Signs of the Times

                   P E R I O D I C A L      P U B L I C A T I O N S                         

                      Writings  of  Ellen G. White  (1827 to 1915)

                       Signs of the Times

         +  The Sin of Achan  - -  Signs of the Times,  April  21, 1881  

            +   Sons of Samuel  - -  Signs of the Times,  February 2, 1882

            +   Address to the Workers  - -  Signs of the Times, Oct. 15, 1885

            +   The  Beatitudes   ( 4 part series )  - -  Signs of the Times,  May 9, 1892

         +  United with the Living Vine - - Signs of the Times, Dec. 26, 1892

            +   Our Country -- Its Dangers  ( United States )  - -  Sign of the Times,  July 4, 1899

            Hearing and Doing - - Signs of the Times, Sept. 24, 1896
            The Joy of Giving   - -  Signs of the Times, Jan. 22, 1902
            Let this Mind be in You - - Signs of the Times, Sept. 2, 1902
            To God be the Glory -  Manuscript Release, Volume 18,  Number 1319
            The Victorious Life  (her last published work) - Test. to Ministers, page 516                              


             Articles   published   so far on this site

   The Sin of Achan  - -  Signs of the Times,  April  21, 1881      

   Address to the Workers  - -  Sign of the Times,  Oct. 15, 1885   

   United with the Living Vine - - Signs of the Times, Dec. 26, 1892       

   The  Beatitudes   ( 4 part series )  - -  Signs of the Times,  May 9, 1892




 Christ had been warning the people of the coming of the kingdom of God, and He had sharply rebuked their ignorance and indifference. The signs in the sky, which foretold the weather, they were quick to read; but the signs of the times, which so clearly pointed to His mission, were not discerned. { COL 212.2



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