Christ died for them (6)

   Quotations from the writings of Ellen G. White with the phrase . . .

          C H R I S T    d i e d    f o r    t h e m       (  2  RELATED  PHRASES )              

     The  phrase  'Christ died for them'  appears  6  times in the published writings of EGW          See page on Original site                           Related Phase:   Christ died to . . .

   Not only are those of the household of faith to be cared for; but we are also to labor for those who are not with us in the faith. Christ died for them. They are the purchase of his blood, and are of value in God’s sight. They need to be pointed to the Saviour. This you may do by speaking words of courage and hope to them, giving, if need be, tangible proof of your interest in them by helping them to procure food and clothing. Many could be reached by the truth if God’s people gave evidence of a genuine interest in them. { RH January 31, 1899, par. 9 }


  Ample provision has been made that the people of God may attain perfection of character. The apostle says, “This is the will of God, even your sanctification.” Let every individual draw for himself from the inexhaustible source of all moral and intellectual power, in order that he may work the works of righteousness. Through the cross of Calvary every facility is furnished whereby man may be in union with his fellow men, and in harmony with Christ in God. The Father says that he will love those who believe that Christ died for them, even as he loves his only begotten Son. The cross of Christ is the assurance that we may be complete in him. “God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” In Christ is excellence, in him is intellectual greatness and moral efficiency. { RH November 30, 1897, par. 9 }


  Christ died for them that they might have life. He opened before them the way whereby they might, through His merits, keep the law of God. Christ says, “I know thy works: behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it” ( Revelation 3:8). How hard men work to close that door; but they are not able. John’s testimony is, “And the temple of God was opened in heaven, and there was seen in His temple the ark of His testament” ( Revelation 11:19). Beneath the mercy seat, within the ark, were the two tables of stone, containing the law of Jehovah. God’s faithful ones saw the light that shone forth to them from the law, to be given to the world. And now Satan’s intense activity is to close that door of light; but Jesus says that no man can shut it. Men will turn from the light, denounce it, and despise it, but it still shines forth in clear, distinct rays to cheer and bless all who will see it. { FW 46.2} 
  We want the truth on every point, and we must search for it as for hid treasures. Dishes of fables are presented to us on every hand, and men choose to believe error rather than truth, because the acceptance of the truth involves a cross. Self must be denied; self must be crucified. Therefore Satan presents to them an easier way by making void the law of God. When God lets man have his own way, it is the darkest hour of his life. For a willful, disobedient child to be left to have his own way, to follow the bent of his own mind, and gather the dark clouds of God’s judgment about him, is a terrible thing. But Satan has his agents who are too proud to repent, and who are constantly at work to tear down the cause of Jehovah and trample it under their feet. What a day of sorrow and despair when these meet their work with all its burden of results! Souls who might have been saved to Jesus Christ have been lost through their teachings and influence. Christ died for them that they might have life. He opened before them the way whereby they might, through his merits, keep the law of God. Christ says, “I know thy works; behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it.” How hard men work to close that door; but they are not able. John’s testimony is, “And the temple of God was opened in heaven, and there was seen in his temple the ark of his testament.” Beneath the mercy-seat, within the ark, were the two tables of stone, containing the law of Jehovah. God’s faithful ones saw the light that shone forth to them from the law, to be given to the world. And now Satan’s intense activity is to close that door of light; but Jesus says that no man can shut it. Men will turn from the light, denounce it, and despise it, but it still shines forth in clear, distinct rays to cheer and bless all who will see it. { RH August 25, 1885, par. 10 }


  We should have hearts overflowing with sympathy for souls for whom Christ died. We should seek to educate our children in the fear of God, teaching them that Christ died for themand that they may have salvation without money and without price. It will only be a little while before Jesus will come to save his children and to give them the finishing touch of immortality. “This corruptible shall put on incorruption, and this mortal shall put on immortality.” The graves will be opened, and the dead will come forth victorious, crying, “O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?” Our loved ones who sleep in Jesus will come forth clothed with immortality. And as the redeemed shall ascend to Heaven, the gates of the city of God will swing back, and those who have kept the truth will enter in. A voice, richer than any music that ever fell on mortal ear, will be heard saying, “Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.” Then the righteous will receive their reward. Their lives will run parallel with the life of Jehovah. They will cast their crowns at the Redeemer’s feet, touch the golden harps, and fill all Heaven with rich music. { ST April 15, 1889, par. 5 }
  Christ died for them [the youth] that they might have every opportunity of becoming partakers of the divine nature. Every youth should be properly instructed, for this means a great deal. Will they perpetuate the attributes of character received? The will of one is not to be violently forced by the will of another{ 12MR 268.1 } 


                               Christ  died  for  --






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