Quotations from the writings of Ellen G. White with the phrase . . .
w h e n A f f L I c t i o n c o m e s ( 3 RELATED PHRASES ) |
The phrase 'when affliction comes' appears 9 times in the published writings of EGW page not on Original site Related phrase: when afflictions come ( 2 ) [ below ] - - in afflication ( ) - - affliction comes to us ( )
And he brings forth fruit "with patience." None who receive God's word are exempt from difficulty and trial; but when affliction comes, the true Christian does not become restless, distrustful, or despondent. Though we can not see the definite outcome of affairs, or discern the purpose of God's providences, we are not to cast away our confidence. Remembering the tender mercies of the Lord, we should cast our care upon Him, and with patience wait for His salvation. {COL 60.4} Read entire Chapter 2 |
We should keep our minds upon the love, the mercy, and the graciousness of our God.... It is no sign that Jesus has ceased to love us because we experience doubts and discouragements. Affliction comes to us in the providence of God in order that we may see that Christ is our helper, that in Him is love and consolation. We may receive grace whereby we may be overcomers and inherit the life that measures with the life of God. We must have such an experience that when affliction comes upon us we shall not depart from the faith.... { TMK 278.3} |
There are many who do not bear the testing of their fidelity. When affliction comes upon them, and they are perplexed by circumstances, and cannot discover the purpose of God’s providence, they become impatient and distrustful. They cast away their confidence, forgetful of the tender mercies of the past, and their hearts are filled with unrest and repining. They neglect prayer, and refuse the comfort and instruction of the Bible. They seek for counselors among the children of men, questioning the dealing of God, and striving to know what he has wisely concealed. { ST August 19, 1889, par. 4 } |
It is no sign that Jesus has ceased to love us because we experience doubts and discouragements. Affliction comes to us in the providence of God in order that we may see that Christ is our helper, that in him is love and consolation. We may receive grace whereby we may be overcomers, and inherit the life that measures with the life of God. We must have an experience so that when affliction comes upon us, we shall not depart from our faith, and choose fables. { ST May 7, 1896, par. 1 } |
It is no sign that Jesus has ceased to love us because we experience doubts and discouragements. Affliction comes to us in the providence of God in order that we may see that Christ is our helper, that in him is love and consolation. We may receive grace whereby we may be overcomers, and inherit the life that measures with the life of God. We must have an experience so that when affliction comes upon us, we shall not depart from our faith and choose fables.— Signs of the Times, May 7, 1896. { PH048 33.1 } |
When you start out, the enemy may put into your minds some cheap, common, sensual thought; but lift your souls to Jesus Christ and think of His purity, and they will not long remain. Talk of His glory, think of His life; and when affliction comes to you, let it prove you to be God’s workmen, working out a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory. Then talk of His glory, and let your soul be full of the love of Jesus, and your hearts be uplifted to God every morning and noon and evening and if we fight the good fight of faith we shall come off victorious.—Ms. 3, 1889. (MR 900.15) { 1SAT 101.1 } |
Let us consider these things. They are so simple that we can readily keep them in mind. My brother, my sister, every day lift your heart to God in prayer. Say, “Teach me, lead me, guide me.” When affliction comes, and you suffer pain, tell Him that you need Him all the more, and that you cannot let Him go; you must have the assurance of His presence. He knows all about your trials. He, the second Adam, redeemed us from suffering the results of Adam’s disgraceful fall. In every point He overcame the enemy, and through His strength we can win the overcomer’s reward, eternal life. { 2SAT 236.4 } |
When Affliction Comes, March 22 |
When he was in affliction, he besought the Lord his God, and humbled himself greatly before the God of his fathers. 2 Chronicles 33:12. . . . Let the afflictions which pain us so grievously become instructive lessons, teaching us to press forward toward the mark of the prize of our high calling in Christ. Let us be encouraged by the thought that the Lord is soon to come. Let this hope gladden our hearts. { AG 89.4} |
w h e n A f f L I c t i o n s c o m e |
Never did I feel the worth of my Saviour’s love as I feel it now. I can testify that if in prosperity we stand up for Jesus, in adversity, when afflictions come and we need more than mortal strength, Jesus will stand up for us. I find his arm mighty to save to the uttermost. The promises of God are now shining forth, like beams of light from Heaven, to comfort, strengthen, and bless my life. I take these promises as my own. I will not visit the graves of my loved ones to weep and lament. I will not think and talk of the darkness of the tomb. But I will present to my friends the glad morning of the resurrection, when the Life-giver shall break the fetters of the captives and call them forth to a glorious immortality. Jesus himself passed through the tomb, that we might look with joy to the resurrection morning. { PH168 56.2 } |
It will be known by the fruits you bear whether or not you are keeping the commandments of God. Those who are obedient children will not seek to see how little they can do and yet be saved; they will desire to obtain an abundant entrance into the kingdom of God. They will not murmur when afflictions come upon them. They will bear them with patience; for they will know that their faith is to be strengthened by the trial. Says the apostle, “That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honor and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ; whom having not seen, ye love; in whom, though now ye see him not, yet believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory.” The Lord, speaking by his prophet, says, “I will make a man more precious than fine gold; even a man than the golden wedge of Ophir.” Though man is a fallen being, he is to be highly exalted through the merits and righteousness of Christ. God has said it. Will we believe it? Will we submit to his refining, cleansing work in our hearts? or will we pursue such a course that our names will be blotted out of the book of life? { RH March 26, 1889, par. 10 } |
w h e n a f f l i c t i o n s c o m e s |
This is an important statement; for there are many who desire to love and serve God, and yet when afflictions comes upon them, they do not discern the love of God in it, but the hand of the enemy. They mourn and murmur and complain; but this is not the fruit of love to God in the soul. If we have perfect love, we shall know that God is not seeking to injure us, but that in the midst of trials, and griefs, and pains, He is seeking to make us perfect, and to test the quality of our faith. When we cease to worry about the future, and begin to believe that God loves us, and means to do us good, we shall trust Him as a child trusts a loving parent. Then our troubles and torments will disappear, and our will will be swallowed up in the will of God. { SD 193.2} |
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