Without repentance (24)

   Quotations from the writings of Ellen G. White with the phrase . . .

        w i t h o u t     R e p e n t a n c e            (  2  RELATED  PHRASES )  

         The  phrase  'without repentance'  appears  24  times in the writings of EGW              See page on Original site            Related Phrase:   unrepentant  (  ) 

Related phrase:   without repentance of their sins  (below)
   Repentance is associated with faith and is urged in the gospel as essential to salvation. Paul preached repentance. He said, “I kept back nothing that was profitable unto you, but have shewed you, and have taught you publickly, and from house to house, testifying both to the Jews, and also to the Greeks, repentance toward God, and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ” ( Acts 20:20, 21). There is no salvation without repentance. No impenitent sinner can believe with his heart unto righteousness, Repentance is described by Paul as a godly sorrow for sin that “worketh repentance to salvation not to be repented of” ( 2 Corinthians 7:10). This repentance has in it nothing of the nature of merit, but it prepares the heart for the acceptance of Christ as the only Saviour, the only hope of the lost sinner. { FW 99.2}  { RH November 4, 1890, par. 2 } { 1SM 365.2} 


  In setting aside the claims of the law of God, the church has lost sight of the blessings of the gospel. Bible conversion and sanctification, — a radical change of heart and transformation of character,—is the great need of the churches of today. Revivals in which men become members of the church without real conviction of sin, without repentance, and without acknowledging the claims of the law of God, are a cause of weakness to the church, and an occasion of stumbling to the world. { 4SP 306.1 } 


  The warning is for all time. Christ’s act in cursing the tree which His own power had created stands as a warning to all churches and to all Christians. No one can live the law of God without ministering to others. But there are many who do not live out Christ’s merciful, unselfish life. Some who think themselves excellent Christians do not understand what constitutes service for God. They plan and study to please themselves. They act only in reference to self. Time is of value to them only as they can gather for themselves. In all the affairs of life this is their object. Not for others but for themselves do they minister. God created them to live in a world where unselfish service must be performed. He designed them to help their fellow men in every possible way. But self is so large that they cannot see anything else. They are not in touch with humanity. Those who thus live for self are like the fig tree, which made every pretension but was fruitless. They observe the forms of worship, but without repentance or faith. In profession they honor the law of God, but obedience is lacking. They say, but do not. In the sentence pronounced on the fig tree Christ demonstrates how hateful in His eyes is this vain pretense. He declares that the open sinner is less guilty than is he who professes to serve God, but who bears no fruit to His glory. { DA 584.1} 
  Will you have others follow your example? Will you wish them to pass over the ground you have traveled, and feel that they have done no great wrong? Without repentance and conversion, you are a ruined man. {TSB 188.4}  and { 21MR 380.2 } 


  Every day that you remain in sin, you are in Satan’s ranks; and should you sicken and die without repentance, you would be lost. No one can force you to give your heart to Jesus, no one can compel you to throw off the yoke of Satan. You may choose to do his bidding, to be children of the wicked one; you may rob God of your time, you may refuse to serve him, because the infatuation of sin, the service of Satan, is acceptable to you. But can you afford this? Can you afford to rob God by withholding that which he has purchased for himself? Would you choose to please the Lord’s worst enemy? Would you have Christ make all that sacrifice on Calvary’s cross for you in vain? Jesus has given every evidence that he loves you, in that he died to make you happy through the treasures of his grace in this life, and to make you happy in the future immortal life. { RH December 24, 1889, Art. A, par. 8 }
  Balaam had been greatly terrified by his encounter with the angel, on the journey to Moab. But he now flattered himself that by his offerings the divine anger would be appeased; and his first words on entering the presence of God were an enumeration of these sacrifices on Baal’s heights. But they had been offered without repentance, faith, obedience, or love, by hearts that were filled with enmity to God, his ways, and his purposes. He who is perfect in wisdom and holiness, cannot accept the fruit of hypocrisy, covetousness, and malice. { ST December 2, 1880, par. 11 }


  Brother and Sister P, while you have been making a profession of Christianity you have been keeping back part of the price. You have robbed God of thought and devotion; you have robbed Him of your talents and influence. Your inclinations have been a snare to you. You have not followed the light that God has graciously given you in testimonies; and you have done things that without repentance and reformation on your part will exclude you from heaven. Had you heeded the reproofs sent to you by the Holy Spirit you would now be strong in God and far advanced in Christian experience, and you would have had an entirely different record in the books of heaven. { 5T 434.2} 
  “We are saved through the merit of the blood of Christ, but Christ’s righteousness does not cover the sin of transgressing God’s law, without repentance. We must do all in our power to keep the commandments of God, and then he will impute unto us his righteousness, because we believe in Christ and seek to obey the divine law. This is the reason that Christ came to this world, that he might bring his righteousness to man, that man might lay hold of his strength, and make peace with God. God accepts the efforts of man to keep the law, because Christ imputes his righteousness to him. We could not keep the law in our own strength. { ST September 23, 1889, par. 7 }​


  Many look upon the days of Israel as a time of darkness, when men were without Christ, without repentance and faith. Many hold the erroneous doctrine that the religion of the children of Israel consisted in forms and ceremonies in which faith in Christ had no part. But men in that age were saved by Christ as verily as men are saved by Him today.... Christ was shadowed forth in the sacrifices and symbols, which were to last till type should reach antitype in His coming to our world. The Hebrews rejoiced in a Saviour to come. We rejoice in a Saviour who has come, and who is coming again.... Christ’s blood avails for us, as it did for ancient Israel.  { TMK 101.4} 


                                                   without  repentance  of  their  sins                                                   
   Kings and rulers came to the wilderness to hear the prophet, and were interested and deeply convicted as he fearlessly pointed out their particular sins. His discernment of character and spiritual sight read the purposes and hearts of those who came to him, and he fearlessly told, both rich and poor, the honorable and the lowly, that without repentance of their sins, and a thorough conversion, although they might claim to be righteous, they could not enjoy the favor of God, and have part in the kingdom of the Messiah, whose coming he announced. { RH January 7, 1873, par. 19 }


  Kings and rulers came to the wilderness to hear the prophet, and were interested, and deeply convicted as he fearlessly pointed out their particular sins. His discernment of character and spiritual sight read the purposes and hearts of those who came to him, and he fearlessly told, both rich and poor, the honorable and the lowly, that without repentance of their sins, and a thorough conversion, although they might claim to be righteous, they could not enjoy the favor of God, and have part in the kingdom of the Messiah, whose coming he announced. { 2SP 48.2 } 


  Kings and rulers came to the wilderness to hear the prophet, and were interested and deeply convicted as he fearlessly pointed out their particular sins. His discernment of character and spiritual sight read the purposes and hearts of those who came to him, and he fearlessly told both rich and poor, the honorable and the lowly, that without repentance of their sins and a thorough conversion, although they might claim to be righteous, they could not enjoy the favor of God and have part in the kingdom of the Messiah, whose coming he announced. { VSS 359.1} 




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