advantage yourselves to the disadvantage of another, is a violation of God’s law. You do not love your neighbor as you love yourself and you are registered—even you that handle sacred things—as transgressors of the law of God. Those who are doing the work of God cannot dishonor His name more decidedly than by being sharp and dishonest in deal. You may not call these sharp, keen transactions dishonest; but God calls them so. You can never gain respect as Christians unless you represent Christ in spirit, in temper, in deportment, in all your business transactions. In order to do good to those connected with you in the work, you must inspire them with sound confidence in your piety and the purity of your principles. If they see you stern, iron-hearted, unfeeling, cold, unloving, they know you are not Christians. Christ says, “Love one another, as I have loved you.” John 15:12. { 1888 937.3 } 


  But if our words and actions are unChristlike; if the spirit we cherish is not helpful; if we retain the old, unsavory traits of character, studying how we may get the best of the bargain, to the disadvantage of someone else; if, unmindful that it is our duty to help one another, we care little whether we hurt and destroy a brother’s prospects, we are as salt which has lost its savor—good for nothing but to be cast out and trodden underfoot as valueless. We may gain some advantage ourselves, but what help are we to the world? { TDG 201.5} 
But if their words and acts are unchristlike; if the spirit they cherish is not helpful; if they retain the old, unsavory traits of character; if they study how they may get the best of a bargain, to the disadvantage of some one else; if they care little whether they hurt and destroy a brother’s feelings, they are as salt that has lost its savor. They are a hindrance to God’s work. { SW April 30, 1903, par. 4 }  { SW December 19, 1905, par. 7 }
Divine agencies are constantly working to counteract the human purposes and plans that are not in harmony with the purposes and plans of Jehovah. No worldly policy is to be brought into God’s work. It is His design that His work shall be done by men who realize the broadness of His law and the greatness of His love, men who jealously guard their words and actions, lest they shall fail of doing His work exactly in His way. When men grow careless, the history of their past failures is repeated, greatly to the disadvantage of the work the Lord desires to accomplish. If those handling sacred things in connection with God’s cause are not more spiritual minded, more sensitive to His claims, more determined to carry out His plans in harmony with His high standard, regardless of human policy, He will turn and overturn. After test and trial He will remove those who are not spiritualized, whose words and works do not harmonize with His will. { PUR May 8, 1902, par. 12 }


The spirit that the Pharisees manifested toward Christ has been manifested through all ages by those who claim to believe present truth. They have watched for some word or action which they could use to the disadvantage of the messengers whom God has sent to reprove, rebuke, and reform them from their evil works. And when sin has been reproved, their hatred has become as deeply rooted as it was in the hearts of the Pharisees.  { ST December 23, 1897, par. 8 }
Is this as God would have it? Oh, no! He holds these men responsible for all the mischief the enemy wrought while their understanding was so blinded that they knew not that it was he. The cause and work of God are endangered every day while these brethren neglect the warnings which have been given them, to be on their guard lest the foe find entrance and work to the disadvantage of God’s people. Dear brethren, you both need a fresh conversion. { PH097 4.1 } 


                                                       to  the  disadvantage  of  the  truth
It is possible to relate that which has happened in connection with the past experience of the people of God, and so relate it as to make their experience assume a ludicrous and objectionable appearance. It is not fair to take certain features of the work and set them apart from the great whole. A mixture of truth and error may be presented in so doing, which our enemies would handle greatly to the disadvantage of the truth and to the hindrance of the work and cause of God.... { 3SM 342.1} 
It is possible to relate that which has happened in connection with the past experiences of the people of God, and so relate it as to make their experience assume a ludicrous and objectionable appearance. It is not fair to take certain features of the work and set them apart from the great whole. A mixture of truth and error may be presented in so doing, which our enemies would handle greatly to the disadvantage of the truth and to the hindrance of the work and cause of God.... { 5MR 283.1 }  { 13MR 270.1 } 


                                                        to  the  disadvantage  of  others                                                                   

For several years the love of money has been rooting out the love of humanity and the love of God. And as the means of his father were within his reach, he desired to retain all that was possible in his own hands. He pursued a selfish course toward his brothers because he had the advantage and could do so. His brothers have not had right feelings. They have felt bitter toward him. He has in deal advantaged himself to the disadvantage of others until his course has reproached the cause of God. He has lost command of himself. His greatest object has been gain, selfish gain. The love of money in the heart was the root of all this evil. I was shown that had he turned his powers to labor in the vineyard of the Lord he would have done much good, but these qualifications perverted can do a great deal of harm. { 3T 127.2}  { PH159 165.2 } 


