God cannot bless (35)

    Quotations from the writings of Ellen G. White with the phrase . . .

           g o d    c a n n o t    B L E S S            (  2  RELATED  PHRASES )      

          The  phrase  'God cannot bless'  appears  35  times in the published writings of EGW                        See  page on Original site                          Related Phrase:  Blessings of God  ( 121 )  - -   God cannot bless those who . . .  (  )

  When the laborers have an abiding Christ in their own souls, when all selfishness is dead, when there is no rivalry, no strife for the supremacy, when oneness exists, when they sanctify themselves, so that love for one another is seen and felt, then the showers of the grace of the Holy Spirit will just as surely come upon them as that God’s promise will never fail in one jot or tittle. But when the work of others is discounted, that the workers may show their own superiority, they prove that their own work does not bear the signature it should. God cannot bless them.— Manuscript 24, 1896. { 1SM 175.2}   { LDE 190.1 }


  When the laborers have an abiding Christ in their own souls, when all selfishness is dead, when there is no rivalry, no strife for the supremacy, when oneness exists, when they sanctify themselves, so that love for one another is seen and felt, then the showers of the grace of the Holy Spirit will just as surely come upon them as that God’s promise will never fail in one jot or tittle. But when the work of others is discounted, that the workers may show their own superiority, they prove that their own work does not bear the signature it should, God cannot bless them. — Manuscript 24, 1896, 4. (“Unselfishness among Brethren,” September 9, 1896.) { 1MR 178.1 }  



  Christ sees that little heed is paid to his instruction. His people come to him in prayer, asking favors of him, while at the same time they are cherishing hatred against their brethren, not only thinking, but speaking evil of them. God cannot bless them; for they refuse to put out of the way that which causes discord and variance. They would not appreciate the blessing of God should he give it to them as they desire. { RH April 8, 1902, par. 6 }

  Little heed is paid to the instruction Christ has given. His people come to him in prayer, asking favors, while at the same time they are cherishing hatred against their brother, not only thinking, but speaking evil of him. God cannot bless them; for they refuse to put out of the way that which causes discord and variance. They would not appreciate the blessing of God, should he give it to them as they desire. { SW January 1, 1907, Art. A, par. 6 }​


The rich blessings of heaven are all ready to be showered upon us. Don’t be selfish. With too many, all there is to religion is: Me and my family. They will not go out of their way to help and bless any others. In such case, God cannot bless them. It is when we are drawn out from self that God blesses us. He wants us to be drawn out from ourselves. That which we sow, we will reap. If you sow selfishness, you will reap selfishness, that is, you will have it fastened upon you. Let us get out of self and talk of the mercies and blessings of God. { UL 147.4} 


  In the kindest and tenderest manner nurses are to teach that he who would be healed must cease to transgress the law of God. He must cease to choose a life of sin. God cannot bless the one who continues to bring upon himself disease and suffering by a willful violation of the laws of heaven. But Christ, through the Holy Spirit, comes as a healing power to those who cease to do evil and learn to do well. { CH 406.4} 



  Many confessed that they had not paid tithes for years; and we know that God cannot bless those who are robbing Him, and that the church must suffer in consequence of the sins of its individual members. There are a large number of names on our church books; and if all would be prompt in paying an honest tithe to the Lord, which is His portion, the treasury would not lack for means.... { CS 95.2} 


  “Satan has crippled our efforts by so affecting the church as to call forth from us almost double labor to cut our way through the darkness and unbelief. These efforts to set things in order in the churches have exhausted our strength, and lassitude and debility have followed. I saw that we have a work to do, but the adversary of souls will resist every effort that we attempt to make. The people may be in a state of backsliding, so that God cannot bless them, and this will be disheartening; but we should not be discouraged. We should do our duty in presenting the light, and leave the responsibility with the people.” { 3T 11.3} 


  Will you not, my brethren, examine yourselves, to see if there are not humble confessions to be made of evil surmising, — watching for evil, thinking evil, and talking evil,—for if these things are cherished, God cannot bless you. All this must be put out of the heart. “Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.” “Brethren, if any of you do err from the truth, and one convert him, let him know that he which converteth the sinner from the error of his way, shall save a soul from death, and shall hide a multitude of sins. { RH December 18, 1888, Art. C, par. 13 }


  As long as the church in any location shall feel at liberty to handle character as they have done in the past, and to act as judges of one another, God cannot bless them. We must keep off the enemy’s ground. He is the accuser of the brethren, and accuses them before God day and night. He tempts them to sin, and constantly leads them to transgress the law of God. Then he presents their defection and transgression as a reason why he should work his will to destroy them, and why God should not interpose his power against Satan’s power. { HM November 1, 1897, Art. B, par. 6 }


            g o d    c a n n o t    b l e s s     t h e    c h u r c h                                                                 


   There are those who cherish a spirit of envy and hatred against their brethren, calling it the Spirit of God. There are those who go up and down as talebearers, accusing and condemning, blackening character, inspiring hearts with maliciousness. They carry false reports to the doors of their neighbors, who, as they listen to the slander, lose the Spirit of God. Not even the messenger of God, who bears to the people His truth, is spared.  {UL 122.2}
   This sin is worse than the sin of Achan. Its influence is not confined to those who cherish it. It is a root of bitterness, whereby many are defiled. God cannot bless the church till it is purged of this evil that corrupts minds and spirits, the souls of those who do not repent and change their course of action.  {UL 122.3}



   This sin is worse than the sin of Achan. Its influence is not confined to those who cherish it. It is a root of bitterness, whereby many are defiled. God cannot bless the church till it is purged of this evil that corrupts minds and spirits, the souls of those who do not repent and change their course of action. { 18MR 147.6 } 




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