Relationship with Christ (20)

     Quotations from the writings of Ellen G. White with the phrase . . .

         r e l a t i o n s h i p    w i t h    c h r i s t          (  3  RELATED  PHRASES )      

          The  phrase  'relationship with Christ'  appears  20  times in the published writings of EGW                    see page on Original site                              Related Phase:   personal relationship with Christ  (  )  - -  close relationship with Christ (below)  - -  relationship with God  (  )

   My dear brethren and sisters, God is not pleased with a spirit of criticism and faultfinding. We must humble our hearts daily before God, and seek for a new conversion, that we may be brought into right relationship with Christ Jesus. Those who are striving to keep the commandments of God, ought to be in harmony, and to show a spirit of humility and love. God is not in any of the differences that are so apparent. He does not inspire words of faultfinding. He is now calling upon us to humble ourselves under the hand of the Almighty, in order that he may lift us up.  {RH, December 13, 1906 par. 9}


  All our powers are to be used for Christ. This is the debt we each owe to God. In forming a relationship with Christ,  the renewed man is but coming back to his appointed relationship with God. He is a representative of Christ, and he is ever to pray and watch unto prayer. His duties lie around him, nigh and afar off. His first duty is to his children and his earnest relatives. Nothing can excuse him from neglecting the inner circle for the larger circle outside.  {1MCP 162.1}


  In forming a relationship with Christ, the renewed man is but coming back to his appointed relationship with God.  He is a representative of Christ. . . . His duties lie around him, nigh and afar off. His first duty is to his children and his nearest relatives. Nothing can excuse him from neglecting the inner circle for the larger circle outside. In the day of final reckoning fathers and mothers will be required to answer in regard to their children. Parents will be asked what they did and said to secure the salvation of the souls they took upon themselves the responsibility of bringing into the world. . . .  {OHC 304.2}
  In forming a relationship with Christ, the renewed man is but coming back to his appointed relationship with God. . . . His first duty is to his children and his nearest relatives. Nothing can excuse him from neglecting the inner circle for the larger circle outside. In the day of final reckoning fathers and mothers . . . will be asked what they did and said to secure the salvation of the souls they took upon themselves the responsibility of bringing into the world. Did they neglect their lambs, leaving them to the care of strangers? . . . A great good done for others will not cancel the debt you owe to God to care for your children. The spiritual welfare of your family comes first.  {SD 252.2}


  Those who are ever pressing a little closer to the world, and becoming more like them in feelings, in plans, in ideas, have left a space between them and the Saviour, and Satan has pressed his way into this space, and low, worldly-tainted, selfish plans become interwoven with their experience. God's voice is addressing this class, which are not few: "He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches." It is of consequence that you hear attentively and obey. Come into close relationship with Christ. Keep your souls in constant contact with the world, and its customs will become your customs, its practices will become your practices, if you place yourselves where you will see and hear and feel and act as they do.  {RH, June 7, 1887 par. 10}
  Jesus says: [John 17:20-23, quoted]. How Jesus leads our minds out to take more and more extensive views of the privileges and advantages that have been provided for man in coming in close relationship with ChristThe believer may bear the testimony in his life and character that God loves the human agent who obeys His commands as He loves His Son. How amazing is this statement--almost beyond the comprehension of the finite mind! Jesus says further, "I have declared unto them Thy name, and will declare it: that the love wherewith Thou hast loved Me may be in them, and I in them" [verse 26].  {14MR 85.2}


  Time is short, and there is a world to be warned. Souls are to be hunted for, fished for. The Lord has given to every man his work. Everyone is under obligation to obey the law of God. He who is a doer of the will of God, who conscientiously holds his talents in trust as a precious gift to be used in the Master's service, will be accounted a wise steward. Each worker is to say from the heart, " I have come into close relationship with Christ. I have taken upon myself sacred vows. When I was baptized in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, I was buried with Christ in the likeness of His death, and raised in the likeness of His resurrection. I am pledged to consecrate my life to His service."  {13MR 217.2}
Related Phrase:    Relationship with God


                                                Close  relationship  with  Christ                                                           


   It is obedience to the word of the living God that brings men into close relationship with Christ. Today he is saying, as he said to the Jewish people, Oh that "thou hadst known, even thou, at least in this thy day, the things which belong unto thy peace"! And soon will be heard the irrevocable sentence, "But now they are hid from thine eyes." He said, again, as he wept over the devoted city: "O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not." It was not that the Jewish people could not receive Christ; they would not. Thus it will be with many in our day.  {RH, April 17, 1900 par. 8}


  Judas had had great light; he had had many opportunities to understand what were the requirements of God. Numbered among the twelve, he had listened to the lessons of Christ; he had heard the truth, and he had no excuse for failing to form a character after the likeness of Christ. It had been his privilege to behold the character of Christ, to contemplate his goodness, his compassion, to see his works of mercy, to behold his wonderful miracles in healing the sick and giving life to the dead. He should have been rich in faith, and bound to Christ with cords of love which nothing could sever; but though a hearer of the words of Christ, he was not a doer of his word. Had Judas improved his opportunities and appreciated his privileges while being in close relationship with Christ as a disciple, he would have watched unto prayer, and would have overcome his besetting sin, avarice and covetousness, which is idolatry, and would have become transformed in character. But, although Christ gave lessons in condemnation of this sin, Judas did not feel his danger. He did not make his request to God for the aid of the Holy Spirit to help his infirmities, nor did he earnestly strive for the best gifts in order that he might accomplish the greatest good and receive grace for grace.  {ST, July 18, 1895 par. 2}


Truth never brings the soul into bondage. It is turning from truth to error that brings the soul into captivity. The one who is bond up in close relationship with Christ is freed from the slavery of sin.{ST, August 22, 1900 par. 15}


                                                 Closest  relationship  with  Christ                                                   


   There is a heaven of bliss, free from all dissension, free from all selfishness, free from poverty, sickness, oppression. Then I entreat you who have a heaven to gain and a hell to shun, do not be presumptuous. Link up in the closest relationship with Christ, and depart from every species of iniquity. That character which expresses the glory, the character of Christ, will be received into the Paradise of God. A renovated race will walk with Christ in white, for they are worthy. The likeness of Christ's character is revealed in every soul. There is a new heaven, and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness. O shall we not here form characters after the divine similitude? Shall we not become transformed into the likeness of God? If Christ died to destroy the work of the devil, it is essential for us to understand what these works are.  {1888 1429.2}


  James was one of the three favored disciples who had been brought into the closest relationship with Christ. James, John, and Peter were his chief witnesses after his death. They saw the transfiguration of the Saviour, and beheld him glorified. They were in the garden with him during the night of his agony. James and John were the sons of Zebedee, the ones whom Jesus had asked, "Are ye able to drink of the cup that I shall drink of, and to be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with?" When James was rudely thrust into prison, and unceremoniously summoned to execution, he understood more fully than ever before, the words of his Lord upon that occasion.  {7Red 68.1}




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