In some respects Brother B has ability that but few have. If his heart were sanctified to the work he could fill an important position in the office with acceptance to God. He needs to be converted and to humble himself as a little child, and seek pure, heart religion, in order for his influence in the office, or in the cause of God anywhere, to be what it ought to be. As his influence has been, it has injured all connected with the office, but more especially the young. His position as foreman gave him influence. He did not conduct himself conscientiously in the fear of God. He favored particular ones more than others. He neglected those who, for their faithfulness and ability, deserved special encouragement, and he brought distress and perplexity upon those in who he should have had a special interest. Those who link their affections and interest to one or two, and favor them to the disadvantage of others, should not retain their position in the office for a day. This unsanctified partiality for special ones who may please the fancy, to the neglect of others who are conscientious and God-fearing, and in His sight of more value, is offensive to God. That which God values we should value. The ornament of a meek and quiet spirit He regards of higher value than external beauty, outward adornment, riches, or worldly honor. { 3T 23.2} 


“Unto the angel of the church in Sardis write; These things saith he that hath the seven Spirits of God, and the seven stars; I know thy works, that thou hast a name that thou livest, and art dead. Be watchful, and strengthen the things which remain, that are ready to die: for I have not found thy works perfect before God. Remember therefore how thou hast received and heard, and hold fast and repent. If therefore thou shalt not watch, I will come on thee as a thief, and thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee.” Here is the work which every son and daughter of God must do. But to adorn the doctrine of Christ our Saviour, we must have the mind that was in Christ. Our likes and dislikes, our desire to be first, to favor self to the disadvantage of others, must be overcome. The peace of God must rule in our hearts. Christ must be in us a living, working principle. { RH August 24, 1897, par. 13 }
To adorn the doctrine of Christ our Saviour, we must have the mind that was in Christ. Our likes and dislikes, our desire to be first, to favor self to the disadvantage of others, must be overcome. The peace of God must rule in our hearts. Christ must be in us a living, working principle.... { AG 66.5} 
10 ( Philippians 2:5). Adorning the Doctrine of Christ—To adorn the doctrine of Christ our Saviour, we must have the same mind which was in Christ. Our likes and dislikes, our desire to favor self to the disadvantage of others must be overcome. Let the peace of God rule in your hearts. Christ must be in us a living, working power (Manuscript 39, 1896). { 7BC 921.5 } 


“A grave mistake has been made in allowing engrossing business matters to burden the ministers who are handling sacred things, so that their sense of the sacred becomes dim and mingled with the common, crushing out godliness from the soul. Inspired by Satan, men have framed scheme after scheme. Not content with the prosperity of the cause of God by dealing righteously and with justice and mercy, those in positions of trust have sought to obtain control of everything that they could, to manage them in their way, according to their supposed wisdom, but to the disadvantage of others. Their plans always seemed to them too limited; they thought they must branch out and grasp more and still more power and control. They wrapped themselves up in scheme after scheme, and entanglement after entanglement, until there seemed to be no bounds to their ambitious desires, when they were not fitted to carry much smaller responsibilities properly and honestly and in the fear of God. They gathered into their embrace many responsibilities so engrossing as to distract their attention from the high concerns of eternity, the soul’s highest interests. Thus the clear discernment of those who should have understood spiritual things departed. The cause of God was made a matter of merchandise. They laded themselves down with many things from which they should have kept entirely clear, until their spiritual eyes were blinded. They kept up an unsanctified activity. { PH146 14.1 } 
Bro. Gage has ability in some respects that but few have. He could fill an important position in the Office with acceptance to God, if his heart was sanctified to the work. He needs to be converted, and to humble himself as a little child, in seeking pure, heart religion, in order for his influence in the Office, or in the cause of God anywhere, to be what it ought to be. As his influence has been, it has injured all connected with the Office, but more especially the young. His position as foreman gave him influence. He did not conduct himself conscientiously in the fear of God. He favored particular ones above others. He neglected those who, for their faithfulness and ability, deserved special encouragement. He brought distress and perplexity upon those in whom he should have had a special interest. Those who link their affections and interest to one or two, and favor them to the disadvantage of others, should not retain their position in the Office for a day. This unsanctified partiality for special ones who may please the fancy, to the neglect of others who are conscientious and God-fearing, and in his sight of more value, is offensive to God. That which God esteems, we should value. The ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, God regards of higher value than external beauty, outward adornment, riches, or worldly honor. { PH159 26.1 } 




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