Arrested (to be arrested)

    Quotations from the writings of Ellen G. White with the phrase . . .

             t o   b e    a r r e s t e d          (  4  RELATED  PHRASES )     

        The  phrase  'to be arrested'  appears  10  times in the writings of EGW           page on Original site                 Related phrases:   prepared to be arrested  ( below )

   Neither the king nor his princes “was afraid, nor did they tear their garments.” Certain of the princes, however, “implored the king not to burn the scroll; but he would not listen to them.” The wicked king sent for Jeremiah and Baruch to be arrested, “but the Lord hid them.” Verses 24-26. { RR 154.1 } 


  Judas did not, however, believe that Christ would permit Himself to be arrested. In betraying Him, it was his purpose to teach Him a lesson. He intended to play a part that would make the Saviour careful thenceforth to treat him with due respect. But Judas knew not that he was giving Christ up to death. How often, as the Saviour taught in parables, the scribes and Pharisees had been carried away with His striking illustrations! How often they had pronounced judgment against themselves! Often when the truth was brought home to their hearts, they had been filled with rage, and had taken up stones to cast at Him; but again and again He had made His escape. Since He had escaped so many snares, thought Judas, He certainly would not now allow Himself to be taken. { DA 720.5} 
  I saw that the priests who are leading on their flock to death are soon to be arrested in their dreadful career. The plagues of God are coming, but it will not be sufficient for the false shepherds to be tormented with one or two of these plagues. God’s hand at that time will be stretched out still in wrath and justice and will not be brought to Himself again until His purposes are fully accomplished, and the hireling priests are led to worship at the feet of the saints, and to acknowledge that God has loved them because they held fast the truth and kept God’s commandments, and until all the unrighteous ones are destroyed from the earth. { EW 124.1} 


  Judas did not, however, believe Christ would permit Himself to be arrested. In betraying Him, it was his purpose to teach Him a lesson. He intended to make the Saviour careful thenceforth to treat him with due respect. Often when the scribes and Pharisees had taken up stones to cast at Him, He had made His escape. Since He had escaped so many snares, He certainly would not now allow Himself to be taken. { HLv 479.3 } 
  Judas did not, however, believe that Christ would permit Himself to be arrested. In betraying Him, Judas intended to teach Him a lesson. He wanted to make the Savior careful to treat him with due respect from then on. Often when the scribes and Pharisees had picked up stones to throw at Him, He had made His escape. Since He had escaped so many traps, He certainly would not now allow Himself to be taken. { HH 331.3 } 


       p r e p a r e d    t o   b e    a r r e s t e d          

        This  phrase  appears  3  times in the writings of EGW        

     As Christ was hated without cause, so will his people be hated because they are obedient to the commandments of God. If he who was pure, holy, and undefiled, who did good, and only good, in our world, was treated as a base criminal, and condemned to death, his disciples must expect but similar treatment, however faultless may be their life and blameless their character. Human enactments, laws manufactured by satanic agencies under a plea of goodness and restriction of evil, will be exalted, while God’s holy commandments are despised and trampled underfoot. And all who prove their loyalty by obedience to the law of Jehovah must be prepared to be arrested, to be brought before councils that have not for their standard the high and holy law of God. { RH December 26, 1899, Art. A, par. 14 }


   As Christ was hated without cause, so will His people be hated without cause, merely because they are obedient to the commandments of God and do His works in the place of working directly contrary to them. If He who was pure, holy, and undefiled, who did good and only good in our world, was treated as a base criminal, and condemned to death without a vestige of evidence against Him, what can His disciples expect but similar treatment, however, faultless may be their life and blameless their character? Human enactments, laws manufactured by satanic agencies under a plea of goodness and restriction of evil, will be exalted, while God’s holy enactments are despised and trampled underfoot. And all who prove their loyalty by obedience to the law of Jehovah must be prepared to be arrested, to be brought before councils that have not for their standard the high and holy law of God, but have made stringent laws inspired by him whose attributes were manifested at the trial of Christ. “We have a law,” these men said, “and by our law He ought to die” [John 19:7]. { 19MR 163.1 } 


  Many of the opposers of God’s truth, devise mischief in their heads upon their beds, and in the day, they carry out their mischief and wicked devices, to put down the truth, and get something new to interest, and take the minds of their people, and divert them from the precious, all-important truth. I saw that the priests who are leading on their flock to death, are soon to be arrested in their dreadful career. The plagues of God are coming, and after one or two has fallen, and they are tormented with the plagues, it is not enough; for all this, his hand is stretched out still, and will not be brought to himself again, until his purposes are fully accomplished, and they will be led to worship at the saints’ feet, and acknowledge that God has loved them, because they held fast the truth, and kept God’s commandments. And his hand is stretched out still in wrath and justice, and he will not rest from his anger, until the hireling priests and all the unrighteous are destroyed from the earth. { ExV54 44.3 } 


  Human enactments, laws manufactured by satanic agencies under a plea of goodness and restriction of evil, will be exalted, while God’s holy commandments are despised and trampled underfoot. And all who prove their loyalty by obedience to the law of Jehovah must be prepared to be arrested, to be brought before councils that have not for their standard the high and holy law of God ( Review and Herald, December 26, 1899). { 7BC 977.5 }
  Human enactments, laws manufactured by satanic agencies under a plea of goodness and restriction of evil, will be exalted, while God’s holy commandments are despised and trampled underfoot. And all who prove their loyalty by obedience to the law of Jehovah must be prepared to be arrested, to be brought before councils that have not for their standard the high and holy law of God. { Mar 195.3} 


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