Stirred to action (4)

    Quotations from the writings of Ellen G. White with the phrase . . .

         s t i r r e d    t o    A C T I O N        (  2  RELATED  PHRASES )         

     The  phrase  'stirred to action'  appears  4  times in the writings of EGW          page NOT on Original site              Related phrase:   stirred them to action  ( 2 )  below  - -  arouse to action  ( 22 )

  The levity of some, the free speeches of others, the manner of treating the messenger and the message when in their private stopping places, the spirit that stirred to action from beneath, all stand registered in the books of heaven. And when these persons are tried and brought over the ground again, the same spirit will be revealed. When the Lord has sufficiently tried them, if they do not yield to Him, He will withdraw His Holy Spirit. May the Lord grant that those who are deceived may make thorough work before probation closes. { 16MR 113.2 } 


  The levity of some, the free speeches of others, the manner of treating the messenger and the message when in their private stopping places, the spirit that stirred to action from beneath, all stand registered in the books of heaven. And when these persons are tried and brought over the ground again, the same spirit will be revealed. When the Lord has sufficiently tried them, if they do not yield to Him, He will withdraw His Holy Spirit. May the Lord grant that those who are deceived may make thorough work before probation closes. { 1888 1031.2 } 
  It was Aaron, “the saint of the Lord” ( Psalm 106:16), who had made the idol and announced the feast. He had failed to stop the idolaters in their heaven-defying plan. He was not stirred to action by the proclamation before the molten image, “This is your god, O Israel, that brought you out of the land of Egypt.” He had been with Moses on the mountain and had seen the glory of the Lord there. He was the one who had changed that glory into the image of an ox. God had committed to him the government of the people in Moses’ absence, but he had permitted rebellion. “The Lord was very angry with Aaron and would have destroyed him” ( Deuteronomy 9:20). But in answer to Moses’ intercession, his life was spared; he repented for his great sin and was restored to the favor of God. { BOE 156.2 } 
  Haggai’s hearers took the message to heart. The leaders and people dared not disregard the instruction sent — that prosperity, both temporal and spiritual, depended on faithful obedience to God’s commands. Stirred to action, Zerubbabel and Joshua, “with the remnant of the people, obeyed the voice of the Lord their God, and the words of Haggai the prophet.” Verse 12. { RR 202.2 } 


            s t i r r e d    t h e m    t o    A C T I O N               

     The phrase 'stirred them to action'  appears  2  times in the writings of EGW  

   There is a class that are represented by Meroz. The missionary spirit has never taken hold of their souls. The calls of foreign missions have not stirred them to action. What account will those render to God, who are doing nothing in His cause,— nothing to win souls to Christ? Such will receive the denunciation, “Thou wicked and slothful servant.”— Historical Sketches, 290. { ChS 36.1} 


  There is a class that are represented by Meroz. The missionary spirit has never taken hold of their souls. The calls of foreign missions have not stirred them to action. What account will those render to God, who are doing nothing in his cause,— nothing to win souls to Christ? Such will receive the denunciation, “Thou wicked and slothful servant.” { HS 290.3 } 


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