Meekness of Christ (139)

   Quotations from the writings of Ellen G. White with the phrase . . .

         M e e k n e s s     o f    c h r i s t          (  3  RELATED  PHRASES  )                                       

      The phrase 'meekness of Christ'  appears  139  times in the published writings of EGW           See page on Original site           Related Phrase:   His meekness  (  )   - -   meekness  (  )   

   Those who are truly connected with God will not be at variance with one another. . . . His Spirit ruling in their hearts will create harmony, love, and unity. The opposite of this works in the children of Satan; there is with them a continual contradiction. Strife and envy and jealousy are the ruling elements. The characteristic of the Christian is the meekness of Christ. Benevolence, kindness, mercy, and love originate from Infinite Wisdom, while the opposite is the unholy fruit of a heart that is not in harmony with Jesus Christ. . . .In union there is strength. In division there is weakness and defeat.  {OHC 170.3}


  All who are consecrated to God will be channels of light. God makes them His agents to communicate to others the riches of His grace. . . . Our influence upon others depends not so much upon what we say, as upon what we are. Men may combat and defy our logic, they may resist our appeals; but a life of disinterested love is an argument they cannot gainsay. A consistent life, characterized by the meekness of Christ, is a power in the world.--  Desire of Ages, pp. 141, 142.  {ChS 21.4}


  It is not necessary to specify here how economy may be practiced in every particular. Those whose hearts are fully surrendered to God, and who take His word as their guide, will know how to conduct themselves in all the duties of life. They will learn of Jesus, who is meek and lowly of heart; and in cultivating the meekness of Christ, they will close the door against innumerable temptations. {AH 380.1}  {CE 165.1}
  Now that Jesus has ascended to heaven, His disciples are His representatives among men, and one of the most effective ways of winning souls to Him is in exemplifying His character in our daily life. . . . A consistent life, characterized by the meekness of Christ, is a power in the world.  {CC 280.6}
  No work done for the Master must be considered inferior and of little account. . . . If it is done cheerfully, humbly, and in the meekness of Christ, it will result in the glory of God.-- Letter 88, 1895.  {Evangelism, 471.4}


  When laborers are associated together who decidedly vary, both in natural disposition and character, and in their manner of labor, each will need to keep a careful watch over his own strong traits of character, and to exercise the meekness of Christ, or he will be in danger of drawing apart from the others. Such a separation would retard the work and dishonor God. Brethren, you should make no move independently or in opposition to one another. Pray together; counsel together in humility, willing to be instructed. This will bring you where God will be your counselor. By indulging a stubborn, self-confident spirit, workers can easily place themselves where divine wisdom and power cannot aid them in their labors, where they cannot have help in counsel, in difficulties, and trials.  {GW92 305.1}
  We are far behind what we should be in our experience. We are backward in pronouncing the testimony that should flow from sanctified lips. Even when sitting at the table Christ taught truths that brought comfort and courage to the hearts of His hearers. Whenever it is possible we are to present the words of Christ. If His love is in the soul, abiding there as a living principle, there will come forth from the treasure house of the heart, words suitable to the occasion, not light, trifling words, but uplifting words, words of truth and spirituality. . . . Confessing Christ openly and bravely, exhibiting in the choice of words the simplicity of true godliness, will be more effective than many sermons. There are but few who give a true representation of the meekness of Christ.  Oh, we need, and we must have, His meekness. Christ is to be formed within, the hope of glory.  {HP 363.3}


  No matter by whom light is sent, we should open our hearts to receive it with the meekness of Christ. But many do not do this. When a controverted point is presented, they pour in question after question, without admitting a point when it is well sustained. O, may we act as men who want light! May God give us His Holy Spirit day by day, and let the light of His countenance shine upon us, that we may be learners in the school of Christ.  {GW 301.2}


In The Meekness Of Christ

     No human being is to seek to bind other human beings to himself as if he were to control them, telling them to do this and forbidding them to do that, commanding, dictating, acting like an officer over a company of soldiers. This is the way the priests and rulers did in Christ's day, but it is not the right way. After the truth has made the impression upon hearts, and men and women have accepted its teachings, they are to be treated as the property of Christ, not as the property of man. In fastening minds to yourself, you lead them to disconnect from the source of their wisdom and sufficiency. Their dependence must be wholly in God; only thus can they grow in grace {9T 146.2}


                        The  spirit  and  the  meekness  of  Christ                           


   Some for whom you labor will wish to have the work done in their own way, thinking that their way is best; but if you have the spirit and the meekness of Christ, if you show respect and love for one another, God will enable you to perfect the work in a manner that will please Him. Work for your own souls until self is subdued, until Christ recognizes His image in you. This will be the most impressive lesson that you can give to those whom you educate.  {GW 461.1}


  Let not those who have the truth as it is in Jesus give sanction, even by their silence, to the work of the mystery of iniquity. Let them never cease to sound the note of alarm. Let the education and training of the members of our churches be such that the children and youth among us shall understand there are to be no concessions to this power, the man of sin. Teach them that although the time will come when we can wage the war only at the risk of property and liberty, yet the conflict must be met, in the spirit and meekness of Christ; the truth is to be maintained and advocated as it is in Jesus. Wealth, honor, comfort, home--everything else--is to be a secondary consideration.  The truth must not be hid, it must not be denied or disguised, but fully avowed, and boldly proclaimed.  {2SM 369.3}


  Let not those who have the truth as it is in Jesus give sanction, even by their silence, to the work of the mystery of iniquity. Let them never cease to sound the note of alarm. Let the education and training of the members of our churches be such that the children and youth among us shall understand there are to be no concessions to this power, the man of sin. Teach them that although the time will come when we can wage the war only at the risk of property and liberty, yet the conflict must be met, in the spirit and meekness of Christ; the truth is to be maintained and advocated as it is in Jesus. Wealth, honor, comfort, home, -- everything else, -- is to be a secondary consideration. The truth must not be hid, it must not be denied or disguised, but fully avowed, and boldly proclaimed.  {GCDB, April 13, 1891 par. 14}




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