Choose the right

           Quotations from the writings of Ellen G. White with the phrase . . .

                c h o o s e    t h e    r i g h t        (  3  RELATED  PHRASES )                      

                       The  phrase  'Choose the right'  appears  39  times in the published writings of EGW                See page on Original site                                                          Related phrase:   power to choose the right  ( below )  - -  choose the right way ( below )

   Whatever may be their profession, it is only those who are world servers at heart that act from policy rather than principle in religious things. We should choose the right because it is right, and leave consequences with God. To men of principle, faith, and daring, the world is indebted for its great reforms. By such men the work of reform for this time must be carried forward.  Great Controversy, page 460.2   The Great Hope, page 63



  It was to give in His own life an illustration of unselfishness that Jesus came in the form of humanity. And all who accept this principle are to be workers together with Him in demonstrating it in practical life. To choose the right because it is right; to stand for truth at the cost of suffering and sacrifice --"this is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is of Me, saith the Lord." Isaiah 54:17.  {Ed 154.4}

  The true followers of Christ do not wait for truth to become popular. Being convinced of their duty, they deliberately accept the cross, and thus remove the greatest obstacle to the reception of truth, -- the only argument which its advocates have never been able to refute. It is weak, inefficient world-servers that think it praiseworthy to have no principle in religious things. We should choose the right because it is right, and leave consequences with God. To men of principle, faith, and daring, is the world indebted for its great reforms. By such men must the work of reform for this time be carried forward.  {4SP 293.2}


  It was to give in His own life an illustration of  unselfishness that Jesus came in the form of humanity. And all who accept this principle are to be workers together with Him in demonstrating it in practical life. To choose the right because it is right; to stand for truth at the cost of suffering and sacrifice --"this is the  heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is of Me, saith the Lord" (Isaiah 54:17). -- Ed 154, 155 (1903).  {2MCP 611.5}
  I speak to the youth as one who knows, as one to whom the Lord has opened the perils that attend their pathway. Self-confidence will lead you into the snare of the enemy. The youth do not ask counsel of God, and make Him their refuge and strength. They enter society with all assurance, confident that they are fully able to choose the right and to comprehend divine mysteries, because of their powers of reason, as though they could discover truth for themselves.  {MYP 87.1}
  The mind must be trained through daily tests to habits of fidelity, to a sense of the claims of right and duty above inclination and pleasure. Minds thus trained do not waver between right and wrong, as the reed trembles in the wind; but as soon as matters come before them, they discern at once that principle is involved, and they instinctively choose the right without long debating the matter. They are loyal because they have trained themselves to habits of faithfulness and truth.-- Testimonies for the Church, vol. 3, p. 22 (1872). 
  Our standing before God depends, not upon the amount of light we have received, but upon the use we make of what we have. Thus even the heathen who choose the right as far as they can distinguish it, are in a more favorable condition than are those who have had great light, and profess to serve God, but who disregard the light, and by their daily life contradict their profession. -- Desire of Ages, p. 239.  Read entire Chapter 24  also  {ChS 96.2}
  If a man will walk in the fear of the Lord, with perfect respect for all His counsels, the Lord will cause his influence to be felt. If, notwithstanding a dark outlook, man will choose the right instead of the wrong, the Lord will make multitudes to be at peace with him. As he sees the goodness of God in barring the way which would have led to embarrassment, he will give God the honor and glory due to His holy name.  {14MR 100.3}
  Let us feel thankful that we have the privilege of committing our works to God. We are to remember that we are not pieces of inanimate mechanism, but intelligent beings, able to choose the right and refuse the wrong, with a clear conscience and a pure purpose. We are to aim at consistency in all our works.  {TMK 290.2}
  Those who are unfaithful to the work of God, are lacking in principle; their motives are not of a character to lead them to choose the right  under all circumstances. The servants of God are to feel at all times that they are under the eye of their employer. He who watched the sacrilegious feast of Belshazzar is present in all our institutions, in the counting-room of the merchant, in the private workshop; and the bloodless hand is as surely recording your neglect, as it recorded the awful judgment of the blasphemous king. Belshazzar's condemnation was written in words of fire, "Thou art weighed in the balances, and art found wanting;" and if you fail to fulfill your God-given obligations, your condemnation will be the same.  {RH, September 22, 1891 par. 9}  {MYP 229.1}


                                                              power   to   choose   the   right                                                                


   Every human being possessed of reason has power to choose the right. In every experience of life God's word to us is, "Choose you this day whom ye will serve." Joshua 24:15. Everyone may place his will on the side of the will of God, may choose to obey Him, and by thus linking himself with divine agencies, he may stand where nothing can force him to do evil. In every youth, every child, lies the power, by the help of God, to form a character of integrity and to live a life of usefulness.  {CG 209.3}


  Every child should understand the true force of the will. He should be led to see how great is the responsibility involved in this gift. The will is the governing power in the nature of man, the power of decision, or choice. Every human being possessed of reason has power to choose the right. In every experience of life, God's word to us is, "Choose you this day whom ye will serve." Joshua 24:15. Everyone may place his will on the side of the will of God, may choose to obey Him, and by thus linking himself with divine agencies, he may stand where nothing can force him to do evil. In every youth, every child, lies the power, by the help of God, to form a character of integrity and to live a life of usefulness.  {Ed 289.1}



                                                                  choose  the  right  way                                                                         


   Those young men who desire to give themselves to the ministry, or who have already done so, should become familiar with every line of prophetic history and every lesson given by Christ. The mind gains in strength, breadth, and acuteness by active use. It must work, or it will become weak. It must be trained to think, to think habitually, or it will in a great measure lose the power of thought. Let the young minister wrestle with the difficult problems found in the word of God, and his intellect will be thoroughly awakened. As he gives diligent study to the great truths found in the Scriptures, he will be enabled to preach sermons which will contain a direct, definite message, and which will help his hearers to choose the right way.  {GW 98.1}


  I prayed God to guide me, and not suffer me to take one wrong step, but to give me wisdom to choose the right course. The more earnestly I prayed, the stronger was my conviction that I must take my husband among his brethren, even if we should again return to Dansville. It seemed advisable to take him to Rochester, thus trying the effect of the journey, and if this proved beneficial, to go still farther, even to Battle Creek, after a short stay at Rochester. . . .  {RH, April 23, 1914 par. 6}


  I felt intensely over the matter. I did not believe for a moment that my husband would die. But how was he to be inspired with faith? I prayed God to guide me, and not suffer me to take one wrong step; but to give me wisdom to choose the right course. The more earnestly I prayed, the stronger was my conviction that I must take my husband among his brethren, even if we should again return to Dansville.  {LS 170.3}


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